July 12th, 2020
Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Isaiah 42:8
イザヤ書 42:8
Johann Sebastian Bach, regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time, is celebrated as the creator of many masterpieces of church and instrumental music. His compositions represent the best of the Baroque era. Concerning music he said, “All music should have no other end and aim than the glory of God and the soul’s refreshment; where this is not remembered, there is no real music but only a devilish hubbub.”
He would put the initials “I.N.J.,” a Latin abbreviation that means, “In Nomine Jesu,” or “in the Name of Jesus,” on his manuscripts. He ended them “S.D.G.” “Soli Deo Gloria,” which means “Glory to God alone.”
バッハはラテン語の略語 である”I.N.J.”と言うイニシャルを自分の原稿に書いていました。それは”In Nomine Jesu”(イン ノミネ イエズ)というラテン語の略語で、「イエス様の名において」という意味でした。そして、”S.D.G.” “Soli Deo Gloria”(ソリ・デオ・グロリア) 「神のみに栄光を」という意味の言葉を原稿の最後に書いて終わっていました。
The word, “glory” is a word that is used frequently in Christian circles. It is found in our worship songs, and we mention it regularly in our prayers. However, it is a term that many probably assume to know but is quite vague in their understanding.
What is the glory of God?
“Glory” is a word that expresses the sum total of God’s attributes. This word describes God’s essence.
The glory of God is the beauty of His spirit. It is not an aesthetic beauty or a material beauty, but it is the beauty that emanates from His character, from all that He is.
Glory is from the Latin “gloria” meaning “fame, renown” and is used to describe the manifestation of God’s presence as perceived by humans.
栄光とは、ラテン語で「名声」を意味する “gloria “から来ており、人間が認識できる神の存在を表現するために使われます。
The Hebrew equivalent for glory is “kabod” and derives from a root word that has the basic mean of “heavy” or “weighty”. The “weightiness” or abundance of God’s amazing attributes comprises His glory.
ヘブライ語で栄光に相当する言葉は”kabod”「カボド」と言う言葉で、基本的には「重い」、「重みのある」という意味を持つ語源に由来しています。 神の素晴らしい性質である「重み」であったり、豊かさが、神の栄光を構成しています。
Ancient Israelites would refer to a wealthy person as “heavy in wealth,” much like we might refer to someone who is rich as being “loaded” or someone with “deep pockets.” So, when it comes to God, we could say He is loaded with power, splendor, beauty, holiness and love.
私たちが裕福な人を 「富豪だ」とか 「お金に富んでいる」と呼ぶのと同じように、古代イスラエルの人々は裕福な人を 「富に重い」と言いました。ですから、神について言えば、神は力、素晴らしさ、美しさ、神聖さ、愛に満ち、豊であると言えるでしょう。
Man and the glory of God
In 1643 the English parliament assembled together some of the greatest theologians and biblical scholars of the day. The Westminster Assembly, a synod of English and Scottish theologians and laymen intended to bring the Church of England into greater conformity with the Church of Scotland.
One of the results of their meetings was a document called the Shorter Westminster Catechism. This catechism answered a series of doctrinal and theological questions. On top of the list, question #1 was “What is the chief end of man?” Their answer was just 11 words. “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
彼らの会議の成果の一つは、「ウェストミンスター小教理問答しょうきょうりもんどう」と呼ばれる文書でした。 この「教理問答」は、一連の教義的・神学的な質問に答えていました。例えば、 質問リストの一番最初にあった質問は、「人間の終わりの集大成とは何か」でした。 それは、とても短い答えで、「人間の主な目的は 神を讃え 永遠に神を楽しむことである」と言う答えでした。
TO GLORIFY GOD. That is an apt description of the purpose of our creaturely existence. We are made for Him and for His pleasure.
「神を讃えるために」 と言う言葉。それは、神の創作物である私たちの目的を適切にに表しています。私たちは神のために、また神の喜びのために作られたのです。
Isaiah 43:7 says that God created us for His glory.
“… everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”
In context with the other verses, it can be said that man “glorifies” God because through man, God’s glory can be seen in things such as love, music, heroism, ministry, gospel, etc. — things belonging to God that we are carrying “in jars of clay” (2 Corinthians 4:7).
We are the vessels which “contain” God’s glory. All the things we are able to do and to be, find their source in Him.
Since God is the one from whom glory comes, He will not let stand the assertion that glory comes from man or from the idols of man or from nature.
God is jealous over His glory. This jealousy for His own glory is what St. Paul is talking about in Romans 1:21~25 when he speaks of the ways people worship the creature rather than the Creator.
In other words, they looked at the object through which God’s glory was coming. Instead of giving God the credit for it, they worshiped that animal or tree or man as if the beauty it possessed originated from within itself. This is the very heart of idolatry and is a very common occurrence.
Still, in 2 Corinthians 3:18, Paul says that God’s amazing glory resides in us. It resides in you as His child. You are a carrier of the glory of God.
