31 March, 2019
Pastor Andrew Miller
Kids’ Message – The Right Order
Good morning, everyone. I’d like to start with a simple exercise. I have in my bag here some items… (reveal).
And I would like to ask one of you to come and put these items in order from smallest to largest.
(Has he/she done it right? Is that the right order? Yes, that’s the right order.)
Now I would like to ask someone else to come and put these things in order according to their importance, from least important to most important.
(Has he/she done it right? Is that the right order? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, and often the biggest things are not the most important, and often the smallest things are not the least important.)
What about these things on the screen? How should we order these in terms of importance?
あそび -
School work
べんきょう -
きょうかい -
Mum and Dad
お父さんとお母さん -
かみさま -
たべもの -
These are all pretty important and sometimes it can be hard to know what order to put them in. Sure, we’ll put God at the top, but the others can be a bit tricky to put in the right order.
That’s why in the Bible it says this:
By knowing God and knowing what He says in the Bible, we can order our lives in the right way and not get into trouble or make bad mistakes or do the wrong thing. So I want to encourage you to do this: order everything in your life God’s way and you will have a good life.
I’d like to finish with something that I read when I was a kid just like you a long time ago (about 150 years ago). I was reading my daily devotional, I read something that went deep inside of me and I’ve never forgotten it and even today and try and do what it said. It said, “No matter how simple or straightforward things might seem, always ask God to show you His way.”
That’s great advice. Always ask God to help you order your life in the right way, and then you can’t go wrong. Let’s pray for this.
31 March, 2019
Pastor Andrew Miller
Good News
This is my last sermon to you as your pastor. And I want to share with you briefly on a very personal level how hard it is for me to relinquish this Ministry of the Word here at MIC because it’s my favourite thing in the whole world, and MIC is my spiritual family.
The Ministry of the Word has become so much a part of who I am and what I do. I don’t quite know what I’m going to do on Monday afternoons when I begin to prepare the sermon and on Wednesday afternoons when I write it – these are afternoons filled with wonder and joy for me, a wonder and a joy that finds it completion on Sunday mornings when I get to share God’s Word with all of you.
Stepping down from the Ministry of the Word leaves a very big hole in my life. But I know God is faithful and I’m excited to think about what lies ahead for me in ministry.
I asked God this week, ‘What Word can I share with the church on my final Sunday? I want to leave a Word that is wonderful, encouraging, edifying to people and glorifying to God. What should I teach?’ God said, ‘That’s easy! Just tell them the gospel!’ So that’s what I would like to do this morning.
Titus chapter 3 has one of the most concise and wonderful presentations of the gospel message in the whole Bible. The first two verses start with this:
This is a call to lead a good life. It’s an interesting start to the chapter because I suspect Titus, who was the recipient of the letter and who was already an elder in the church, might have been thinking that what Paul was writing here was very basic. “Yeah, I know I’m to live a good life and not speak badly about people and be peaceable and gentle and so on. Why is he reminding me of this?”
This might be the sort of instruction that you and I might skim through as pretty obvious stuff. But the next verse makes it clear that there is no room to think lightly here, and certainly no room for pride.
In living out the gospel in our lives, we should never forget where we were – who we were – before we received Christ. In the next 4 verses, Paul then gives this concise but very rich explanation of the gospel which changed us:
In this short passage we are given the ‘what’, the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of the gospel. The ‘what’ comes in verse 4:
We have been saved, not by anything good that we have done, but purely by the kindness, love and mercy of God. The salvation we have received tells us about the nature of God. He is a God of love and kindness and mercy because he saves us when we don’t deserve it.
Again, don’t be lulled by the familiarity of this teaching. There are legal consequences to unpack here. We are all guilty of breaking God’s moral law. We have all lied, stolen, lusted, and coveted. Maybe we’ve blasphemed. Maybe we’ve dishonoured our parents. Maybe we’ve committed idolatry by putting other things above God. Even if we’ve only done a few of these, we are still guilty of breaking God’s perfect moral law and God will hold us to account when we stand before Him.
