Today I would like to talk about donkeys.
You don’t hear much about donkeys nowadays.
They don’t come up much in classroom discussions.
You don’t see them in pet shops. (Kyoko, have you ever treated a donkey in your vet clinic?)
And I don’t ever recall seeing a program on Animal Planet dedicated to donkeys.
And when it comes to famous donkeys, there’s this one (image – Donkey Kong)
but he’s not really a donkey;
and sort of this one (image – Bikkuri Donkey)
but that’s not a donkey at all.
And that’s about it.
But there is one slightly famous donkey that I would like to talk about this morning.
Does anyone know which donkey I’m referring to?
We can read about this donkey in Matthew 21:
As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”
4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:
5 “Say to Daughter Zion,
‘See, your king comes to you,
gentle and riding on a donkey,
and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”
6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. 7 They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. 8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,
“Hosanna to the Son of David!”
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”
10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”
11 The crowds answered, “馬にThis is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”
1 さて、彼らがエルサレムに近づき、オリブ山沿いのベテパゲに着いたとき、イエスはふたりの弟子をつかわして言われた、
2 「向こうの村へ行きなさい。するとすぐ、ろばがつながれていて、子ろばがそばにいるのを見るであろう。それを解いてわたしのところに引いてきなさい。
3 もしだれかが、あなたがたに何か言ったなら、主がお入り用なのです、と言いなさい。そう言えば、すぐ渡してくれるであろう」。
4 こうしたのは、預言者によって言われたことが、成就するためである。
5 すなわち、「シオンの娘に告げよ、見よ、あなたの王がおいでになる、柔和なおかたで、ろばに乗って、くびきを負うろばの子に乗って」。
6 弟子たちは出て行って、イエスがお命じになったとおりにし、
7 ろばと子ろばとを引いてきた。そしてその上に自分たちの上着をかけると、イエスはそれにお乗りになった。
8 群衆のうち多くの者は自分たちの上着を道に敷き、また、ほかの者たちは木の枝を切ってきて道に敷いた。
9 そして群衆は、前に行く者も、あとに従う者も、共に叫びつづけた、「ダビデの子に、ホサナ。主の御名によってきたる者に、祝福あれ。いと高き所に、ホサナ」。
10 イエスがエルサレムにはいって行かれたとき、町中がこぞって騒ぎ立ち、「これは、いったい、どなただろう」と言った。
11 そこで群衆は、「この人はガリラヤのナザレから出た預言者イエスである」と言った。
It was Forrest Gump’s mother, Mrs Gump [image], who said, “You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they going, where they been.”
In much the same way, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they travel –
private jet, プライベートジェットに乗って旅をしたのか、
Hankyu bus, 阪急バスにのって旅をしたのか、
bicycle, 自転車に乗って旅をしたのか、
And here in this passage from Matthew (and Luke and John), we see Jesus making his great triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
He has just healed the man born blind and just raised Lazarus from the dead.
The whole city is abuzz with the news of this great prophet – this Messiah! – coming into Jerusalem. 町中が、偉大な予言者、救世主がエルサレムに来たというニュースで大騒ぎになりました。
Could this be it? they wonder. Could He be the One to deliver Israel?
And how does this great prophet, this anointed man of God enter the holy city?
Does he fly in on a private helicopter with his name printed across the side in big letters?
Does he come in behind a 200-man marching band?
More likely for the times, does he come in with cavalry on a war horse covered in armour and ornaments and trinkets?
No. He comes in on a donkey.
In fact it’s barely even a donkey. It’s the foal of a donkey.
Why? What does this tell us about Jesus?
What does it tell us about his identity?
And what does it tell us about His mission?
The original quote from the prophet Zechariah (9:9,10) helps us to understand this:
Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!
Shout, Daughter Jerusalem!
See, your king comes to you,
righteous and victorious,
lowly and riding on a donkey,
on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
10 I will take away the chariots from Ephraim
and the warhorses from Jerusalem,
and the battle bow will be broken.
He will proclaim peace to the nations.