それでも、第二コリント人3章18節でパウロは、神の素晴らしい栄光が私たちの内に宿っていると言っています。 その栄光とは、神の子である私達の中にあるのです。 あなたは神の栄光を担っているのです。
I know that some days just feel like nothing significant happens; we are just going through the motions. But, I want to remind you today, that you are an bearer of God’s glory, no matter how you feel or whatever you’re going through.
私達の日々は、何かが起こる日もあれば何も起こらない日もあります。 しかし、今日は、あなたがどんな気持ちでいようと、どんなことがあろうと、あなたは神の栄光の担い手であることを思い出してもらいたいと思います。
How then do we respond to this truth?
Responding to God’s glory
I want us to consider two (2) practical applications when it comes to the glory of God.
Meditate on God’s glory
What does it mean to “meditate”? It means to think about, regurgitate like a sheep chewing grass, contemplate, linger over, soak in.
Experience and observation tell us that you can’t meditate in a hurry. You can notice, glance, look, and scan in a hurry, but you can’t meditate hurriedly.
私達の経験や体験から言えることは、急いで黙想することはできないということです。 慌てて物ごとに気付いたり、急いで目を通したり、スキャンしたりすることはできても、慌てて黙想することはできません。
If you want to do well at school, you have to spend time reading, studying, doing homework, experimenting, writing, etc. It takes a lot of time and concentration. If you want a great marriage, you have to hear the desires and learn the rhythms of your spouse. If you want a great walk with God, you must become a student of God’s beauty, character and glory. Meditate Him.
I strongly suggest that the next time you pick up your Bible, don’t hurry. Meditate on it! It is an opportunity to ponder the beauty and wonder of God’s character. Each story and passage reveal a facet of God’s glory. Know Jesus more from its pages. Hear from the Holy Spirit as He applies truth in your life.
私がお勧めすることは、あなたが次に、聖書を手に取るときは、急がないで、そして黙想してください。 聖書を読むことは、神様の性質の美しさとすばらしさについて考える良い機会を与えてくれます。 それぞれの物語や聖句には、神の栄光のことが書かれています。聖書を読む事によって、イエス様をもっと知ってください。そして聖霊があなたの人生に真理を与えてくれるので、聖霊の声によく耳を傾けてください。
Personally as a pastor, when I contemplate the glory of God, I am reminded of the high and holy calling that I have in representing God to people.
Live life with boldness and confidence
Since we have the hope of God’s glory, we can live boldly.
What does God’s glory have to do with living boldly?
Pastor Lance Witt, a former coworker with Rick Warren at Saddleback Church, reasons that
if God’s glory is actually, literally real…
もし、神の栄光が実際に実在するならば、、、 -
And the glory of God can settle on Mt. Sinai so that it looks like the top of the mountain is on fire
もし、神の栄光がシナイ山に鎮座したので、シナイ山の頂上が火に包まれているように見えたのならば、、、 -
And if Moses can encounter just a glimpse of the back side of God’s glory and it literally causes his face to shine
もし、神の栄光が輝いているので、垣間見ただけでモーゼの顔を照らすことができたのならば、、、 -
And if the beauty of the created universe is God’s glory on display
もし、創造された宇宙の美しさの中に、神の栄光が見られるのならば、、、 -
And if Jesus was the glory of God in concentrated form
もし、神の栄光を凝縮した形がイエスであるならば、、、 -
And if heaven won’t need an electric power plant because the glory of God lights it up
If all that is true, I can live with confidence and boldness, because our God is real. And He is large and in charge. He is not sitting up in heaven wringing his hands about the chaos in our world. And we don’t have to wring our hands and panic either.
私は自信を持って生きることができます。神は実在しておられるからです。 神は天に座って私たちの世界の混乱に、ただ手をこまねいているだけではありません。もう、 私たちもパニックになって手を洗う必要はありません。
So, follow God boldly. Share your faith boldly. Pray boldly. Serve others boldly in Jesus’ name.
だから思いきって大胆に神に従ってください。大胆になって信仰を分かち合いましょう。 大胆になって祈りましょう。 イエス様の御名によって、大胆になって他の人のために奉仕しましょう。
I would like to close this morning’s message with this verse for us to ponder today.
Notice that the passage doesn’t focus on some great spiritual event or worship service or mountaintop experience. Paul challenges us in the everyday, normal, common, mundane things of life to GLORIFY God. So as you move through your week I want to challenge you to bring glory to God in everything you do.
この聖句の箇所は、霊的な出来事や礼拝や特別な経験に焦点を当てたものではないことに留意してください。 パウロは、人生の日常的な、普通の、ありふれたことの中でも神の栄光を称えるようにと私たちに言っています。 ですから、あなたがこれからの一週間を過ごしていく中で、すべてのことを行う時に、どのように神に栄光を称えながら過ごせるかということを考えてください。