22 July, 2018
Paul’s second letter to Timothy is a deeply personal one. We could consider it the last will and testament of the apostle Paul. Languishing in prison near the end of his life, Paul writes to his beloved son [Timothy] in the faith to instruct, share and encourage him and the church.
But there’s another reason that Paul was writing to Timothy, perhaps, his main reason for writing this letter: he was lonely. Near the end of his life, alone in prison, he felt lonely.
2 Timothy is a letter of legacy. Paul shares his own legacy with us, as well as the legacy of others. And he encourages us to consider the legacy that we are creating and will one day leave behind for our families, our communities, and our church.
In four brief chapters, Paul mentions 23 people by name – some friends, some foes – and this morning I would like to study this pastoral letter with you by looking at the legacy left by 7 of these 23 people.
Timothy was many things. He was a worker, a preacher, a church planter. He was also a bringer of joy. It says in Hebrews 13:7 that one of our roles as Christians in a church family is to make the work of our leaders a joy. I can testify to how important and valuable that is! I really want to thank you for making my work as a pastor such a joy.
Timothy was a model for us in this. Paul wrote:
I find this verse intriguing in some ways. I always thought joy was a fruit of the Holy Spirit. (It is.) I thought the unspeakable joy that the Bible talks about filling the believer was the unique work of the Holy Spirit. (It is.)
Our joy in Christ is certainly of the Holy Spirit but is also activated through the relationships we have in His holy church. In this, I want to encourage each of you to develop deep relationships with others in the church so that we can each be bringers of joy to others in our church family. So be a bringer of joy like Timothy.
Lois and Eunice
Lois was Timothy’s mother, and Eunice was his grandmother. We don’t know much about these two ladies other than that they were women of “sincere faith”. Paul writes:
ユニケはテモテの母親であり、ロイスは祖母でした。私たちは、この2人の女性について、彼らが「誠実な信仰を持った女性」であること以外はあまり知りません。 ポールはこの二人の女性についてこう書いています。
Lois and Eunice remind us of the [There is a] very, very great importance of raising our family in the faith. In Lois and Eunice’s world it would have been very difficult to do so. They were living in a world that was hostile to the Christian faith, the church was still in its infancy, and to make things harder, Timothy’s father was likely not a believer. But the sincere faith of these ladies won out.
It’s no easier to raise kids in the faith today, but it remains just as important. I have been encouraged watching Toy and Susan (from the Garden Church) carry on one-on-one discipleship via email over the last few months. It’s been a very encouraging and a wonderful learning experience for both of them.
They have been working together through the book “The Power of Praying for your Adult Children” and praying together for their/our children. I look forward to seeing what fruit the sincere faith of these ladies produces.
Who are the big guns of the faith? Who will get the big prizes in heaven? I can see it across the skies now: Billy Graham, Rick Warren, Eunice, Susan…
Be a raiser of believers, like Lois and Eunice.
Phygelus, Hermogenes, and Alexander the metalworker
These guys were deserters and hurters.
That’s all we know about these guys. They were deserters. They gave up. They stopped running the race – at least with Paul. The sole legacy we have of these guys is that they were deserters. Whatever you do, be warned, do not leave this legacy behind.
Alexander the metalworker was even worse:
Will we be remembered as one who hindered the gospel, or as one who helped it? Don’t be a deserter or a hurter.
Onesiphorus is only mentioned in this letter. He wasn’t a big name. But he was a big help to Paul and to others in the faith. He helped to carry Paul’s burden in very practical ways and so, according to Galatians 6:2 he fulfilled the law of Christ. Paul writes of him very fondly:
I want to be like Onesiphorus. What a beautiful legacy he left behind! I, too, am encouraged to go looking for the needy and refresh them physically and in the faith, and help them fulfill their mission in Christ. What a beautiful legacy for us to leave behind.
Be a helper like Onesiphorus.
The unknown songwriter
次に 無名の作詞家についてお話ししましょう。
We came across an unknown songwriter in Philippians chapter 2. Here we find another one. Listen to this:
Here Paul quotes another early hymn. The hymn itself is worthy of study because it has some really interesting lyrics and teachings. But all I want to focus on this morning is the fact that an unknown worshipper of Jesus sitting under a fig tree somewhere, still wearing his or her toga, strumming on a harp and moved by the Holy Spirit, penned a song that ended up as scripture. What a legacy!
Let your worship of God be a legacy to others. It doesn’t need to be a song, but be a true worshipper like the unknown songwriter.
Priscilla and Aquila
Paul loved these guys. We read about them throughout Acts, in Romans, in 1 Corinthians and here in 2 Timothy. They were hospitable to Paul, they humbled themselves under his teaching, they travelled with him, they served with him, and they had a church regularly meet at their house.
Priscilla and Aquila left a wonderful legacy of service and hospitality. Be a servant like Priscilla and Aquila.
Paul’s legacy is undeniably a very, very big one. We can learn so much from him. Let’s start with this:
Does anything strike you as unusual or surprising in this passage?
Paul refers to the gospel as “my gospel”. Not just “the gospel” or “the gospel of Christ” or “the gospel of salvation”, but “my gospel”.
パウロは福音を「すばらしい真理」と呼んでいます。 ただの「福音」または 「キリストの福音」または 「救いの福音」ではなく、「すばらしい真理」です。
This gospel that Paul is carrying – it’s personal. It’s the essence of who he is. We can’t say, “Well, the gospel teaches this, but I’m not so sure about that…” (See 2 Timothy 3:12) We can never distance ourselves from the gospel; we can never be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. We need to be able to say, “This is my gospel. This is what I believe. This is what I live”.
(パウロが伝えているこの福音は、彼が信じているものです。 これが私の福音です。これが私が信じていることです。これが私の生き方です。)
Paul had certainly had his hardships in the faith. You can read all about them in 2 Corinthians 11. So how did he keep on going? Where did he find the strength to keep persevering? He shares this with us in 2 Timothy 4:16-17:
* Can you imagine how he would have felt at that point in his life?
Support from church members is really important and wonderful. Support from books is good, too. But ultimately our support, our strength, our rescue comes from God Himself. So for strength, use the resources of the church, both local and global – but know that your strength and your help ultimately will always come from your relationship with God Himself. So never stop praying, never stop reading the Word, never stop walking in obedience in the Spirit.
I mentioned at the start that when writing 2 Timothy, Paul knew his life was nearly over. He was lonely. He was reflecting back on those who had helped him, and a few of those who had hindered him. So what attitude did he have at the end of it all? Did he look back with any regret or bitterness? What was his frame of mind?
He writes about it at the end of this letter:
What a wonderful attitude to live and die with.
What have we learned today?
Be a bringer of joy like Timothy.
テモテのように喜びをもたらす者となりましょう。 -
Be a raiser of believers, like Lois and Eunice.
ロイスやユニケのように信者を育てる者となりましょう。 -
Don’t be a deserter or a hurter, like Phygelus, Hermogenes, and Alexander the metalworker
フゲロ、ヘルモゲネ、銅細工人のアレキサンデルのように信仰を捨てる人、人を傷つける人にならないでください。 -
Be a helper like Onesiphorus.
オネシポロのように助ける者となりましょう。 -
Be a true worshipper like the unknown songwriter.
無名の作詞家のように心から礼拝する者となりましょう。 -
Be a servant like Priscilla and Aquila.
プリスカとアクラのように仕える者になりましょう。 -
Be a keeper of the faith, like Paul.