August 25th, 2019
Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
1 Corinthians 15:1-28
The Apostles’ Creed reads in part:
I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again.
Today, we’re going to consider the last point we’ve read. “He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again.”
Jesus Christ’s suffering and death
Christians appear to be people centered around the cross on which Jesus died. They often put large crosses on their church buildings and set small ones on their altars … like that one. Many believers wear crosses around their necks; some wear cross-shaped earrings; some even have a cross tattooed on them. Several of the best-loved hymns or songs of the Christian church are about Jesus’ cross: “At the Cross,” “The Old Rugged Cross,” etc.
On the surface, this preoccupation with a symbol of death is gruesome. After all, the ancient Roman practice of crucifixion was one of the most humiliating and painful ways to die. And in light of the scourging Jesus endured just before His crucifixion, the image of the cross seems even more horrible.
This state of affairs seems absurd. Have Christians totally lost their focus? The emphasis is in the wrong area – religious leaders should be honored for their lives and good works, not for their deaths. We need their teachings, not their tragedies.
No other major world religion has such a fixation on its founder’s death. Who cares how Muhammad or the Buddha died? Certainly, their deaths aren’t the basis of Islam or Buddhism. What, then, is the point of all this talk of “the cross of Christ?”
First of all, the Christian’s interest is NOT in the cross itself but in what it represents – the death of Jesus Christ.
Second, the Christian’s absorption with Christ’s death does not indicate a sick obsession with His crucifixion, but shows a clear awareness of its significance.
The cross on which Jesus hung was only a piece of wood, but the One who died there was being punished for the sins of every human being. The Cross, therefore, stands for what the Savior did for all of us.
In a CBC News posted on Aug 08, 2019, I read a good-news story about credit card debt.
U.S.-based Chase Bank is forgiving all outstanding debt owed by users of its two Canadian credit cards: the Rewards Visa and the Marriott Rewards Premier Visa. The bank retired both cards last year and said it’s wiping out cardholders’ debt to complete its exit from the Canadian credit card market. Affected customers can’t believe their “luck.” []
Here’s an even better news! The New Testament (NT) says God paid the debt of all our sins by substituting Christ’s death for ours. He took your punishment so you wouldn’t have to; He died so you could live. His sacrificial death is the capstone of the whole substitutionary atonement system.
Jesus Christ’s resurrection
Even if we were to grant the possibility of Jesus being crucified, surely this news of coming back from the dead is ludicrous. How can a thinking person accept that as fact, not fiction?
It strains every intellectual muscle to affirm a corpse living again after three (3) days. Christian teaching, with all its lofty wisdom and high ideals, looks silly in the allegation that Jesus was seen up and about after He died. Why can’t we have Jesus without this “foolishness”?
Though unbelievers deny it, though the intellectual elite and liberal thinkers call it foolishness, the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is very important. In fact, if there is one doctrine, one belief that sets Christianity apart from all other religions and belief systems in the world, it is the doctrine of the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead.
The resurrection is the central doctrine of Christianity. Everything we believe and hold sacred stands or falls on the fact of the resurrection. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then we are no better off than the worst sinner!
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then the Bible is a lie and we have no hope!
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then we have no Gospel to preach and no Savior to preach about, we are of all men most miserable! If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then He Himself was guilty of deception.
Five (5) times He said that He would get up out of the tomb. Destroy the resurrection and Jesus is reduced to the status of being an ordinary man; He is no longer God.
Destroy the resurrection and you have destroyed the reason for our justification, Romans 4:25.
No wonder the Devil hates the doctrine of the resurrection as no other. If he can convince men that Jesus is dead, then they will never believe unto salvation. Perhaps this is why he had already put it into the minds of men to doubt the resurrection before it had ever happened.
The Sadducees in Mark 12:18 and even some in the church doubt whether or not there was a resurrection (Read: 1 Corinthians 15:12).
I thank God this morning that I know the resurrection to be a fact! Let’s look together at His resurrection and worship Him.
It was prophesied – verse 4
The resurrection was not an event about which men knew nothing. It had been predicted before it happened.
The Psalmist told about it
The Savior told about it – Matthew 12:38-40; John 2:19; Mark 8:31
イエス様はマタイの福音書12:38-40 ヨハネの福音書 2:19とマルコの福音書8:31では自分の復活について預言したのです。
The resurrection was illustrated before it took place.
By Isaac – Genesis 22 (In Genesis, Isaac is seen on the mount of sacrifice. The next time he is seen, he is alive and well, claiming his bride.)
By Jonah – Matthew 12:38-40 (It’s the only sign Jesus would give!)
The prediction and fulfilment of the resurrection prove that Jesus is worthy to be followed and worshipped.
One day a young girl proclaimed her faith as a Christian. A skeptic nearby responded by saying, “Which Christ? Aren’t there many?” Her answer was a classic. She said, “Sir, there are many pretenders, but I worship the One which rose from the dead!”
It has proof – verses 5-8
Let’s just cite 3 or 4 of them…
Human Reasoning
The Roman guard and seal! The disciples were fearful and helpless. They couldn’t steal the body. The Romans wouldn’t steal the body. Therefore, that only leaves God
Human Testimony
It’s NOT a hallucination! There were more witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus than to the signing of the Declaration of Independence! Yet, no one doubts that that document was signed! How is it that some try to doubt the resurrection?
Human Nature
People are not willing to die for something they do not believe in. Yet, the disciples were willing to give up everything, including their lives because they believed Jesus was alive!
Common Experience
The disciples were saddened by the death of Jesus and hiding in fear, yet 3 days later they were happy and filled with power. The only explanation is that He rose from the dead.
Its purpose – verses 13-23
It clarifies the gospel (v.14)
A dead Savior can’t save anyone! The Gospel hasn’t been preached unless we are told of the death, burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It validates our faith (verses 14, 17)
The resurrection says that what we believe has power and gives hope and peace!
It assures our justification (Romans 4:25)
Because Jesus lives, it means God had accepted His death as payment for the sins of all who will put their faith in Him. Therefore, He sees us not as sinners, but as saints through the blood of Jesus!
It anticipates our future (verses 22-23)
Jesus is our guarantee! Because He lives, we shall live also! (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Because He lives, there shall also be a reunion someday – 1 Thessalonians 4:13!
I have met and continued to help people who go through unbearable sufferings. Some have even caused them to question God’s love. Time and time again, I try to help people find their bearing by going back to what God says in the Holy Scriptures.
Suffering is a mystery that causes anguish to many Christians. Sometimes it calls the love of God into question.
The suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary does not explain suffering. However, it does reveal that God Himself is willing and able to allow Himself to go through all the pain and suffering that His creation experiences.
We are not talking of a God who stands far off from His world, aloof and distant from its problems. We are dealing with a loving God who has entered into our human situation, who became human and lived among us as one of us.
Jesus Christ suffered and died.
We are not offering some soothing words to ease the pain of death and dying, words with no foundation in reality, such as saying, “It’s all right” when in reality things could not be worse.
We are talking about a real and decisive victory over death, by which its power is broken. A new attitude to death and dying is possible because a new situation has dawned.
Thank God, He lives! I praise the Lord for Matthew 28:6,
Because He lives, we live!
Because He lives, we can have everlasting life.
Because He lives, life itself is worth living!