18 September, 2016
A couple of weeks ago I was speaking about John the baptist and why Jesus said he (John) was the greatest of all the prophets who had ever come despite never having performed any miracles. Can you remember why Jesus said this about John?
Answer: Because he had a message that would change the world:
Today I would like to start by looking at how this baptism in the Holy Spirit – which empowers us for living beyond salvation – was foreshadowed in the Old Testament.
Israel left Egypt when the blood of a lamb was shed and applied to the doorposts of their homes. In the same way, we were set free from sin when the blood of Jesus was applied to our lives. The Israelites soon arrived at the Red Sea. Going through that body of water is referred to [by Paul] as the baptism of Moses [1 Cor 10:2]. Similarly we face the waters of baptism after our conversion.
イスラエルの民は子羊の血が流されその血が彼らの家の門灯に塗られた時にエジプトを去りました。同じくイエスの血が流され、私達の人生に適用された時、私達は罪から解放されたのです。それからイスラエルの民は紅海にたどり着きました。水の中を通過することは、モーセのバプテスマ[ 第一コリント10:2 ] としてパウロによって言及されています。私達も回心の後に水のバプテスマを受けます。
Now, when the Jews finally entered the Promised Land (not referring to leaving Egypt but entering the Promised Land) they entered through another river (the river Jordan) – which symbolised another baptism. This one was not to mark cleansing from sin. (That was illustrated when they left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea.) This new baptism would take them into a different way of life.
After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites fought battles and in God’s power they won. But now having crossed the Jordan they fought their battles differently. Now they marched around city walls and simply shouted to make the walls fall down. Now they would send a choir into battle first. Now they would reduce the numbers of their fighting men from 30,000 to 300 torch wielding trumpet blowers to demonstrate that the victory would be won by the power of God and not by men.
In the same way, the baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers us to live by faith. This baptism in the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of the Old Testament picture of entering the Promised Land.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit takes us beyond salvation and into a new way of living by faith. It’s not just about receiving spiritual gifts.
It’s about receiving gifts of the Spirit and then using them in love to dispossess the strongholds of the devil and take possession for the glory of God.
I like the way Jim Cymbala put it: God didn’t send us the Holy Spirit to give us thrills and chills. He sent the Spirit to empower us to win lost people to Jesus.
私はジム サインバラ氏が、神は私たちにスリルや寒気を与えるために聖霊を送って下さったのではありません。迷った人たちをイエスに導く力を与えるために聖霊を送ってくださったのです。と提示してるのが好きです。
I recall reading about some of the horrendous problems that Jim Cymbala had to deal with when ministering to some of the most lost and hopeless people in all of New York. Man! The problems people have in Brooklyn! But there have been times when I’ve wondered how such a small church like ours could also have so many problems. Sin and brokenness affects everyone. I find myself praying the very same words that Jim Cymbala prays.
ニューヨークのすべての中で最も失われた絶望的な人々に仕える時ジム サインバラ氏が対処しなければならなかったぞっとするような恐ろしい問題のいくつかについて私は読みながら思い出します。ブルックリンにはそのような問題を抱える人々がいるのです。しかし、私は、私たちのような小さい教会にも非常に多くの問題を抱えているということに驚いています。罪や壊れている状態というのは皆に影響を与えます。
“Holy Spirit guide me! What should I do? What should I say?”
How do we respond to such problems and hardship? Do we need more training? More praise? More Bible study?
We need all of that but when confronted with really hard times or really tough challenges (like inviting people to church!), we need the power of the Holy Spirit. Power to overcome sin. Power to overcome spiritual attack. Power to endure. Power to witness. Power to speak. Power to pray.
Remember the great message that John the Baptist brought?:
This is key and the scripture is clear, Jesus baptises us with His Holy Spirit.
I know there is a lot of talk between believers and between denominations about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and what that means – there’s a lot of spiritual baggage that goes with it – Pentecostal teaching, traditional Protestant teaching – and I don’t want to get into that today or tomorrow.
The focus is on the fact that Jesus baptises us with the Holy Spirit and we are to seek an ever greater filling of His Spirit for our lives.
Jim Cymbala nails this:
“I am well aware that Christians disagree today on whether the infilling (baptism, empowerment) of the Spirit is part of the salvation ‘package’ or a separate, subsequent experience. Long and intense discussions go on about that. Whatever you or I believe, let us admit that this passage [Acts 2, and also Acts 8, 10, 18 and others] shows bona fide Christians experiencing a fresh infilling. The apostles didn’t claim they already had everything they needed. Now that they were under attack, they received fresh power, fresh courage, fresh fire from the Holy Spirit.”
ジム サインバラ氏はこのようにはっきりと言及しています:
クリスチャン達は今日、聖霊(バプテスマや生きる力を湧き出させるもの)は救いの一部であるとか、経験によるとかに分かれて賛成していないのを私は知っています。長い間激しい議論が続けられています。みなさんや私が信じているものが何であっても、この聖句[使徒2章、そして使徒8, 10,18,その他] この使途行伝2は正真正銘のクリスチャンが新たに聖霊の満たしを経験していることを示しているが分かります。使徒達は彼らが必要なものは全て持っていたと主張しませんでした。その時、彼らは攻撃を受けて、彼らは新しい力、新しい励まし、新しい聖霊の火を授かりました。
I was surprised to read what Bill Johnson says about this because he’s typically regarded as a full blown Pentecostal. His thoughts on this matter are remarkably similar to Jim Cymbala’s understanding and to mine:
私はビル ジョンソン氏が言及していることについて読んで驚きました彼は本格的なペンテコステ派だからせす。この事柄において彼の考えは著しくジム サインバラ氏の会得と同じでまた私も同意見です。
“Somehow I always thought the baptism in the Holy Spirit was a one-time event; I received my prayer language and that was it. The Bible teaches differently. In Acts 2, we find 120 people being baptised in the Spirit in the upper room. Yet in Acts 4 we find some of the same crowd being refilled. Some have put it this way: one baptism, many fillings. Why? Because we leak.”
ビル ジョンソン氏はこのように述べています。“なぜか私は聖書のバプテスマは1回限りの出来事であると考えていました。異言を受けたらそれで終わりだと思っていました。しかし聖書はそう教えていません。使徒2章では屋上の間で120人が聖霊に満たされたのを見る事が出来ます。しかし、使徒4章ではある人達が再び聖霊に満たされています。これを一つのバプテスマ、しかし何度も満たされることと表現する人もいます。何故でしょう?それは私たちが漏らすからです。
Today, I would like to see our church filled and/or refilled with the Holy Spirit so that we can truly live by faith in the love of the Father, the grace of the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit.
After our closing song, I’m going to ask Pastor Mike to join me up the front and anyone who would like to receive the baptism/the filling/the anointing/the blessing of the Holy Spirit (I’m really not concerned about the terminology) can come forward and receive it.