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Home » God is Not Fair 神様は不公平

God is Not Fair 神様は不公平

It’s pretty easy to see by looking around the world that God is not fair.
We have rich and poor, healthy and sick, beautiful and ugly, safe and dangerous, clever and stupid, good and evil.
We Christians like to say that God is just and righteous and good but does this really stand up to the realities in the world?

Today, let’s look at 3 areas where God seems to be ‘unfair’ and see if that’s really the case.
Distribution of natural talents and weaknesses
On one hand, God made people like my nephew Josh who is one of the finest physical specimens on the planet, and currently training for the Olympic Games in cross board skiing. And on the other hand we have, well…David.

Is this really fair? こんなことが、本当に公平だと言えるでしょうか?
How can we say that God is fair when there is such obvious discrepancy in natural talents and abilities?
生まれ持った才能と能力にこれほど明らかな相違があるのに、神様は公平だと言えるでしょうか? Quiz time! クイズの時間です!
Because God really isn’t fair after all
Because God has a great sense of humour and this discrepancy is actually really funny
Because something really terrible will happen to Josh later to balance out the karma
Because God sees things differently from the way we see them
The answer is d. 答えはDです。
God doesn’t see physical strength or ability or intelligence. He sees the heart.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

You may not be able to see yourself as God sees you.

You may not be able to see how God can use your weaknesses and shame to display His strength but that is what faith realises.

I refer to the feeding of the 5000. [image] イエスが5000人の人を食べさせた話をお話ししましょう。
Jesus told the disciples to feed them. イエスは弟子達に食べるように言いました。
They told him it was impossible because they only had 5 loaves and 2 fish.
Jesus’ response? “That’s enough! Bring them to me.” The disciples saw 5 loaves and 2 fish.
Jesus saw enough to feed 5000 and have 12 baskets left over.
Jesus saw as God sees.イエスは神様が見た、考えたものと同じものを見て考えたのです。

A modern day example. 現代の例をあげてみましょう。
You might know Nick. ニックのことをご存知な方もいると思います。
This guy [image] was born with no arms and no legs. この人です。ニックは生まれつき両腕も両足もありません。
That’s what you see. わたしたちは彼のことをそう見ますよね?
But that’s not what God sees. でも、神様は彼のことをそうは見ていません。
Many people would want to abort him before birth. ほとんどの人々は彼のような人が生まれる前に堕胎手術をしてしまうでしょう。
Many would certainly say his future was hopeless. ほとんどの人々は彼のような人の人生は絶望的だと思うでしょう。
Yet Nick gave his life to Christ and lives life to the full. しかし、ニックは神様に自分の人生を捧げて充実した人生を送っています。
He has the love of God in him and travels the world sharing the love of God with thousands.
How is this possible?どうしてこのようなことができるのでしょうか?

Because God sees things differently from the way we see them.
He does not consider Nick’s appearance or his height or his limbs but rather looks at his heart.
God doesn’t consider how you look or what you can do. All he really cares about is your heart and your faithfulness to Him.

2. Distribution of ‘luck’ ’運’の分け与え
On one hand we have Dunc: Australian, successful businessman, good health.
On the other hand, well…Pierre: Canadian, sold very few kayaks to date, bad knees.
But seriously we can cite many examples of some really tragic discrepancies.
On Mothers’ Day we celebrate mothers but how hard this day is for those women who remain childless.
We celebrate the birth of a healthy child but what about the child who suffers from a deformity or illness or severe eczema or Aspergers?
Two men go off to war. One gets shot and can no longer walk, the other returns home fine to a normal life. 二人の男性が戦争に行きました。一人は銃で撃たれて、歩くことが出来なくなりました。もう一人は、何事もなく無事に無傷で家に帰ることが出来ました。
We can cry ‘unfair’ with life events involving finance, health, relationships – almost anything.
How can we say that God is fair when there is such obvious discrepancy in life events?
Quiz time again:また、クイズの時間です。
Because God has a mean streak
Because God has left us all equally to our own devises
Because pain is God’s megaphone
Because God sees things differently from the way we see them
The answer is d.答えはDです。
God sees the hardship, but He also sees opportunity and the purpose.

This is not an easy topic, hence the number of Psalms dealing with the problem of pain and addressing why sometimes the good suffer and the evil prosper.
But there are some fundamental things to understand when it comes to tragic life events.
Firstly, 最初に、we are not to confuse ‘life’ with ‘God’. ‘人生’と‘神様’を混同してはいけません。
We live in a sinful, broken world. 私たちは罪深い、壊れた世界に生きています。
We are not to think that anything that happens must be God’s will.
On the contrary, I think most things that happen in this world are not God’s will.
Secondly, as we have been studying this year,
the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world are two completely different kingdoms. 
They are not to be confused. これらのことを混同してしまってはいけません。
One is seen, the other is unseen. 一方は見えますが、もう一方は見えません。
One a kingdom of sight, the other is a kingdom of faith.
一方は見える国ですが 、もう一方は誠実の国です。
One is a kingdom of pride and self-sufficiency, the other is a kingdom of humility and dependence.
One is evil, the other is good.
And so we are told to pray, ‘Your Kingdom come [into this kingdom], Your will be done (here where it is currently not done]”.
But there can be purpose to ‘bad luck’ or suffering.
Jesus tells us it’s an opportunity for God to be glorified. What does that mean?
It means that.
it’s an opportunity for God’s Kingdom to be manifest in this kingdom through healing, through expressions of love and mercy and through revelation.

