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Lights On! あかりをつけて!

Let’s turn all the lights off.
Now, let’s take the offertory! Oh no! We can’t see which money we’re putting in! Okay, let’s not worry about the offertory.
How about if I asked us all to move around and greet each other?
Oh no! We can’t see where we’re going! We’d be bumping into chairs and Christmas trees and each other. (We might not even be sure who we were greeting.)
それではあちこち動き回って周りの人に挨拶をするのはどうでしょうか? あらまあ、どこへ行っているのか見えませんね!椅子やらクリスマスツリーやらお互いにぶつかり合ってしまいます。

There’s a problem with the darkness: we can’t see very well what we’re doing or where we’re going. 暗いと何をしているか、どこに行くかよく見えないので困ります。

Lights on!

This little demonstration leads us to our Christmas scripture for today:
John 1:6-9 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning the light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

At Christmas time, God turned the lights on! Through the birth of Jesus, which we celebrate at Christmas, He brought light into our dark world.

Now, this sounds very nice and poetic. But what does it really mean for us? ‘Light in a dark world?’ とても素敵で詩のように聞こえますが、実際私たちにどんな意味があるのでしょうか?‘暗い世界に光’?

Two things:
When we believe in Jesus as the Son of God and receive Him in our hearts and choose to follow Him as Christian people, it means we no longer have the darkness of sin in our lives.
When we believe in Jesus as the Son of God and receive Him in our hearts and choose to follow Him as Christian people, it means we have the light of God’s presence in our lives.
1. イエスを神の子として信じ、心に受け入れ、クリスチャンとして従うなら、私たちのうちに罪の暗闇がもうないということです。
2. イエスを神の子として信じ、心に受け入れ、クリスチャンとして従うなら、私たちのうちに神の臨在の光があるということです。

This means the penalty for sin and the natural tendency to sin is replaced with forgiveness, a tendency toward God’s righteousness and the joy of salvation. This is what the Christmas message brings. The tinsel, the turkey and the Christmas tunes are nice but they are nothing compared to the Christmas message of God sending His light into the world.
罪の罰と、罪を犯してしまう生まれ持った傾向が-許し-神の義へ向かう傾向、-救いの喜び に取って代わるということです。これがクリスマスメッセージがもたらしていることです。
ぴかぴか光る飾り付け、ターキー、クリスマスの歌は素敵です。でも神が世に光を送ってくださったというクリスマスのメッセージに比べたら何でもあり ません。

Now, there are two common errors in understanding this teaching about God bringing his light into our dark lives.
The first is from those who say, ‘My life is already so bad, so messed up, so painful, there is no hope of any light changing my life’. This is a lie and an insult to God.
一つは‘私の人生はもうすでにひどく、台無しにしてしまったし、つらいんです。光が私の人生を変える望みなんてありません’ これはうそであり、神への侮辱です。
The other (more common) error is from those people say, ‘My life’s not that bad, I live a good life, I don’t think my life is so dark.’ That’s because we’re measuring ourselves against human standards. God says otherwise. もう一つのよくある誤解は、‘私の人生はそんなに悪くない。いい生活を送っているし、私の人生は そんなに暗いとは思っていない’。それは人間の基準で計っているからそう言えるのです。神はそう言っていません。

Let me give this analogy.
When God’s light shines into our lives, it’s like turning on the lights in our house. We can see our house clearly and it might look pretty good! But here’s the thing: there’s a difference between a tidy house and a clean house.
Most of us I think are pretty good at tidying our houses. But cleaning them is another matter. This is complicated further by the fact that even if we clean our house thoroughly, what we think is clean, is actually unclean.
神の光が私たちを照らすと、私たちの家の光をつけているようなものです。家がよく見え、見た目も悪くありません。しかしきちんと片付いた家ときれいな家は違います。 私たちのほとんどは家を片付けるのは得意でしょう。しかしきれいにするのはまた別です。家をすみずみまで掃除したとしても、私たちがきれいだと 思っていても実際はきれいでないという事実により、さらにややこしくなります。

Let me demonstrate.
Let’s have a quick look at the top 10 dirtiest household items, in order:
10. Money お金
9. Light switch 電気のスイッチ
8. Computer keyboard パソコンのキーボード
7. Cell phone 携帯電話
6. Toilet seat 便座
5. Shopping cart ショッピングカート
4. Remote control リモコン
3. Bathtub 浴槽
2. Kitchen sink 台所の流し
1. Kitchen sponge! 台所のスポンジ!

In most homes, it would be cleaner to eat our meals off the toilet seat than off the kitchen sink!
The things that we think are the cleanest are actually the dirtiest! ほとんどの家では台所の流しよりも便座で食事をするほうがきれいなんですよ!いちばんきれいだと思っているところが実はいちばん汚いところなんです!

The same is true in our lives. Perhaps the best example of this is pride. We might think of it as ‘healthy pride in ourselves’ when really it is the very thing that is keeping us from God.
We might have tidy lives. We order them so they look and feel pretty good but God says no matter how hard we try to tidy our lives and how much we try to clean them, we’re scrubbing in the dark.

