16 September, 2018
Today we continue our walk through the books of the Bible. We come to 1 Peter. It was written by the apostle Peter. This is the same impetuous disciple who suggested in a moment of juvenile exhilaration that Jesus wash not just his feet but all of him. This is the disciple who denied Jesus three times in his most needy hour, and then ran away. This is the disciple to whom Jesus said after his resurrection, ‘feed my sheep’. This is the same disciple who became head of the church of Christ, and who is now, through these letters, feeding his sheep.
There are 5 chapters in 1 Peter and we’re going to work backwards through them this morning (from 5 through to 1), as though deconstructing them, to get to chapter 1, which presents the very foundation of the Christian faith, and our climax this morning.
This morning’s sermon will be a ‘prayer-sermon’. I’m going to stop at various points and head into prayer, which is slightly unusual but is better than stopping at certain points and bursting into song (although you never know, I just might do that, too).
Elders of the church
In chapter 5, Peter gives teaching and advice to the elders and young men of the church. A few weeks ago, I looked at the call to young people, the future elders of the church, in the book of Titus, and we went through a checklist of what is required to be an elder in the church. Eldership is something that we should all aspire to, regardless of age, gender or current spiritual maturity.
A key verse here is:
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago about a practical plan of discipleship that I will be introducing to our church to help lead all members toward eldership in the church. I will be sharing that in today’s congregational meeting at the end of the service.
For now, I’ve asked Lloyd to pray for the elders (leaders) and future elders of our church.
Living for God
As we saw in the book of James last week, it is our ability to live for God in clear and practical ways (ie. deeds) that shows that our faith is genuine and that we are spiritually mature. Living for God, gladly and sincerely, is the natural outcome of having the Spirit of God living within you.
Even so, just as a naturally gifted singer still needs training or a naturally gifted sports person still needs training, so we who are spiritually gifted and naturally inclined in our faith to live for God, still need coaching and guidance in this matter of living for God. And Peter provides this in his letter.
A key verse here is:
I’ve asked Imee to pray about this and ask God to gift, strengthen and build us so that we can live effectively for Him.
Wives and husbands
Peter’s words to wives and husbands are not just as important today as they have ever been, I believe they are more important today than they have ever been at any time in history. No society has ever so willingly and systematically destroyed the family unit as our current society. With the encouragement of sexual experimentation, the encouragement of single motherhood, the redefining of marriage, and the exclusion of God from marriage, the role of husbands and wives in the family and in society has been demeaned and devalued like never before.
Marriage should never been seen as a merely civic license for two people to live together. It should be seen as holy matrimony – a holy union before God through which the husband sacrificially loves his wife and lays down his life for her, and the wife, cherishes and respects her husband above all else. It is a glorious inter-dependence, ordained by God to reflect the unity of the Trinity, and from that to produce children in a loving, safe and godly environment.
To the young people in the church, as you look into God’s intention for marriage and family, I say to you what Paul wrote to the Corinthian church:
Don’t look to society for any kind of definition of marriage or family.
To the husbands and wives of the church, I say study the teachings in God’s Word about the God-ordained roles within marriage.
To the young adults, the future husbands and wives of the church: stop wasting time, you have work to do!
Key verses from Peter on this matter are:
You can read more on this matter in Ephesians 5:22-33
I’ve asked Bradley to pray for the husbands and wives of our church – both present and future.
Church identity
Church is not something that you attend. You attend meetings. You attend school. Church is something you belong to. That’s why the Bible uses images of the body, the family, and a building, to describe what church life looks like, and how it functions. Peter describes it with an even greater intensity and a greater glory in:
This blessing, this grace, this authority, this responsibility is not something that you can attend! It’s only something that you can belong to. I don’t say this in a spirit of discipline, I say it in a spirit of encouragement. It should cause all of us to reconsider the very great privilege of belonging to a church family and how deeply we need to commit to one another and the purposes of the church. Praise God that He has chosen us for this work!
I’ve asked Kyoko to pray over our church.
The heart of faith
The first chapter of 1 Peter deserves its own series of sermons. It is so rich and so wonderful. Peter begins by reminding us of who we are in Christ:
This is the sort of passage that you need to read three or four times to really grasp. When we are in Christ, we are reborn into a new life, we have a great hope for our future, we are given a heavenly inheritance that no-one can take from us, we are protected by God, and we are given eternal life.
Now, despite receiving such unimaginable glories, life now can still be very, very hard. Peter continues immediately after this to say:
This is exactly what James wrote about in his letter which we looked at last week. In the Christian life, we have such amazing blessings on one hand, yet on the other hand, at times such terrible hardship as we live in this world.
It can feel pretty incongruous at times, like an emotional roller coaster. ‘God loves me!…but my boyfriend broke up with me.’ ‘I have all the riches of heaven!…but I can’t find work here on earth.’ ‘I have the peace of God in my heart!…but I have so much trouble in the world.’
This brings us to the heart of the matter, the heart of our faith and the heart of God’s purpose for our lives. How do we reconcile the unseen riches of the Kingdom of heaven with the here and now? Peter speaks about this in what I believe is the greatest teaching in his letter:
What exactly is this joy? How do we attain it? Not just with the lip service of ‘Oh, I’m a Christian and the Bible says I must have joy so I have joy!’ Peter talks about an inexpressible, unspeakable joy. This isn’t just something that we put on like a happy face, or a mood that we can work ourselves into if we sing the right songs at the right volume.
ここで言う喜びとは何でしょうか?どのようにその喜びを得ることができるでしょうか? 「聖書はクリスチャンが喜びがなければならないと言います。ですから、私には喜びを感じています。」と言うようなうわべだけの表現ではなく、ペテロは言葉では言い表せない喜びについて語っています。うわべだけで私たちが喜びの顔を見せるのでもなく、また都合のいい時に都合よく喜びを語るのでもありません。
This inexpressible joy in Christ is our strength in this life. It is our testimony to a hurtful (and hurting) world. It is to be the essence of our character. But I’m concerned that too many believers have either never known this great joy or if they have, it hasn’t been very often.
How do we get it? How do we get this inexpressible joy in our lives, this inexpressible joy upon which everything that Peter writes about in the next four chapters stands?
This inexpressible joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is received as we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. It is received afresh as we receive afresh the filling of the Holy Spirit. Paul writes:
(One translation says that we should be inebriated in the Spirit.) The verb form here says, “Keep being filled with the Holy Spirit.” As humans living in this world, we leak. So we need to continually be refilled. If we have trials and hardships, we need to pray for deliverance – for ourselves and each other – but our joy in Christ is not dependent on our circumstances. It is only dependent on the Holy Spirit.
So my final prayer for today is for the filling of the Holy Spirit, that those who are willing would truly come to know today the inexpressible joy of the Holy Spirit.