I can’t explain the mystery of this but Keiko Sugimoto-san would likely never have come to Christ if she had not fallen ill.
I know in speaking to David, that his own faith and ability to see as God sees and the peace that comes from that is the result of the hardships that he has recently been going through.
My own faith and ability to serve and minister for God would not be what it is if I hadn’t spent three years hobbling in pain before being healed.

It was thirty years ago but it shapes my faith to this day.
Having said that, we are never to be content to just find meaning in our struggles.
The call is always to pray heaven into the world, to seek healing and recovery and wholeness.

This is a huge topic but let me make one more comment on it before moving on.
On my last trip to Australia I had the pleasure of meeting up with Father Rob Sutherland, an Anglican minister who serves as an army chaplain.
He is a contributor of the book “Moral Injury” which goes way beyond PTSD to look at the moral (and spiritual) injuries that returning soldiers have to deal with.
He said that one of the greatest ways of addressing the hardship of loss, betrayal and guilt, and to bring healing, is to share with them how God understands because His Son also had to deal with loss, betrayal, guilt and so on.

I love what one poet wrote: 私はこのような詩が好きです。
For me He was chastised, for me He was hated
For me He was rejected by a world that he created.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16
この大祭司は、わたしたちの弱さを思いやることのできないようなかたではない。罪は犯されなかったが、すべてのことについて、わたしたちと同じように試錬に会われたのである。 16 だから、わたしたちは、あわれみを受け、また、恵みにあずかって時機を得た助けを受けるために、はばかることなく恵みの御座に近づこうではないか。ヘブライ人への手紙4:15-16

So our weaknesses can lead us to God. The truth of this is transforming.

3. Distribution of Grace 恵みの分け与え
On one hand we have God who is perfect and holy and righteous.
And on the other hand we have, well…me who is categorically imperfect, unholy and unrighteous (apart from Christ).
そして、一方で、、、私、アンドリューは、神からは、かけはなれており、不完全で、清くはなく、不義です。 How can we say it’s fair that someone like me (or you) should be friends with Almighty God and go to heaven?

Quiz time again:またクイズの時間です。
Because God has no sense of justice
Because God needs someone like me in heaven to point at as a reminder of what sin does to a person
神様には私のような者が天国に必要で、罪が人にどんな影響を与えるかを思い出させてほし   いから。
Because God is a big old softy after all
Because God sees things differently from the way we see them

The answer is ‘d’ 答えはDです。

God sees with the eyes of mercy and grace. 神様は憐れみと恵みの目で見られます。
He sees with eyes of love.
It’s in God’s mercy and grace that things really don’t add up from a worldly perspective.
It’s in love that God sees beyond our failures and sins.
This is the only way that God really is unfair (in a really good way).
このことは神様が不公平だといっても、なんらさしつかえのない唯一の ことだと思います。With mercy we do not get the punishment that we deserve and with grace we get the blessing that we do not deserve.

This is simply not fair. このことは、公平ではありません。
This unfairness is identified in the parable of the lost son.
このような不公平さは 放蕩息子の例え話にみることができます。
The older son spots the discrepancy a mile off and makes a complaint.
It’s not fair that this son takes half the estate, squanders it on wild living and then comes waltzing back home.
The same with the parable of the workers. 労働者の例えも同じです。
It’s not fair that those who start work late in the day should be paid as much as those who work a full day. That’s not fair!

Grace is not fair. 恵みは公平ではありません。
It’s not simply that God ignores our sin. It’s that He deals with it in a way that we never could.
Let’s say a man was drink driving, went through a red light and ran over and killed a child.
In court, the man says that he is genuinely very sorry and promises to not do it again, will the judge just let him go? 裁判所では、いくらこの男が、どんなに後悔していて、もう二度と同じ過ちは起こさないからと言っても、裁判官はこの男を無罪にしますか?
Of course not. For there to be justice, the right penalty must be paid.
He has to go to jail and/or pay a very large fine. That’s fair. That’s justice.

It’s the same with us before God.
We are guilty in the court of God and a sorry heart alone is not enough to pardon us.
The penalty must be paid. 罪は償わなければならないのです。
Jesus paid our penalty – the sinless dying for the sinful – so that we can be restored to the Father.
It’s not fair. We don’t deserve it. But it’s the only way God could reconcile us back to him.

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 1 Peter 3:18

And if that were not grace enough, He has given us the extended deluxe salvation package at no extra cost with new life through His Spirit.
The forgiveness of sins and the infilling of the Holy Spirit are gifts of grace, not anything earned by works, received by belief and baptism into His Son Jesus.

Peter spoke to the crowd at Pentecost:
Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38

It’s not fair. But let’s thank God that grace is not fair. 
Let’s continue to pray for and support those who are struggling at this time and let’s give thanks and praise to God that He is not fair in dealing with our sins.

As always I would like to encourage you to talk with me more after the service about getting right with God, receiving grace and living a life of faith in Christ.