That’s why the prophet Isaiah wrote: All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags. (64:6)
We try to live well but underneath 私たちは立派に生きようとしますが、心の底では
we speak lies to those we love, 愛している人にうそをつく
we speak blasphemies against God, 神への冒涜をはく
we struggle with envy toward those who have more than us, 自分よりたくさん持っている人をうらやましがる
we struggle with forgiveness toward those who have hurt us, 自分を傷つけた人を赦せない
we struggle with pride because it hurts to be weak, 弱いと傷つくので誇り高ぶる
we struggle with selfishness because we think that that if we don’t put ourselves first then who will? 自分で自分を優先しなければ誰がする?と思うので自己中心的になる
we struggle with purity because our society is filled with pornography and we accept it

we struggle with spiritual laziness because we think it’s hard to truly seek God with all of our hearts 心をつくして本当に神を求めるのは難しいと思うので霊的に怠けてしまう
we struggle with doubt because we’re not sure we can really know God or trust Him with everything in our lives 神を本当に知ることができるのか、神にすべてをゆだねることができるのかが確かでないので疑う

We struggle to overcome these things but no matter how hard we try, we can’t.

And this futility breaks God’s heart because He loves us so much. It says that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
This is the message of love that is the Christmas message.

The Christmas light that Jesus brings exposes our untidyness and uncleanliness – not to shame us but to cleanse us. To heal us. To make us right with God. And to make us new people.

The Christmas message is one of God’s understanding and mercy and newness and love. It’s a message in which God says, ‘I see and I know your struggles and your pain better than you do. Let me shine my light through my Son Jesus,
イエスがもたらすクリスマスの光は、私たちの片付いていないこと、きれいでないことをさらけだします。それは私たちを辱しめるためでなく、私たちをきよめるため、癒すため、神と正しい関係を持つため、そして私たちを新しくするためです。 クリスマスのメッセージは神の理解、憐れみ、新しさ、愛の一つなのです。‘私にはあなたの悩み、痛みがあなたよりもよく見え、よく分かります。私の 子、イエスを通して私の光を輝かしてあげよう’と神が言っているメッセージです。
so that you can turn from your old ways, そうすれば今までの生き方から立ち返れる
so that you can know forgiveness, そうすれば赦しを知ることができる
so that you can be free from the poison of envy, そうすれば嫉みの毒から解放される
so that a lying tongue can be turned into one of grace, そうすればうその舌が恵みの舌に変えられる
so that you can find purity in your lives that you might see God, そうすれば生活がきよめられ神を見るこ と ができる
so that you can learn to trust God and walk with Him そうすれば神を信頼し、神とともに歩むようになる
so you can overcome sin and be free from the darkness of this world. そうすれば罪を克服し、この世の暗闇 から自由になれる

Col 1:13 The Father has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.

This is the Christmas message.
Ah, the tinsel is nice and the wrapping paper on the presents looks great but the next day it’s all gone. これがクリスマスのメッセージです。 ぴかぴかの飾りは素敵ですし、プレゼントの包装紙もすばらしいですが、次の日にはなくなってしまいます。
Col 1:13 The Father has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.
Jesus said:
John 12:35 Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. 36 Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.”

Tonight, I’d like to give you an invitation to receive the light of God, Jesus Christ.

I would like to give an invitation to those who have never known Him. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. (This is what we celebrate at Christmas.) He lived a perfect life, was killed and three days later rose from the dead. And He lives today! This is the gospel. And this is our testimony. Jesus is resurrected. We serve a risen Lord!
By his death, he removed our sins from us and made us right with God. By His resurrection He gives us new, full life both now and for eternity.
But these gifts of forgiveness and new life must be received by repentance and faith.
If you would like to receive the forgiveness of sins, the promise of new life and to live a life filled with the light and life of God, I invite you to come forward in a minute with everyone else and take communion, marking your entry into a new life in Christ.
罪なき人生を生き、殺され、3日後によみがえりました。そして今生きています!これが福音です。これが私たちの証しです。イエスはよみがえりまし た。私たちは復活の主に仕えているのです。 死によって、イエスは私たちの罪を取り去り、神と正しい関係にしてくださいました。復活によって、イエスは新しい豊かな人生を今、そして永遠に与え てくれます。
しかしこれらの赦しと新しい人生の賜物は悔い改めと信仰によって受け入れなければなりません。 罪の赦しと新しい人生の約束を受け入れ、神の光といのちに満たされた人生を生きたい人は、キリストにある新しい人生の中に入るしるしとして、あと でみなさんといっしょに前に出てきて、聖餐式にあずかってください。

Let me explain the elements of communion.
The bread and the wine are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ and taking them marks a person’s entrance into and surrender to the body of Christ and the life of His church. If you have never taken communion before or haven’t for a long time but tonight would like to commit or re-commit your life to Christ, I invite you to come forward with the others and receive prayer and the elements.
パンとぶどう酒はイエス・キリストの体と血の象徴で、それらを受けることによりキリストの体とキリストの教会生活に入り、ゆだねることを示します。 今までに聖餐式を受けたことがないけれども、今晩、キリストに人生をゆだねたい、または長いことあずかっていないけれども、もう一度キリストに人 生をゆだねたいと思う方は、いっしょに前に出てきて祈ってもらい聖餐にあずかってください。

Christmas is when Christ was born. The real Christmas is when Christ is born in your heart.
クリスマスはキリストが生まれたときです。 本当のクリスマスはキリストがあなたの心に生まれるときです。
Take a moment to examine your lives and when you are ready, please come forward.