Some will argue that they’ve done a lot more good than bad and that even though they’ve broken a few moral laws, they are still essentially a good person, and as such, God will surely weigh that in their favour. Try that in a caught of law. “Your honour, I know I stole a car but I’m still a good person and have done a lot of good in society, so please let me go.” No, you will be tried for the crime that you have done and you will be found guilty regardless of the good you’ve done. That’s what a good judge will do. He will uphold the law.
When you stand before God, He will hold you accountable for the sins you have committed – whether they be some bad things that you’ve done, or the myriad of good things that you’ve left undone. God, because He is good, must hold you accountable to His perfect moral law. The penalty for your sins must be paid.
That’s where Jesus comes in. He says, I can and will pay the penalty for you because I love you so much. That way, the justice of the law is satisfied and the love of God is fulfilled. That’s what Paul means when he says that ‘the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared and saved us because of his mercy’. We were facing a death sentence, and he paid the price for us. That’s ‘what’ that God did for us. (See Video)
それこそがイエス様が現れるところです。イエス様は言われます。「私が代わりに、あなたがたの罪を償います。なぜならあなたがたをとても愛しているからです」。そうして、法の正義は守られ、神様の愛も満たされます。これがパウロの、「神様のやさしさと愛はイエス様という形で現れ、その憐れみによって私たちを救ったのです」ということばの意味するところです。私たちは死刑の判決をくだされ、そしてそれをイエス様が受けてくださったのです。これが神様が私たちのためにしてくれた「何」に対する答えです。(See Video)
The ‘how’ of salvation comes in verses 5 and 6. This is how Jesus paid our penalty for us:
This speaks of the true Spirit baptism that water baptism symbolises. When we put our faith in Jesus and make Him the Lord of our lives, His Holy Spirit takes residence within us, produces Godly manifestations and brings us new life. Romans 10:9 (which I shared with you last week) gives us more detail on this ‘how’, particularly in regards to our role, our response, to God’s work:
There is confession, repentance and belief required on our end but the saving work is wholly God’s. Our salvation is the Sovereign act of a loving God given by the Holy Spirit and carried out through His Son Jesus. That’s the ‘how’ of salvation.
So, We are saved. (The ‘what’)
We are saved by Jesus’ atoning death and the receiving of the Holy Spirit. (The ‘how’)
The ‘why’ of the gospel comes in verses 7 and 8.
These verses highlight the purposes that God saved us for. The first purpose is to join His family. To become His sons and daughters. To become heirs of the Father and co-heirs with the Son. What an unfathomably great purpose! The second purpose is to do good because by doing good we reflect the character of our Father to an aching world.
There are many passages in the Bible that give instructions on what it means to do good. To look at one of the greatest goods that we can do as Christians, I’m going to go back to Romans chapter 10 where Paul has similarly been talking about the what, how and why of salvation. He writes,
Sharing our faith is one of the best things we can do. Sharing our faith in a timely, knowledgeable, gentle, loving manner can bring others into God’s Kingdom. Eternal results!
So what I would like to do before I close, is to give you 5 minutes, to turn to (or go to) someone else in the room, and share with them two things. Firstly, explain to them how a person can be saved (refer to the Titus 3 passage). Secondly, share with them how you came to Christ. Don’t fake it. Don’t force it. Be honest and true. Just lovingly and kindly share these two things as best you can. (This is also a chance for you to publicly declare that Jesus is your Lord.) You have five minutes only. That’s 30 seconds to find someone, then one minute each to explain how to be saved and how you came to Christ, then 30 seconds to get back to your seat.
I’d like to close with a prayer and a reading. The prayer is based on something we read in today’s Titus passage. It says that “the Holy Spirit has been poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior” (Titus 3:6). Last week I gave the church a small gift in the form of a book called ‘Church This Week’. Today I’d like to give a bigger gift, the gift of a prayer for the Holy Spirit to be poured out afresh on you generously through Christ.
And now a closing reading from the book of Jude 20-25.