30 December, 2018
Kids’ Message
Man gives seat to woman on bus – good man or bad man?
バスに女性に席を譲る男性-いい人ですか、悪い人ですか。 -
Man stabs another man with a knife – good man or bad man?
How do we know what is good? Good can be different things to different people.
Some people think saving money is good. Other people think spending money is good.
Some people think studying very, very hard is good. Other people think just enjoying life with a little study is good.
Some people think helping is others is good. Other people think minding your own business is good.
Some people think going to church on a Sunday morning is good. Other people think staying home on a Sunday morning and sleeping in is good.
How do we know what is really good, and how can we know what is right?
We can decide for ourselves
私たち自身で決めることができます -
We can ask other people, or
他の人に尋ねることができます -
We can ask God.
If we decide for ourselves we have a problem. The Bible says, “The heart of man is deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9) So sometimes we’re just kidding ourselves.
もし私たちが自分自身で決めるなら、一つ問題があります。聖書はこう言います、「(エレミヤ 17:9)人の心は何よりも欺きやすい」。だから私たちはときに自分自身に冗談を言います。
If we ask other people, we still have the same sort of problem, only it’s more complicated, because everyone might have a different opinion. And even if everyone has the same opinion, it still might be wrong.
The only way we can know what is good and right is to ask God. God’s opinion is the only one that really matters.
How can we ask God? By reading His Word. God has told us what is good and what is right in the Bible. (Hebrews 4:12)
どうやったら神様に尋ねることができるでしょうか。神様の言葉を読むことによってです。神様は何が良いことで何が悪いことなのか、聖書の中で私たちに教えてくれています。(ヘブライ 4:12)
If we read the Bible but we’re still not sure whether the Bible says something is good or right, (and this sometimes happens) then we can come to the church to help us understand. You can come to me or Pastor Mike, or Imee – you can call us on the phone or stop us on Sundays – and ask us to help you understand what the Bible says.
And we have all have a helper with this. The Holy Spirit is our helper.
The Holy Spirit gives us the mind of Christ. (1 Cor 2:16)
Adults’ Sermon – 2018: Good Year/Bad Year…Good God/Bad God?
In the kids’ message today, I posed two scenarios looking at what might be good or not good.
In the first, I asked if a woman gets on a crowded bus and a man gets up and gives the woman his seat, is that the right thing to do? The kids said ‘yes’ and you might think so, but in reality the man who gave up his seat for the woman was arrested for doing this. Now let me ask you, was the arrest of the man just or unjust?
そこでお聞きしたいのですが、この男性を逮捕したことは正しいですか、間違っていますか。 -
In the second scenario, I asked if one man stabs another man with a knife, is that a good thing to do? The kids’ said ‘no’ and they’re right, of course. But in this case, you might be surprised at what happened afterwards. Even though the police knew who did the stabbing, the man who did the stabbing was actually rewarded for what he did.
Now let me ask you, was rewarding the stabber just or unjust?
The answers change with the information that we have. At first, we are sure that the man giving up his seat for the woman is doing a good thing. And so we are sure that his arrest is unjust. And with the information that we have, that is right. No doubts about it. But when we learn that the man on the bus who gave up his seat was actually the driver, it brings a whole new perspective the situation. With all the information, we can see how what we thought was good was actually bad, and what we thought was unjust was actually just.
Likewise with the stabbing man who was rewarded. With the knowledge that we have, the stabbing must surely be bad, and rewarding the stabber must be unjust. No doubts about it. But when we learn that the man doing the stabbing was a surgeon and he was operating on a man who needed his gallbladder removed, we can see how what we thought was a bad thing was actually a good thing, and the reward was just.
I use these two stories to illustrate a truth about the Old Testament. It’s easy for people to read sections of the Old Testament – prime examples would be the conquest of the holy lands, and the exile of the Jews – and say that those things must be bad. The killing of many people must be bad. God is a killer, and there is no justice at all in these accounts.
With this thinking, we judge God, we declare Him unjust, and we dismiss whole sections of the Old Testament, if not the entire Old Testament. Many Christians, in thinking like this, uphold the New Testament as the ‘fulfilled’ Bible or the ‘real’ Bible for believers today. As many events in the Old Testament cannot be justified, it seems, the Old Testament is essentially bad and superseded by the the New Testament which is essentially good. People then judge the Old and New Testaments on their understanding of what is good and what is right.
Without more information, this approach to the Bible (and the Old Testament especially) is right. More information, however, completely changes the situation. And the ‘more information’ is actually very simple. It’s this: God is good. Understanding, knowing, that God is good, completely changes our understanding of situations.
Take the conquest of the holy lands. This is not the story of Jewish people going in, committing genocide, and taking the land for themselves. It is the story of how a holy God righteously judged a people whose measure of sin was full, and brought His glorious Kingdom into the world. This was promised in advance, confirmed with miracles along the way, and accomplished through His agents, the Jewish people, who were given conditional tenancy of the land as God’s representatives. This whole episode of history was accomplished by God’s goodness and for God’s goodness. It is a good and just story.
We can say much the same about the terrible events of the exile. With more information – that is, a knowledge of God’s goodness and His purposes – we can see that what appeared to be horrible and wrong, was actually good and right.
Jesus touched on this in the New Testament, too. “Who sinned, that this man was born blind?” he was asked (John 9:1). “Who sinned that these people were killed under a collapsed tower?” (Luke 13:4) With limited information, it would appear that these victims were paying the price for their sinful ways, if not simply being random victims in a fallen world. The takeaway for us with this thinking would be that life simply isn’t fair, and if it is fair, then we are merely getting the punishment that we deserve.
