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Contrasting Threads

January 12th, 2020

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Psalm 90
詩篇 90


The current Guinness World Records title holder as the oldest living person is a Japanese woman named, Kane Tanaka. She celebrated her 117th birthday at a nursing home in Fukuoka City last Sunday (January 5, 2020). She was born in 1903, the same year that Bob Hope, John Dillinger and George Orwell were born, and Albert Einstein got married.
現在のギネス世界記録の最年長者としての記録保持者は、タナカ カネという日本人女性です。彼女は先週の日曜日(2020年1月5日)に福岡市の老人ホームで117歳の誕生日を迎えました。彼女はボブ・ホープ、ジョン・ディリンジャー、ジョージ・オーウェルが生まれた年、そしてアルバート・アインシュタインが結婚したのと同じ年の1903年に生まれました。

You might wonder and ask: “How long can a person live?”

  1. There seems to be a 120-year age limit on humanity.

Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.’

Genesis 6:3


創世記 6:3

It must be said, however, that Genesis chapter 11 records several people living past the age of 120. But as a general rule, people will no longer live past 120 years of age. It is the approximate age that an especially healthy and blessed person could expect to last.

  1. Several hundred years after the great flood recorded in Biblical history, Moses declared:

Seventy (70) years are given to us! Some even live to eighty (80). But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away.

Psalm 90:10


詩篇 90:10

Many people say, “Time flies so fast.” I’d rather say, “Time stays; we fly away.”

Neither Genesis 6:3 nor Psalm 90:10 are God-ordained age limits for humanity.  Psalm 90:10 is simply stating that as a general rule, people live 70~80 years (which is still true today).

Well, there is a new method in science called, cryonics. Cryopreserving is low-temperature freezing and storage of humans and animals with the intention of future revival. Even if this human experiment is fulfilled, a person still will have to experience death, cryopreserving and then, revival.

No matter how long we live physically, even with the aid of advances in medical science, there is a question that needs to be answered: How do we spend our time on this earth? Why are we here? It delves with the issue of our purpose and the meaning of our individual existence.

The prayer of Moses as recorded in Psalm 90 will give us some insights not only to his heart’s desires but also about his understanding about human life.
詩篇 90章に書かれているモーゼの祈りを読むと、モーゼの心の願望だけでなく、人間の人生についての彼の理解についても知ることができます。

What can we learn from the prayer of Moses?

  1. We learn about the eternal nature of God – verses 1~2
    神の永遠の性質について学ぶ– 1節から2節

Verses 1~2 declare,

1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. 2 Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

Psalms 90:1-2

1 主よ、あなたは世々われらのすみかでいらせられる。2 山がまだ生れず、あなたがまだ地と世界とを造られなかったとき、とこしえからとこしえまで、あなたは神でいらせられる。

詩篇 90:1-2

All life originates from God. He alone has existed before space-time began. Likewise, He is eternally existent, without end, and is self-sustaining. It means that we are utterly dependent on His protection and sustenance. He knows all about us and what we will become.

  1. We learn about the fragile nature of humanity – verses 3~6

Verse 5 says,

Yet you sweep people away in the sleep of death — they are like the new grass of the morning.” It means that our time on earth is short, just like grass.

Psalms 90:5


詩篇 90:5

Someone told this joke to show how short it is. It’s only comprised of 3 or 4 life stages.

The 3 stages of man: (1) He believes in Santa Claus. (2) He doesn’t believe in Santa Claus. (3) He is Santa Claus. Oh, but don’t forget the 4th stage…. (4) He LOOKS like Santa Claus.
まず人生の3つの段階を説明します。第一段階。彼はサンタクロースを信じています。 第二段階。彼は大人になったのでもうサンタクロースを信じていません。 第三段階。彼は子供ができたので、自分が子供のサンタクロースになりました。そして、第4段階を忘れないでください…最後に。彼は歳をとってしまったので、サンタクロースのような老人になりました。

Seriously, the real tragedy of life is NOT that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. Real life begins with God. Get to know Him and give Him first place in your life.

  1. We learn about humanity’s sinful nature and his failings before a perfect God – verses 7~8

We are consumed by your anger and terrified by your indignation. You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.

Psalm 90:7-8

7 われらはあなたの怒りによって消えうせ、あなたの憤りによって滅び去るのです。8 あなたはわれらの不義をみ前におき、われらの隠れた罪をみ顔の光のなかにおかれました。

詩篇 90:7-8

Not only that God is eternal, He is also perfect in knowledge (He knows even our secrets) and perfect in character. He is holy! He brings to light all our iniquities and sins.

Iniquities are things we do without regards for the holy law of God. In other words, transgressions, wickedness or unrighteousness. It is crossing the moral and spiritual line or boundary that God has set.

