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Shout it Out

29 February, 2017 Mini-sermon #1

Shout It Out

In the kids’ song we just sang “He is God” we’re encouraged to “shout it out”.
「He is God・彼は神である」という子供の歌を歌ったとき、私たちは「大きな声をあげて」と歌うように言われました。
Why can’t we just quietly enjoy God for ourselves? Isn’t that enough?
Can’t we just have a private faith?
No. Because
God’s great works require declaration and
God’s great words require expression.


1. Because it’s right and natural.
When you hear good news you want to share it.
If there’s a sale on, you want to tell your friends.
If there’s a danger ahead, you want to warn people.
If there’s a good movie to watch, you want to share that experience with others.
It’s just like that with God!
Psalm 98:4-6: Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music;
詩篇98:4-6 全地よ、主にむかって喜ばしき声をあげよ。声を放って喜び歌え、ほめうたえ。
1. So others can know.

It’s not just a great life we’re shouting about.
It’s also about freedom from sin and hell.
No-one likes talking about hell.
But Jesus talked about hell more than anyone else.
He talked about it because it’s real.
So we shout out the name of Jesus not just because of the new life we have in him but so people would know what it means to be forgiven and saved.
Romans 10:14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
ローマの信徒への手紙10:14 信じたことのない者を、どうして呼び求めることがあろうか。聞いたことのない者を、どうして信じることがあろうか。宣べ伝える者がいなくては、どうして聞くことがあろうか。
1. So we can be assured of salvation.
Speaking our faith is actually an important part of realising our salvation.

Romans 10:9,10: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
ローマの信徒への手紙10:9,10 自分の口で、イエスは主であると告白し、自分の心で、神が死人の中からイエスをよみがえらせたと信じるなら、あなたは救われる。 なぜなら、人は心に信じて義とされ、口で告白して救われるからである。
Speaking out is also an important part of growing our faith.
There have been times in my life when I have had doubts and concerns, and the best remedy – without me even realising it at the time – was to witness!
By speaking out and sharing our faith, we receive the assurance of our own salvation.
1. Because there’s power in the spoken word
Ezekiel 37:4: Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!
エゼキエル書37:4 彼はまたわたしに言われた、「これらの骨に預言して、言え。枯れた骨よ、主の言葉を聞け。
For faith to be effective, it must be spoken.
Faith must be expressed.
Just as we see power in God’s word – He spoke and the world was created, Jesus spoke and the sick were healed – we can see power in our own words when we speak the words of God.
Don’t be shy with the words of God.
Don’t be annoying with them, either!
But gently and assuredly, speak the gospel into people’s lives.
This is why when we sing “He is God”, we need to shout it out.

Shout to the Lord

Mini-sermon #2 Kids’ Message

Great Places

I’d like to show you some pictures of some amazing places:
Which place do you think looks the best? Why?

One of the writers of the Psalms (not King David) said,
“One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship,
beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.” (Msg)

Do you agree? Why does the writer say that? What’s so great about a place of worship?

Well, it’s not actually that the place is so great. It’s who’s here. Pierre’s here! That’s pretty great! Michelle’s here! That’s wonderful! Grace is here! Fabulous! But most of all, God is here! That’s why this place is such a beautiful place of worship. Because where God is, our hearts are at peace. We find purpose. And we find freedom. When we come near to God, He comes near to us. Here in the house of God we learn and we practice walking with God. It’s a wonderful thing.

I remember visiting this island in Fiji. [image] It’s one of the most beautiful places in the whole world. Who’d like to go there? Just ask your mum and dad and they’ll take you. But I was thinking, Wouldn’t it be great to live and work here?! Can you imagine getting paid to work in paradise?! So I was surprised when I was talking to one of the staff and he asked me (almost begged me) to help him get off the island and find a new life somewhere else.
Because there was no peace in his heart, no joy in His heart.
Sometimes the world promises what looks like peace and what looks like a great life. But without God, it’s not. The best place in the whole world is where God is.

That’s why the psalmist wrote, ““One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship,
beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.” (Msg)

And that’s why we’re going to sing it!

Better is One Day

Mini-sermon #3
The Stand

“The Stand” is one of my favourite modern Christian songs.
Musically it’s wonderful and lyrically, it captures the entirety of the gospel like few other songs do.

There are three verses, a bridge and a chorus.
The first verse worships God in His sovereignty as the eternal Creator and the omnipotent (all powerful) God.

The second verse worships Jesus as the One who died for us and took our sin despite our shame and unworthiness.
The third verse celebrates the new life that we have in Christ through the Holy Spirit who lives in us, and calls us to declare our faith (as we talked about in the first kids’ song).


It’s the words of the bridge of the song that are key to effecting God’s power and forgiveness and regeneration in our lives.
Because often when we want to seek God, it’s asking the right questions that leads us to the right answers.

* Jesus asked His disciples if His words to were much for them and if they wanted to leave. Peter replied on behalf of the twelve:
* イエスは彼の弟子たちに「神の言葉がどれほど意味があるのか、また彼らが出て行きたいのか」と聞きました。
“Lord, to whom shall we go?
Great question!
You have the words of eternal life.” 永遠の命の言をもっているのはあなたです。
The right question leads to the right answer.
* The crowd on the day of Pentecost, having heard about Jesus’ work on the cross for the first time asked Peter:

“Brothers, what shall we do?”
Great question! Peter replied,
“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
” 悔い改めなさい。そして、あなたがたひとりびとりが罪のゆるしを得るために、イエス・キリストの名によって、バプテスマを受けなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたは聖霊の賜物を受けるであろう。
The right question leads to the right answer.
* Paul, anguishing over his sin asked,
“Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?” だれが、この死のからだから、わたしを救ってくれるだろうか。
Great question! The answer immediately follows:
“Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” わたしたちの主イエス・キリストによって、神は感謝すべきかな。
Again, asking the right question leads to the right answer.

The bridge of this song asks the right questions.
Having heard the gospel declared through the verses, the bridge asks:
“So what can I say? And what could I do?”
Is there a more important question to ask ourselves?
The bridge gives the answer:「つなぎ」の部分で、こう答えています。
“Offer this heart, O God, completely to you.”

So the song gives us the gospel – the glory of Almighty God, salvation through Christ, new life in the Spirit – and then it tells us how to activate the gospel in our lives, by offering our hearts completely to God.
But the song doesn’t stop there. Because what follows is a response of unbridled worship of God:

“So I’ll stand with arms high and heart abandoned in awe of the One who gave it all.
I’ll stand, my soul, Lord, to You surrendered.
All I am is Yours.”

This is the gospel.
This is what new life in Christ is all about.
This is worship.
Let’s worship.

The Stand.
Holy is the Lord