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December 15th, 2019

Minoh International Church
Andrew Miller

How do you feel?
How do you feel now that it’s Christmas? What is your primary emotion or feeling?
Happiness? Stress? Gluttonous? Busyness? Bankrupt? Peace?
However you’re feeling now, I hope you come to enjoy Christmas, but I’ll get to that later.

Earlier this evening we heard an Old Testament reading from the prophet Isaiah. I love Old Testament readings, especially from the prophet Isaiah. I love them because they’re so prophetic and because they’re so poetic. And the reading that we heard, written 600 years before Jesus was born, is a beautifully poetic and amazingly prophetic word about Christmas!

It starts with this:

The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Isaiah 35:1


イザヤ書 35:1

What has that got to do with Christmas? Can you imagine asking kids for their favourite image of Christmas, and one gives you this [angel], and another gives you this [presents], and another gives you this [carollers], and then one gives you this image [desert wilderness]! You’d think, “What’s wrong with this kid?!”
But this is the image Isaiah first gives us for the Christmas miracle. Why?! What has desert wilderness got to do with Christmas? The answer is “because there’s nothing there”. There are no comforts, no pleasures, no life. Everything is parched and dry.

This is a poetic description of what our lives can be like sometimes. Parched and dry. Sometimes there are ‘wilderness times’ in our lives. Times when we are lonely. Times when we have to make important decisions but we just feel lost. Times when we or family members are sick. Times when we struggle financially, struggle with a relationship, struggle with sin in our lives. Or we maybe even struggle to see any sort of purpose in our lives. Times when we cry out, “God, where are you?” Those are the wilderness times. Has anyone here experienced anything like that? (Good, you’re human)
イザヤ書では、私たちの人生が時に、どのようなものであるかを「砂漠の荒野」として詩的に表現しているのです。時に私たちの人生は、カラカラに干上がって乾燥しているようだと言っているのです。私たちの人生には「荒野にいるような時」が訪れる時があると言っています。それは「孤独な時」を意味します。「荒野にいるような時」とは、例えば次のような時です。重要な決断を下さなければならないのに、いつまでも迷っていると感じる時。自分や自分の家族が病気になった時。経済的に苦しい時、人間関係に苦しんでいる時、自分の犯した罪に苦しむ時。または、人生の目的を見い出だすことに苦労することさえあります。 「神様、あなたは一体どこにおられるのですか?」と叫びたい気分になる時が、「砂漠の荒野」の時だと言えるでしょう。ここにいる皆さんは、そのような気持ちになったり、そのような時を過ごしたことはありませんか? もちろん、人間であれば誰でも、このような「荒野の時」を経験したことはあると思います。

If you’ve experienced times of wilderness in your life, you’re in very good company. The Israelites experienced a long time in the wilderness. Moses spent many years in the wilderness. King David was driven into the wilderness after he was made king. John the Baptist ministered in the wilderness. Even Jesus spent time in the wilderness after He was baptised. The thing that is important here is that their wilderness experiences were vital to their success. It was because of their time in the wilderness – because of what they learned in the wilderness – that they experienced God. 

If you have a wilderness experience but you don’t learn anything from it, you’re never getting out. You’ll just stay lonely, lost, bitter, estranged and feeling hopeless. These things will come to define you. 

But that is not God’s purpose for you. God allows wilderness experiences because they produce something wonderful. Isaiah says in his poetic language that wilderness experiences are intended to lead us to “rejoice and blossom”, to “rejoice greatly and shout for joy”.

  1. Christmas is about being rescued from our wilderness and experiencing true joy.

Isaiah says more. He says, 

Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped.

Isaiah 35:5


イザヤ書 35:5

One of the reasons God takes us out into the ‘wilderness’ (using the wilderness as an analogy for dry/hard times) is because nothing is there. In a real desert wilderness there is no TV, no mobile phones, no shops, no money, no gyms, no gardens, no animals, no people. There is nothing to distract us, our eyes or our ears from the things that are really important. 

Any parent will tell you that to get the full attention of your child sometimes you have to take the game away. Then the child will look and listen to what you have to say. (It might be the same with husbands too.) Sometimes to get our attention, God has to take away all the comforts and pleasures that we hold onto. And these might not only be physical comforts and pleasures but ideological ones, too. 
どの親も、遊んでいるゲーム機を実際に子供の手から奪わなければ、子供の注意を完全に引くことは無理だというでしょう。ゲームを取り上げれば、子供はあなたが言っていることを聞いてくれます。 あなたの夫についても同じことが言えるかもしれません。時には注意を引くために、神は、私たちの快適な環境を奪い、喜びを奪うのです。神は、あなたから肉体的な安らぎと楽しみだけを奪うだけではなく、あなたの考えも奪ってしまうのです。

Sometimes we hold so tightly to the idea that God doesn’t love us and that’s why life is so hard, or that God can’t love us because we are so unlovable, or that are our hardships are a punishment for something we did. 