Sins are not only the wrong doing we commit, but the fact that we cannot satisfy God’s holy standard. As the Bible says…

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.

Romans 3:23


ローマ人への手紙 3:23

Yes, there is a divine standard and we don’t pass the quality check. We are rejects by virtue of our sins. Left to ourselves, we are unfit to stand in God’s presence. We are all guilty before Him.

Thankfully, there’s One who satisfies God’s standard and He has given His life to raise us up. His name is Jesus Christ.

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.

1 Peter 3:18


ペテロの手紙第一 3:18

  1. We learn about how short life is for humans in comparison with God’s eternal existence – verses 9~12.
    神の永遠の存在と比べて、人間の人生がどれほど短いかを学ぶ ―詩篇9〜12節

Moses says,

Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away

Psalm 90:10


詩篇 90:10

This verse also teaches an existence after death. We do not just “end”; rather, we “fly” to somewhere else. The Bible makes it clear that the grave is not human’s final destiny.

There is heaven, for those who know God and have trusted Him for their salvation. And, hell, for those who refuse to turn away from their sins and reject His offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

Verse 12 adds the lesson we should glean from the brevity of earthly life:

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalms 90:12


詩篇 90:12

  1. We learn about Moses’ prayer for God’s grace upon His people — verses 13~17.
    モーセの祈りから、神の恵みが神の人々にあることを学ぶ – 13~17節

Verse 17 concludes,

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.

Psalms 90:17


詩篇 90:17

Without God, our work amounts to nothing. But, with God we’ll understand how beautiful life is, even with its accompanying difficulties and challenges.

Some years ago, Ravi Zacharias (a well-known Christian apologist) was visiting a place known for making the best wedding saris in the world. They were the producers of saris rich in gold and silver threads, resplendent with an array of colors. With such intricacy of product, he was expecting to see some elaborate system of machines that would boggle the mind in production. But this image could not have been further from the real scene. He described what he saw in this way:

Each sari was made individually by a father-and-son team. The father sat above the son on a platform, surrounded by several spools of thread that he would gather into his fingers. The son had only one task. At a nod from his father, he would move the shuttle from one side to the other and back again. This would then be repeated for hundreds of hours, until a magnificent pattern began to emerge.

The son certainly had the easier task. He was only to move at the father’s nod. But making use of these efforts, the father was working to an artful end. All along, he had the design in his mind and was bringing the right threads together.

The more I reflect on my own life and study the lives of others, I am fascinated to see the design God has for each one of us individually, if we would only respond. All through our days, little reminders show the threads that God has woven into our lives.

Then, he goes on to share a story from his own life.

As one searching for meaning in the throes of a turbulent adolescence, I found myself on a hospital bed from an attempted suicide. It was there that I was read John 14:19, and my attention was fully captured by what Jesus said to His disciples: “Because I live, you also will live.” I turned my life over to Christ that day, committing my pains, struggles, and pursuits to His able hands.

Almost thirty years to the day after this decision, my wife and I were in India and decided to visit my grandmother’s grave. With the help of a gardener we walked through the accumulated weeds and rubble until we found the stone marking her grave. With his bucket of water and a small brush, the gardener cleared off the years of caked-on dirt.

To our utter surprise, under her name, a verse gradually appeared. My wife clasped my hand and said, “Look at the verse!” It read: “Because I live, you also will live.”

If an ordinary weaver can create out of a collection of colored threads a garment that will beautify the face, can the Grand Weaver not have a design in mind for you, a design that will adorn you, as He uses your life to fashion you, using all the threads He has within His reach? A purposeful design emerges when the Father weaves a pattern from what to us may often seem disparate threads.


In Psalm 90 Moses directs our attention to God’s greatness, our human weakness, and our need for the Lord to provide grace for our daily needs. We are to seek wisdom and to live each day to its fullest for the glory of God. Of great importance is Moses’ emphasis to “number our days.” While this poetic psalm may not literally mean we are to count each day by number, it does focus on the need to live every day for maximum impact. For every day is a gift from God.
詩篇90編では、モーセは、神の偉大さ、人間の弱さを教えてくれています。そして、私たちには、日々の人生に恵みを与えてくれる主が必要なことを教えてくれます。私たちは神の知恵を求め、神の栄光のために毎日を精一杯生きる必要があります。 モーセが「私たちの日数を数える」ことを言っているのは大切なことです。なぜなら、この一日一日は神からの贈り物だからです。

In the Kung Fu Panda movie:

The protagonist Panda is having a conversation with the venerable Turtle, who exudes wisdom. He said, “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, but TODAY is a gift. That’s why it’s called the PRESENT.”

The apostle Paul wrote,

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15–16


エペソ人への手紙 5:15-16

God calls us to use every moment of every day to honor Him.