January 26th, 2020
Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
1 Samuel 16:1-13
サムエル記1 16:1-13
The Bible extols God’s wisdom and knowledge that leaves us in awe of Him.
Certainly, we cannot know the mind of God unless He reveals it to us. But, even then, it will be an imperfect understanding for we are finite beings. Thankfully, God wants us to know Him and we still have access to His works!
The question we want to answer today is, “How does God work in our lives?” From our Bible passage this morning, let’s see how it played out both in the nation of Israel and in the family of Jesse.
Saul, Israel’s first king, was rejected by God. This tells us that God is very much involved in human affairs. It is from this point forward that God tasked the prophet Samuel to find the king’s replacement.
Man looks, God sees – verses 4-10
Samuel doesn’t hesitate to obey God’s instructions.
The prophet’s arrival in the small town stirred up the people. He’s a spiritual leader and an elderly statesman and it’s rather unusual for a man of such stature to visit an obscure place like theirs.
Samuel assures them of his peaceful intentions and he calls together Jesse’s family to participate in the sacrifice (verse 5), during which the prophet will recruit God’s chosen man.
The first to catch Samuel’s attention is Eliab, Jesse’s firstborn son.
Then comes son number 2.
The next one is son number 3.
The selection continues.
Each of Jesse’s sons looked like king material, but in God’s book externals don’t carry a lot of weight. God’s choice is always based on rock-solid qualities of the heart. As God already said, “People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (v.7b).
In the ancient Near East, the heart was viewed as far more than the seat of blind passions. The Hebrew concept in particular sees it as the center of intellectual, ethical, moral and religious consciousness.
Man forgets, God remembers – verses 11-13
So the seven (7) sons were presented to Samuel. Apparently, these were all. However, since God revealed that the new king would be chosen from among Jesse’s sons, the prophet is sure there is another. So he asked, “Are these all the sons you have?” (v.11)
David, the youngest.
The Dad’s oh-yeah-I-almost-forgot reply shows that David had been overlooked in the process.
Why wasn’t David brought in with the others? Why was he left out in the fields when the other brothers were being considered for a big promotion?
Jesse’s attitude toward David displays two (2) common mistakes parents make.
Mistake #1: He didn’t appreciate each of his children equally. Jesse never intended to call David in from the fields. Maybe, he thought to keep him as his family’s designated shepherd … for life.
Mistake #2: He failed to nurture a mutual respect among the brothers. Jesse’s reply essentially expressed: “Well, yes, there’s David, the youngest, but he just keeps the sheep.”
Parents talking about their three (3) sons.
The Dad said, “Jonah is really smart. He can either be a doctor or a lawyer.” The Mom agreed and said, “What do you think of Justin? He is smart and likes Math. Maybe, he can be an engineer or a mathematician.” Now thinking of their third son, who looks frail and is least impressive, they exclaimed, “He can be a pastor!”
Let me address the parents in the congregation now. Parents, the greatest contribution you can make in the lives of your children, aside from introducing them to Christ and nurturing them, is to help them see that they have worth and value. They need to know they have something unique to offer, just like every other member of the family. That’s where Jesse failed.
Do you communicate to your children the message that they might be the one God will choose to use in a special way? Or, do you play favorites, keeping others in the fields with the sheep?
It’s not God’s plan to make us all kings. But if we will robe our children with a sense of value and crown them with the jewels of self-worth, they will when anointed by the sweet oil of the Spirit, accomplish great things for the King.
David’s anointing.
Regardless of Jesse’s opinion of David, Samuel insists on seeing the young shepherd boy.
I imagine that David is still not aware of what’s going on, then Samuel pours oil over his head. And from that day forward, David is never again the same.
David’s distinctive.
David was not only anointed with oil, but with the Holy Spirit. And it was this that kept him humble. After his anointing, David didn’t run out to try on crowns or saddle up his horse and ride through Bethlehem announcing his new position of royalty. He didn’t even bronze a horn to hang in his tent. But David’s humility shone like the sheen of his freshly anointed head … as he immediately went back to the fields with the sheep until God’s scheduled inauguration.
God says:
Today, we have seen that God looks beyond the external appearance to the heart. He rejects the people-pleasers and elevates the God-pleasers. Let’s be encouraged – God notices the nobodies. Let me now suggest some applications based on what we’ve learned.
Be open – God’s solutions are often strange and simple. Even though God’s ways may not make sense to us, we need to be ready to be used by Him however He uses.
心を開くこと:神の解答はときに奇妙でシンプルなものです。しかし,たとえ私たちの理解が及ばなくとも,どのような用い方であれ,神のご意志に沿えるよう準備をしておく必要があります。 -
Be ready – God’ provisions are usually sudden and surprising. At any moment, God may decide to promote you from a keeping-of-the-sheep role to a kingly one. Be ready and willing to be promoted in His kingdom work.
つねに備えておくこと:神の決定はたいてい突然で驚かされます。全く予想できないタイミングで羊飼いから王の立場に昇進することがあります。ですから,いつ声がかかってもいいように心の準備をしていてください。 -
Be trusting – God’s selections are sovereign and sure. Nothing can be more stable than those decisions guided by God.