Worship Service 礼拝 (Sunday 日曜日 10:30am~)
(click HERE for online service オンライン礼拝はこちら) (日本語説教)
- Contemporary yet Christ-centered & Bible-based services with great music and inspiring messages
新しいスタイルの礼拝と賛美歌そして共感を得るお話 - Over a dozen nationalities attending
12カ国以上の信者の方々が参加しています - Sunday School and Nursery for kids
子供達のための日曜学校 - Evening Bible Study and Prayer Meetings
Prayer Ministry 祈りのミニストリー
General Prayer Concerns
MONDAY: Church leadership team – Pastor Joseph
For vision, guidance, and the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit
TUESDAY: The whole church family at Minoh International Church
For small groups, spiritual growth, for new Christians, newcomers, and seekers
For purity, maturity and unity
For the families of our church – the salvation of unbelieving family members and the LORD’s loving intervention for spiritually struggling family members
For the city of Minoh and Japanese society as a whole
For specific needs in our church (spiritual, physical, relational, financial etc.) as prayer requests come in
For the immediate needs of our world
Thanksgiving for Christ’s atoning sacrifice
Our outreach ministries communally as a church and as individuals
For growing Christ-likeness and equipping for our ministries as Christ’s ambassadors in the world
Specific Prayer Requests
We’d be honoured to pray for you! Please send us your request.
Bible Study and Prayer Meetings 聖書の学びと祈り会
Our bilingual small group meets for Bible study and prayer every Friday afternoon from 13:00~14:30. The English Bible Study meets online on Monday evenings from 8:30~10:00pm. We also have an Online Prayer Fellowship every Friday evening from 20:00~21:00. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Since 2020, many of these small groups have been meeting online. Contact us if you are interested in joining a small group.
Sunday: Creche / Nursery 母子室
In our ministry centre we provide a comfortable room for parents with very small kids. For the kids, there is the opportunity to make new friends and plenty of toys to play with. And for the parents, the service is played in real time on a wall-mounted screen so the music, prayers, sermon and so on can still be enjoyed. (This also allows parents to know when communion is being taken.)
私たちの教会では、幼いお子さんがいる親御さんのために快適な部屋を用意しています。子どもたちには、たくさんの玩具で遊べて、新しいお友達を作るいい機会になります。そして親御さん方のためにも、壁に取り付けられた画面上で、教会での説教、音楽、祈りなどが同時放送されますので、子どもを見ながら礼拝に参加できます。 (リアルタイムの放送ですので、いつ聖餐式が行われているのかが分かります。)
Sunday: Kids’ Ministry キッズミニストリー
Our kids are the future of the church and our kids’ ministry is a fun and meaningful means of teaching kids how to have a true relationship with the living God. We have Sunday School every Sunday for kids aged from kindergarten years through to the end of elementary school. Classes are run in our Kids’ Ministry Centre on the second floor of the building and are taught in English with Japanese support.
Youth Group ユースグループ(青年会)
For further information and the latest schedule, please contact us at the following email address.
[email protected]
Japanese and English speaking students both welcome!
Open to students in 7th-12th grade attending international school and students attending or entering Japanese middle and high school.
Our youth group currently meets once a month after the Sunday worship service, typically on the third Sunday of the month. Meetings are a dynamic and inspiring mix of teaching, worship, friendship and fun. Run primarily in English (although most members are English-Japanese bilingual), it’s for junior and senior high schoolers, and students of all backgrounds are welcome.
YG Mission Statement:
Minoh International Church Youth Group is dedicated to raising up students who love and serve God, each other, and those around them. We are brought together through our belief in the Bible as the living Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and salvation through belief in Jesus’ atoning death. We will encourage and commit to one another joyfully and genuinely to mature in our personal walks with God, live lives with integrity and courage, and bring others to Christ.
Young Adults ヤングアダルトス
The Young Adults ministry is an avenue for college students, graduate students and young professionals in their 20s and 30s to worship, fellowship and build strong friendships. We meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month after the church service.
Women’s Ministry 女性のためのミニストリー
About once a month, our women gather after the service to have fun, encourage each other and pray together. These gatherings are held at the Church building, in bilingual English and Japanese.
Men’s Ministry 男性のためのミニストリー
The purpose of the Group is for the Men in our congregation to meet from time to time for Fellowship and Fun. Our goal is to have a monthly activity organized by a different person each month.

Sunday: Lunch Ministry ランチミニストリー
On a semi-regular basis, we have organised lunches in the Ministry Centre and these are a great way to get to know people and to deepen friendships. Even when there are no formally organised lunches, the Ministry Centre remains open after church for anyone to stay and share a meal with others (there is a supermarket nearby to purchase lunches).