イエスも新約聖書の中でこれに触れています。「この人が生まれつき目が見えないのは誰が罪を犯したためですか」イエスは尋ねられました(ヨハネ 9:1) 「塔の下敷きになって死んだ人たちは誰が罪を犯したせいですか」(ルカ 13:4) 限られた情報だけだと、崩壊した世界でたまたま犠牲者になってしまわない限り、これらの犠牲者は彼らの罪の対価を払ったように見えます。私たちはこのように考えると、人生は公平なものではないと考え、もし公平であるとしたら、私たちは値する罰を受けているだけなのだ’と考えます。
Why am I talking about Old Testament misunderstandings for the last sermon of 2018? Because they parallel the misunderstanding that Christians often have when looking back over the old year. I know that for many here, 2018 was a hard year. It was a year of extraordinary work stresses, the loss of loved ones, uncertainty, and relational anxiety.
It might be easy for some to look back on 2018 with eyes of flesh and say that it was a bad year or a year of injustice, or even a year of God’s distance (or absence), just like it seemed to be in various places throughout the Old Testament..
Jesus said no! These things happen so that God’s glory would be revealed. Jesus came to bring God’s Kingdom into a broken world. And God’s kingdom would bring, amongst other things, a knowledge of God’s goodness. A knowledge of His desperate love for us. These happenings bring with them the opportunity for God’s divine intervention in our lives.
God’s goodness in our lives appears in two primary ways: His mercy and His grace. God is a God of mercy. In many places in scripture, mercy defines who God is. (Exodus 34:6,7) That’s how God shows Himself. It’s mercy that showcases the nature of His goodness.
神の優しさは私たちの人生において大きく分けて二つに現れます:神の慈悲と恵みです。神は慈悲の神です。聖書に出てくる多くの場面において、慈悲は神が何者なのかを定義します。(出エジプト記 34:6-7) これが神が自身を現す方法です。神の優しさの性質を映し出すのは神の慈悲なのです。
Unlike grace, with which we receive favour that we don’t deserve, with mercy, we don’t receive the punishment that we do deserve. With mercy, God says, “I hold nothing against you. You have been forgiven. There is no shame or wrongdoing that can keep you from drawing near to me.” Because of His mercy, God keeps no record of wrongs. We can come before God with a clear conscience.
Because of His grace, God lavishes favour on us that we don’t deserve. He saves us. He grows in us the fruit of His Spirit, He equips us with the gifts of HIs Spirit, He gives us a wonderful purpose for our lives, He blesses us with His holy presence on a daily basis. This is the normal life for the surrendered Christian.
So if this was a tough year for you, I don’t want you look back in any way on 2018 as a bad year but rather, as a year when God’s goodness – His mercy and grace – was manifest in your life. And likewise, I want all of us to look forward to 2019 with an extremely positive outlook, not because that’s the standard thing to do at this time of year, but because God has promised all who believe in Him and call on Him that He will show His goodness in their lives.
Psalm 65:11 says What a rich harvest your goodness provides!
Wherever you go there is plenty.
詩編 65:11にはこうあります、あなたの優しさは豊かな穀物を与えます!あなたが行く先々にたっぷりあります。
Any challenges, hardships or failures, are all opportunities for God to work His goodness in our lives. Any successes and victories in our lives should be seen as God working His goodness – His mercy and grace – in our lives.
These mercies and graces which identify God, are to identify us, too. We are to be people of mercy. We are not to hold on to any grudges or keep any record of wrongs. We are to be forgivers. This will change the way that we live and speak.
I was listening to Jim Cymbala speak on this last week. He said that most people carry around in their heart a little black book, and in it we take note of all the hurts that people have done to us. Oh yes, we say we forgive but we take note, and we keep it in our little black book for that day when we need to bring it up again.
私は先週Jim Cymbalaさんがこのことについて話すのを聞きました。彼曰く、ほとんどの人が心の中に小さな黒手帳を持っていて、そこには私たちがこれまで人から受けたきずについて記してあるのです。
There are some words which are common in relationships. “You always…” “You never…” These expressions can show a lack of mercy. These expressions say, ‘I remember what you did. I’m keeping a record of every time you do or say that, and I’m not forgiving you. In fact, I’m going to remind you of it every chance I get.’
That’s not mercy. Mercy keeps no record of wrongs. (See 1 Corinthians 13:5) Mercy lets it go. Mercy says, ‘Whatever you’ve said or done in the past, I’ve left it behind. The slate is clean. It’s all good.’
Likewise, grace lavishes favour that is undeserved. That’s why we like Christmas so much! Because we lavish gifts and praise on each other that is often not deserved.
We are a people who live under God’s goodness; a people who experience God’s mercy and grace everyday. We are to be a people who exhibit grace and mercy every day. Every day! It says in scripture that ‘The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning…’ (Lamentations 3:22,23)
(Do you know where that verse comes from, by the way? It’s from the book of Lamentations. In the middle of this deep groaning and lamenting the loss of Israel – the Jews have just been taken into captivity – they remember God’s mercy. It’s a good lesson for us.)
The daily mercies of God show the goodness that we live under, and that is the goodness that we are to extend to others. Let’s look back on 2018 and see how good God has been to us, and give thanks for that. And let’s look forward to 2019, expecting God’s goodness to be manifest in our lives, as seen in His mercy and grace, and rejoice in that.
神が日々与えてくれる慈悲は私たちが生きる糧とする神の優しさを映し出し、その神の優しさを私たちは他の人にも広げていかなければなりません。2018年を振り返り、神がどれだけ私たちに優しくしてくれたかを知り、そのことに感謝を捧げましょう。2019年を前向きに迎え、神の慈悲と恵みに見受けられるように、神の優しさが私たちの人生の中で明らかになることを期待しながら、 喜びましょう。