His rule will extend from sea to sea
and from the River to the ends of the earth.
9 シオンの娘よ、大いに喜べ、エルサレムの娘よ、呼ばわれ。見よ、あなたの王はあなたの所に来る。彼は義なる者であって勝利を得、柔和であって、ろばに乗る。すなわち、ろばの子である子馬に乗る。
10 わたしはエフライムから戦車を断ち、エルサレムから軍馬を断つ。また、いくさ弓も断たれる。彼は国々の民に平和を告げ、その政治は海から海に及び、大川から地の果にまで及ぶ。
The Jews were expecting a warlord to come, mighty in battle, and deliver them from the Roman Empire. ユダヤ人達は、どんな戦にも負けない、ローマ帝国から彼らを守ってくれる、立派な将軍、司令官を期待していました。
But to those who were unfamiliar with this passage – most of the Jews it would seem – Jesus was a surprise package. He was not at all what they were expecting.
Far from a warlord riding in on a war horse with a cry to battle,
he came meekly, riding a donkey with a message of peace.
This tells us that Jesus was a man of peace. このことからイエスは平和の人であることが分かります。
It tells us that the essence of His identity was peace. イエスというお方の本質が平和であることが分かります。
And it tells us that his mission was a mission of peace.イエスの宣教は平和を伝えることであることが分かります。
One of the last teachings Jesus gave his disciples before his crucifixion was this:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
And what was the very first thing that Jesus said when he first appeared to His disciples?
“Peace be with you!” John 20:19 ヨハネ20章19節の「安かれ」です。
What was the second thing Jesus said when he first appeared to His disciples?
“Peace be with you!” John 20:21
What was the first thing he said to them a week later when he appeared again, this time when Thomas was present?
“Peace be with you!” John 20:26 「安かれ」
What was the second thing Jesus said when he appeared a week later when Thomas was present?
“Put your finger here.” 🙂 John 20:27
So you can see that Jesus’ mission was to bring peace.
Now, that is a beautiful message. And it’s so, so needed in this world.
But what does it mean? What is this peace that Jesus is talking about?
This year we have been looking at the theme “Your Kingdom come” and we are understanding that that means that there is a very big difference between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world.
The peace of Christ, and the peace of the world are not the same thing.
In fact, the more you look at the two peaces the more you see how very different they are.
In the kingdom of the world, peace means the absence of war.
In the Kingdom of God, peace means being in a right relationship with God.
Jesus was able to proclaim peace to His disciples and to the world because he had provided the way for people to have a right relationship with God.
Paul wrote about this to the Roman church: ポールはこのことをローマ教会にむけて、次のように書いています。
So now, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. (TLB)
The Easter story is a very dramatic and complex story. イースターはとても劇的で、複雑なお話です。
It is a story of confrontation, 対立
betrayal, 裏切り
denial, 否定
false accusations, ぬれ衣
jealousy, ねたみ
manipulation, ごまかし
treason, 反逆
torture, 拷問
mockery and 嘲り
It is also a story of また、
Honour 名誉,
submission, 服従
forgiveness, 赦し
obedience, 従順
faithfulness, 誠実
stoicism, 冷静
innocence, 無実
humility, 謙遜
sacrificial love, 犠牲的な愛
promise and 約束
Victory 勝利の話でもあります。
In all of this tension, it’s easy to lose sight of the purpose and meaning of it all.
Jesus willingly entered Jerusalem in the full knowledge that he was going to be betrayed and hung on a cross and killed to take away the sin of the world.
Because God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not die but live forever in peace with God.
Let me finish with this thought.
In the Easter story, there were big name disciples, Pharisees, Sadducees, high priests, governors and there was one donkey.
You might think of yourself as having a very small part in carrying the Easter message – you might see yourself as a bit of a donkey.
But Jesus chose the donkey.
And the donkey served Him faithfully.そして、ロバはイエス様に誠実に仕えました。
This Easter, whether you’re a high priest, a big name disciple or just a donkey, carry Jesus in your heart and share the Easter message of peace to those you meet.