I’ve got some dirty questions for you.
Have you ever experienced someone cheating you and you then hoping that they get their just desserts and experience failure or misery?
Have you ever experienced someone speaking badly about you and you hoping that they get their just desserts and lose their friends?
Have you ever been abused by someone and then wished that they would suffer an unfortunately accident?
Perhaps at some time in your life you have felt like this – it’s human nature – and we can even put a Biblical spin on it: May they reap as they sow.
But we know as Christians that it’s just not right for us to respond to wrongdoing in that way.
Jesus taught us to love our enemies, to turn the other cheek to those who harm us, to pray for and bless those who persecute us.
Jesus specifically tells us to bless and not to curse those who oppose us.
This can be hard to do – very hard to put into practice – but by the power of the Holy Spirit within us we are able to become more Christlike and live such a life.
This is the Christian way.
How then, as Christians, are we to understand passages of Scripture like Psalm 109?
Psalm 109 is what is formally called an ‘imprecatory’ psalm. Simply put, it is a psalm of curses upon the enemies of the writer.
Here are a few verses from Psalm 109 to give you an idea:
May his days be few;
may another take his place of leadership.
9 May his children be fatherless
and his wife a widow.
10 May his children be wandering beggars;
may they be driven from their ruined homes.
11 May a creditor seize all he has;
may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.
12 May no one extend kindness to him
or take pity on his fatherless children.
9 その子らをみなしごにし、その妻をやもめにしてください。
10 その子らを放浪者として施しをこわせ、その荒れたすまいから追い出させてください。
11 彼が持っているすべての物を債主に奪わせ、その勤労の実をほかの人にかすめさせてください。
12 彼にいつくしみを施す者はひとりもなく、またそのみなしごをあわれむ者もなく、
What are we to make of this? It’s quite horrible! And very unChristlike.
To understand it, we need to understand the ancient Jewish worldview and see how that differs from the Christian worldview.
The OT Jewish worldview saw God’s Kingdom – including its judgement – in the here and now.
They did not have a developed concept of heaven and they had no concept of a second coming of Christ to judge all peoples and nations at that time, as we do.
Their concept of the Kingdom of Heaven and specifically of its justice and judgement was to be manifest now, not later.
Judgement against the unrighteous needed to happen now for it to be seen as justice.
As Christians, we pray for God’s Kingdom to come.
It’s an essential part of living a life of faith in Christ.
It’s how we walk in the Spirit: seeing God’s Kingdom manifest in our world today.
But our worldview of that manifestation is a Christian one.
That is, we understand that we are now living in an age of grace and salvation. ( 私たちは今、恵みと救いの時代に生きているのです。)
And so we reach out to all people with a message of grace and salvation.
Judgement is to come and it is in God’s hands. (This needs to be preached, too.)
Discernment and justice are important concepts for Christians to be exercising but final judgement of others is for God.
Hopefully that helps us to understand imprecatory psalms.
So let’s change tack a little and look at Psalm 98.
Psalm 98 is essentially a beautiful psalm of praise. Let’s look at the first three verses
Sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done marvelous things;
his right hand and his holy arm
have worked salvation for him.
2 The Lord has made his salvation known
and revealed his righteousness to the nations.
3 He has remembered his love
and his faithfulness to Israel;
all the ends of the earth have seen
the salvation of our God.
1 新しき歌を主にむかってうたえ。主はくすしきみわざをなされたからである。その右の手と聖なる腕とは、おのれのために勝利を得られた。
2 主はその勝利を知らせ、その義をもろもろの国民の前にあらわされた。
3 主はそのいつくしみと、まこととをイスラエルの家にむかって覚えられた。地のもろもろのはては、われらの神の勝利を見た。
These first three verses encourage us to praise God and they give us five reasons for doing so (and it’s good for us to remember these for our own prayer life):
He has done marvellous things 主はくすしきみわざをなされた
He has brought salvation 主は救いをもたらされた
He has revealed his righteousness 主はその義をあらわされた
He is loving 主は愛にあふれている
He is faithful 主は誠実である
What really intrigues me about this psalm is what follows.
The next 5 verses continue to encourage us to praise God but no reasons are given.
We are just told to praise him:
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,
burst into jubilant song with music;
5 make music to the Lord with the harp,
with the harp and the sound of singing,
6 with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—
shout for joy before the Lord, the King.
7 Let the sea resound, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.
8 Let the rivers clap their hands,
let the mountains sing together for joy;
4 全地よ、主にむかって喜ばしき声をあげよ。声を放って喜び歌え、ほめうたえ。
5 琴をもって主をほめうたえ。琴と歌の声をもってほめうたえ。
6 ラッパと角笛の音をもって王なる主の前に喜ばしき声をあげよ。
7 海とその中に満ちるもの、世界とそのうちに住む者とは鳴りどよめけ。
8 大水はその手を打ち、もろもろの山は共に主のみ前に喜び歌え。
The reason for all this praise comes in the next (and final) verse of the psalm:
9 let them sing before the Lord,
[why?] for he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples with equity. (my italics)
9 主は地をさばくために来られるからである。主は義をもって世界をさばき、公平をもってもろもろの民をさばかれる。
The reason for all this extravagant praise is simply because God is our judge and he judges the world in righteousness.
God’s judgement is not something for us to be embarrassed about or silent about.
It’s a cause for extravagant and noisy celebration.
Why? Because God is a good judge and his justice is just as important and wonderful as His marvellous works, His salvation, His righteousness, His love and His faithfulness.
Worshipping God joyfully as our judge is an important part of living the Christian faith.
Let me finish with these
4 reasons why we should worship God joyfully as our judge:
It leads to a holy fear of God. 神への聖なる畏れへと導く
Christians who love God but don’t fear Him are immature in their faith and are asking for trouble.
It leads to a desire for purity. きよくありたいという願いへと導く
Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.”
It leads to a passion for evangelism. 伝道への思いへと導く
Sharing our faith with others is one of the great callings upon our lives, whether we are gifted in evangelism or not.
It leads to a readiness for Jesus’ return. イエスの再臨の準備へと導く
In the parable of the ten bridesmaids, the only reason given for judgement upon 5 of the bridesmaids was that they were not ready.
Let’s sing before the lord because He judges the world with justice.