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An Invitation That No One Should Refuse

July 5th, 2020

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Matthew 11:28~30
マタイの福音書 11:28~30


I did a quick search on the internet of the phrase, “refuse invitation.”
「招待を断る」という言葉を ネットで検索してみました。

Amazingly, I found about 45,400,000 results in just 0.45 seconds. There are tips on how to turn down an invitation in the most polite way. There are suggestions on how to decline an invitation depending on the situation, such as invitation to a conference, a business invitation, an invitation to a party, to dinner, a request and many, many more.

In short, there are tons of creative, polite and even funny ways to refuse an invitation. Today, however, I would like to tell you about An Invitation That No One Should Refuse. That is, the summon that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

  1. Christ invites: “Come to Me” – v.28a
    キリストの招き:「わたしのもとにきなさい」 – 28節

Jesus showed His authority when He said, “Come to Me.” This invitation is inappropriate in the mouth of anyone else except God. [I’m not talking about a parent encouraging a child who is learning to walk, “Come to Daddy.”] No man should call people to themselves instead of to Jesus!

C.H. Spurgeon: “‘Come’; He drives none away; He calls them to Himself. His favorite word is ‘Come.’ Not, go to Moses – ‘Come unto me.’ To Jesus Himself we must come, by a personal trust. Not to doctrine, ordinance, nor ministry are we to come first; but to the personal Savior.”

  1. Christ invites “all you who are weary and burdened” – v.28b
    キリストは「すべて重荷を負うて苦労している者」を招いています – 28節

Jesus directed His call to those who were burdened. He called those who sensed they must come to Him to relieve their need instead of living in self-sufficiency.

According to a Bible commentator the word, weary (other versions, “labor”) implies the burdens we take upon ourselves, and burdened (other versions, “heavy laden”) implies the burdens others put upon us.

Are you feeling weary because you’re trying to keep up with others? Are you burdened by other people’s expectations?

Matthew 23:4, is one example of what a burden is, where Jesus spoke against the religious leaders of His day as those who “tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.”

  1. Christ invites us into discipleship: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me” – v.29a
    キリストは私たちを弟子として招き入れてくれます。「わたしのくびきを負うて、わたしに学びなさい」 – 29節

Jesus made a wonderful offer, inviting us to “take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.” A disciple is a follower, a learner, an apprentice. We must come as disciples to learn, willing to be guided by His yoke – not merely to receive something.

The ancient Jews commonly used the idea of “yoke” to express someone’s obligation to God. There was the yoke of the kingdom, the yoke of the law, the yoke of the command, the yoke of repentance, the yoke of faith, and the general yoke of God.

During Jesus’ time, the “yoke of the Pharisees” is the burdensome yoke of self-righteousness and legalistic law-keeping. It has been said by biblical scholars that the Pharisees had added over 600 regulations regarding what qualified as “working” on the Sabbath. That is a heavy burden! 

In this context, we can appreciate what Jesus is trying to say. He is simplifying man’s concept of obligation to God by saying, “Forget about all those other yokes. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.”

If we would just accept His invitation – “Take My yoke upon you” – we would take it, and see what kind of yoke it is.

  • The yoke of Jesus is easy and light as compared with the yoke of others.
  • The yoke of Jesus is easy and light as long as we do not rebel against it.
  • The yoke of Jesus is easy and light to carry because it is the yoke of repentance and faith followed by an undivided commitment to follow Him.

As the apostle John says, “In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3).

  1. Christ invites us to know Him personally: “For I am gentle and humble in heart” – v.29b
    キリストは、私たちが神を個人的に知るように招いています。:「わたしは柔和で心のへりくだった者である」 – 29節

Jesus revealed His nature when He described Himself as “gentle and lowly of heart.” It is His servant’s heart, displayed throughout His ministry, making Him qualified to be the one who bears our burdens.