Maybe our ideology is of another kind. Maybe we simply have it in our hearts that our way of living is best, that independence means we don’t have to be accountable to anyone else, that tolerance is the highest virtue, that my money is all mine, or that no-one can tell me who I can and can’t date, that morality and ethics are entirely relative and personal matters, or that God simply doesn’t exist. We cling to all sorts of belief systems.

And so God takes us deep into a wilderness that we may hate, and He says, “Do I have your attention now? I want you to look and listen very, very carefully because I’m going to give you an entirely new worldview. I’m going to give you a worldview that releases you from the false promises of this world. I’m going to give you a worldview that frees you from the lies of this world. I’m going to give you a worldview that is righteous, that is just, that is beautiful, and that is rich. I’m going to reveal to you my absolute truth.”

In the colourful language of Isaiah, God puts it this way

In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.

Isaiah 35:7b


イザヤ書 35:7b

And how will this new worldview that we are given affect us?

Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy.

Isaiah 35:6a


イザヤ書 35:6a

  1. Christmas is about being given an entirely new worldview and experiencing true joy.

One more thing Isaiah says.

And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness;

Isaiah 35:8a


イザヤ書 35:8a

This part of Isaiah’s prophecy is about transformation. It’s about being transformed from unholiness into holiness. In simpler language, it means being changed from people who in character look nothing like God into people who in character resemble God very much.

To be holy means to be morally and spiritually excellent. So God’s desire is for us to be transformed from people who are morally and spiritually corrupt (by God’s standards), into people who are morally and spiritually excellent.

What’s the result of being morally and spiritually excellent? Isaiah tells us,

Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Isaiah 35:10b


イザヤ書 35:10b

That’s what Christmas is all about.

  1. Christmas is about being transformed into the likeness of God and experiencing true joy.

Okay, so we’ve learned this evening through some poetic words of Isaiah three things:

  1. Christmas is about being rescued from our wilderness and experiencing true joy.
  2. Christmas is about being given an entirely new worldview and experiencing true joy.
  3. Christmas is about being transformed into the likeness of God and experiencing true joy.

So when I asked at the beginning how Christmas makes you feel, I hope your answer is ‘joy’. I hope Christmas fills you with joy because that is what Jesus came to bring.

Let’s look at the three lessons above one more time.
This sounds great but, back to reality, what does this mean for us? How do we get this in real terms? How do we get rescued from our wilderness, get a new worldview, get transformed into the likeness of God and receive this true joy? How does it work in practical terms?

Isaiah tells us this, too:

But only the redeemed will walk there, and those the Lord has rescued will return.

Isaiah 35:9b-10a


イザヤ書 35:9b-10a

“Only the redeemed will walk there.” This rescue and new worldview and transformation doesn’t just happen automatically while we sleep on December 24. It’s only the redeemed who receive this. And the redeemed are not people of a certain nationality, religion, gender, education, socio-economic group or appearance. The good news is, anyone can be redeemed. And that’s what Christmas is all about.

Because this prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled in the Jesus of Christmas. Jesus said, 

“Let anyone who is thirsty [in the wilderness] come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:37,38
祭りの最後の一番大切な日に、イエスは大声で群衆に語りかけました。「だれでも、渇いているなら、わたしのところへ来て飲みなさい。わたしを信じれば、心の奥底からいのちの水の川が流れ出ると、聖書に語られているとおりです。」ヨハネの福音書 7:37-38

Jesus was talking here about the giving and the releasing of the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him, who call on Him and who choose to follow Him.
He also said,

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

John 3:16,17

実に神は、ひとり子をさえ惜しまず与えるほどに、この世界を愛してくださいました。それは、神の御子を信じる者が、だれ一人滅びず、永遠のいのちを得るためです。 17 神がご自分の御子を世にお遣わしになったのは、世をさばくためではなく、世を救うためです。

ヨハネの福音書 3:16-17

The apostle Paul taught us that,

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9


ローマ人への手紙 10:9

That’s how your redemption begins: by turning away from your sin and believing that Jesus is the Son of God, that He was raised from the dead, and by asking Him in prayer to be the Lord and Saviour of your life. It’s both simple and profound. You can be redeemed tonight.

God is calling you to repent, to give your life to Jesus and receive Him in your heart to experience newness of life and the fullness of joy, so I encourage you to come and speak with me or Pastor Joseph after the service. We would be happy to lead you into a new life in Christ.

Jesus came to bring joy to the world by redeeming souls. I hope that this Christmas you will experience the great joy of the Lord.
