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Home » Prayer, Care, Share 祈る、思いやる、分かち合う

Prayer, Care, Share 祈る、思いやる、分かち合う

(when I refer to “share” in this message, I mean “speak what we know”)

Today is Pentecost Sunday, the day when the Church celebrates the account in Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit came upon the believers 50days after Resurrection Sunday, the First Easter. Many consider it the birthday of the Church, and rightfully so, because a church isn’t truly a church without the Holy Spirit.

今日はペンテコステ サンデー(聖霊降臨日)です。使徒の働き2章にあるイースタから50日目に弟子達の上に天から聖霊が降臨された日曜日のことです。

With that said, however, I’m not going to preach about Pentecost today. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not downplaying the importance of the Holy Spirit. We ought to recognize its importance in the Church, and not just today, but any and every day when believers gather. Like I said, a church isn’t truly a church without the work of the Holy Spirit.

Instead, I would like to preach today about an area of ministry that I feel God has been moving the church in for some time now. And appropriately, the Holy Spirit plays a very important role in it. It’s evangelism.

Now before some of you start freaking out because you’re scared to death about evangelism, or others of you start tuning out because you think evangelism is not your thing, please hear me out.

Yes, there is an element of fear involved in evangelism. The fear of getting rejected, the fear of causing conflict, the fear of not knowing what to say, the fear of not knowing how to respond to questions, etc. And yes, there are some people who may be more gifted at evangelism than others, and you highly doubt that you’re one of them. I understand you. The truth is, I myself have the same fears, and struggle with the same insecurity, and I’m a pastor and missionary!

But you know what? Those things cannot be excuses that we try to use to escape the task of evangelism, because the bottom line is that we’re ALL called by God to evangelize. Jesus left us with the Great Commission, which is an instruction and encouragement to ALL believers:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)


The cool part about evangelism is written right there at the end of the passage. Jesus is always with us when we evangelize. He’s there to help us when we’re scared. He’s there to guide us when we don’t know what to say. He’s there to make evangelism NOT about us and what we can’t do.

See, I think therein lies the problem. We fear evangelism, and we try to avoid it, because maybe we focus too much on ourselves. Maybe we put too much pressure on ourselves. Maybe we put too much responsibility on ourselves. So hopefully, this will help.

Let’s get a couple things straight. It’s not our job to change people’s hearts. It’s not our job to save people’s souls. That’s God’s job, because quite frankly, he’s the one who CAN do those things. It’s not our job, simply because we CAN’T do those things. But it also doesn’t mean that we have absolutely no responsibility. That’s not true either, because we do have some responsibility.

Do you want to know another cool part about evangelism? We get to play a part in God’s great plan to change people’s hearts and save souls! We get to do something, too! That’s our responsibility. For those who like sports, we’re not there to just watch, but we get to play in the game. For those who like the arts, we’re not there to just look or listen, but we get to create. For those who like food, we’re not there to just cook, but we get to eat. Do you get the picture?

伝道についてもっと他の素晴らしい部分を知りたいですか? 人々の心を変えたり魂を救うとういう神の偉大なご計画の一部分を果たす役割りを私達は得ます。
So, here’s what we’re responsible for. Here’s what we CAN do:

WE CAN PRAY私たちは祈ることができる

He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Luke 10:2)


Evangelism starts with prayer. We need to ask God to send us out. We need to ask Jesus for help. We need to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. We need to pray for hearts to change. We need to pray for circumstances that lead people to encounter Jesus. We need to pray, sometimes even for crisis, if that’s what it’s going to take for God’s message to be heard. We need to pray for salvation.

Mayu prayed for her parents to be saved. I joined in after we got married. We prayed for her parents, admittedly sometimes more fervently than at other times. But we prayed. We prayed for about 20 years. And just when it seemed like time was running out, both Dad and Mom gave their lives to Jesus. They both passed away four years ago, but Jesus heard the prayers and he saved them. They’re both in heaven now, their souls eternally with God. Praise the LORD!


There’s a saying that “prayer moves the hand of God.” But you may say, “God can do anything. Does he really need our help to move his hand?” The balance between the sovereignty of God and the free will of human beings is a difficult concept to grasp, but know this. There are many examples in the Bible where human prayer and petition moved God to do what he would not otherwise have done.
“祈りは神の手を動かせる”と言われます。みなさんは“神はなんでも出来る”と言います。彼はご自身の手を動かすのに本当に私達の助けが必要でしょうか ?

(See Abraham’s plea for Sodom, Jacob’s plea for blessing, the Canaanite woman’s plea for her daughter, the parable of the persistent neighbor, etc.)

We can’t change people’s hearts. But we can pray that God would change their hearts. We can’t save souls. But we can pray that God would save them. That’s our part. That’s our responsibility. We can pray.

2) WE CAN CARE私たちは思いやることができる

“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” (Isaiah 61:1)


Evangelism isn’t only about words. In fact, our actions as Christians go a long way in effective evangelism. So much so that there’s a saying, “Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words.” There’s another saying, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” When we can show our faith through our actions, that’s when God’s message carries more weight. It changes from abstract thought to tangible truth, and people are more convinced by tangible truth.