It’s true that this is Christ’s personal character. But this is not its primary meaning here. Rather, He is giving a reason why people should embrace His kingdom rule. That is because, He is not harsh, overbearing, and oppressive, like the Pharisees, but meek, mild, and gentle in His government. His laws are reasonable and tender, and it would be easy to obey Him.

  1. Christ invites us to a life of rest: “And you will find rest for your souls” – v.29c
    キリストは私たちを安息の人生へと招いてくれます。「そうすれば、あなたがたの魂に休みが与えられるであろう」 – 29節

Jesus described His gift to His followers as “rest for your soul.” This priceless gift – both powerful and profound – should be considered a hallmark of Jesus’ followers. We should think that something is wrong if we don’t experience this “rest for the soul.” Tranquility and ceasing from striving. A sense of peace and contentment in God.
イエスは、従う者へ贈り物を与え、その贈り物を「あなたの魂の休み 」と表現しました。このかけがえのない贈り物は、パワフルでありながら、奥深いものでもあり、イエスの信棒者たちの特徴だと考えるべきでしょう。私達が、この「魂の休息」を経験したことがなければ、何かが間違っていると考えるべきです。「魂の休息」それは、抗い(あらがい)をやめ、静けさを得ることです。「魂の休息」、それは平安と満足感を神の中に見出すことです。

Jeremiah 6:16, records: 16 This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

God offers rest to those who follow His way; Jesus now issues the invitation in His own name!

1 Therefore, since the promise of entering His rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.
3 Now we who have believed enter that rest….

Hebrews 4:1 & 3


ヘブル人への手紙 4:1 & 3

  1. Christ invites us to a life that is like no other: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” – v.30
    キリストは、他にはない人生へと私たちを招いてくださいます。「わたしのくびきは負いやすく、わたしの荷は軽いからである」 – 30節

Jesus summarized this wonderful call with this assurance. The yoke is easy and the burden is light because He bears it with us. Borne alone, it might be unbearable; but with Jesus it can be easy and light.

This isn’t a call to a lazy or indulgent life. There is still a yoke to bear and burden to carry. Yet with and in Jesus, they are easy and light. “Jesus’ yoke is easy, not because it makes lighter demands, but because it represents entering into a disciple-relationship.”

When training a new animal (such as an ox) to plow, farmers often yoked it to an older, stronger, more experienced animal who bore the burden and guided the young animal through the learning process.

William Barclay: “The word easy is in Greek chrestos, which can mean well-fitting. In Israel, ox-yokes were made of wood…The yoke was carefully adjusted, so that it would fit well, and not gall the neck of the patient beast. The yoke was tailor-made to fit the ox.”
スコットランドの新約学者で牧師である、ウィリアム・バークレーは次のように言いました。「”easy “という言葉はギリシャ語の’chrestos’と言う言葉にあたり、よくフィットするという意味である。イスラエルでは、牛のくびきは木で作られていた。くびきは慎重に調整され、よくフィットし、忍耐強い獣の首を絞めないようにしていた。くびきは牛に合うように誂え(あつらえ)られていた。」

If your yoke is hard and your burden is heavy, then we can say that it isn’t His yoke or burden, and you aren’t letting Him bear it with you. Jesus said it plainly: My yoke is easy and My burden is light.


First Jesus invites us to come to see and know Him, then to come with Him to win others. There is also the wonderful invitation to come to Him for relief from our burdens and cares. And note His promise to those who do accept His invitation: “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away” (John 6:37).

I would like to read again today’s Scripture passage, but this time in a paraphrased version from [The Message]:

28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28~30

私のもとに来なさい。私と一緒に逃げて、人生を取り戻しましょう。私が、本当の休息の取り方を教えましょう。私と一緒に歩き 、私と一緒に働きましょう。 私のやり方を見てください。優雅なリズムのような、恵のリズムを学んでください。私はあなたに重いものや合わないものは何も与えません。私と一緒にいれば、自由に軽やかに生きることを学べます。」

マタイによる福音書 11:28~30