Christian evangelism boomed in many parts of the world in the mid- and late-1800s, and that is largely attributed to the mercy missions of the Catholic Church. The Church was responsible for setting up schools to promote education, hospitals to promote health, and organizations to promote welfare. The majority of those who benefited from these missions were poor and needy people. “Meet the physical need in order to meet the spiritual need,” is the Biblical principle in action.

There are countless Biblical passages where God instructs his people to care for the needs of others. Of course, there are obvious needs, but we ought to also look beyond the obvious, hurts like loneliness, depression, low self-esteem, etc. There are so many people, especially here in Japan, who need to know that God loves and cares for them.
If a friend is lonely, we can take the time to be with her. If a neighbor is depressed from work or family problems, we can do something to try to encourage him. If someone we know has low self-esteem, we can take the time to help her build a healthy one. We can do these tangible actions to show that we care, and more importantly that God cares.

It’s true that God cares for them. But we can be the ones who tangibly show them care. It’s true that God loves them. But we can be the ones who tangibly show them love. That’s our responsibility. We can care.

3) WE CAN SHARE私たちは分かち合うことができる(again, the meaning of the word “share” in this section is “speak what we know”)

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (Romans 10:14)


Evangelism employs prayer and caring actions, but it also needs words to ultimately be effective. The word comes from the Greek word “euangelion,” which literally means “good news.” (eu = good, angelion = news, message) There is a message that we have heard as Christians, one that has saved us from our sins. There is good news concerning our eternal destination, and that same good news, that good message, needs to be shared with those who do not know.

Now, don’t worry. It does not mean that you need to know everything about the Bible. It would certainly be helpful, but it’s not absolutely necessary in sharing. It does not mean that you need to have a great voice or be a great orator. It would certainly be nice, but it’s not required in sharing. But what is required in sharing is some preparation. A little preparation goes a long way in effective sharing.


For example, how many here can share the Gospel message in under 2 minutes without using “Christianese?” What I’m saying is refrain from using words like “justification” and “Pontius Pilate.” It’s confusing. One could be mistaken as a word processing feature, and the other a type of fitness exercise. Refrain from using phrases like “God’s going to wash you with the blood of the Lamb.” That’ll downright scare the person away. Use words that non-Christians can understand.

例えば、どのように多くクリスチャン的専門用語を使わずに2分以内で福音のメッセージを分ちあえることが出来るでしょうか?私が言っているのは、正当化のような言葉やポンティウス ピラトのようなクリスチャンの人々なら分かる言葉を控えるという意味です。

How many here can share how you became a Christian in under 2 minutes? Or what God is recently doing in your life in under 2 minutes? How many here can share what church is and why it’s important for you to attend church in under 2 minutes? I say “under 2 minutes,” because it helps to be simple and concise. It helps when you can keep their attention.

These are important things to know well and share effectively. When the right time and opportunity come, it really helps to be prepared, because you don’t want to miss that chance. If you said “no” to any of these, may I encourage you to do some homework this week or in the coming weeks. Prepare these things and be ready for when God gives you the opportunity to share.

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)

心を動揺させないで、ただ主キリスト様を信じなさい。もしだれかに、「なぜキリスト様を信じるのか」と尋ねられたら、いつでもその理由を話せるようにしていなさい。 それも、おだやかに、親切な態度で説明すべきです。

Question: When was the last time you heard the audible voice of God? God hardly ever speaks audibly.
質問: あなたは神の御声を最後に聞いたのはいつですか?
So we must be the ones with the voice who speak his message. And we have to be prepared for when the opportunity comes.だから私たちが神のメッセージを語る声となれなければなりません。そして機会がやってきたときに準備できていなければなりません。
And this is just a tangible, and hopefully practical and useful, method of preparation.
There’s a greater preparation in sharing, and that’s preparing our mind and heart. Continually engage in his Word, sit in his presence, and pray for the Holy Spirit to give wisdom, discernment, and, as the verse says, “gentleness and respect.” That’s our responsibility. We can share.


If you were to have approached me 10 years ago and told me that I would one day become a missionary and evangelize the people in Japan, I would have laughed in your face. Like I briefly shared at the beginning of this message, when it comes to evangelism, I have the same fears, and struggle with the same insecurities as most other Christians.
It was even worse 10 years ago. I had all the excuses in the world to stay away from the task of evangelism. I worked at the church, so I have no co-workers to evangelize. I lived and breathed church, and all my friends were my church friends, so I have no friends to evangelize.

But the few neighbors and family members whom I did have contact with, I was so afraid to hear them say “no” to me. I was so afraid that I might cause unnecessary tension in our relationship. I was so afraid to be seen as a “Jesus freak.”
But I soon came to the realization that we’re ALL called by God to evangelize and that evangelism is NOT just for the outgoing people, or the people who like to talk, or the people who have the spiritual gift. No. The Great Commission is for each and every believer. Each and every believer is called to evangelize. And there’s no escaping that.
It helped our family to embrace the call to become missionaries here in Japan, to evangelize the people in Japan. And we feel honored and privileged to serve in this capacity here at MIC, alongside all of you.
So, as we continue to move forward and build on the ministry of evangelism here at MIC, let’s keep in mind these 3 things:
prayer, care, and share. 祈る、思いやる、分かち合う

(go into introducing PCS3, and then prayer time)