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Home » James<br>ヤコブの手紙


9 September, 2018

This week we endured the worst typhoon in Japan in 25 years. On TV we saw images of cars and trucks being overturned, buildings being torn apart and tankers smashing into bridges. Some of us personally experienced power outages and loss of water services.

My home was thankfully spared any damage but we had taken the advice given and prepared for the worst. We bought bottled water for drinking and we filled our bath so we would have plenty of water. We bought extra batteries for our torches, so we would have plenty of light. We removed all the loose things around the outside of the house that would likely go flying. We also kept up to date with the news to understand the situation as best we could.

This is a remarkably similar approach to how the Apostle James tells us to prepare for and respond to the storms of life, in his letter to the churches. We continue moving through the books of the Bible and today we arrive at James. The book of James is one of the most practical texts in the Bible. It’s one of the easiest to understand yet it can also be one of the hardest to apply in our lives.

We’ll look at three main points in James letter:

  1. Enduring trials and temptations
  2. Listening and doing
  3. Words

James begins his letter by talking about the inevitable massive typhoons (that is, trials and temptations) that blow into our lives from time to time.He wastes no time in talking about the first and he minces no words:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4

ヤコブの手紙 1:2-4

I have to emphasise this. James doesn’t tell us to grin and bear it. He doesn’t tell us to hunker down and hold your breath. He says we are to embrace it! “Consider it pure joy”! Why? Because God is at work in us. God is teaching us how to persevere in life and He is bringing us to maturity in the faith.
私はこのことを強調せずにはいられません。ヤコブは私たちに「作り笑いをして我慢しなさい。」と言っているわけではありません。彼は私たちに、「通り過ぎるまで、しゃがみこんで息を止めなて我慢しなさい。」と言っているわけではありません。彼は苦難をありがたく受け入れるべきだと言っています! 「そうであれば喜びなさい」と言っています。どうしてでしょうか?なぜなら神が私たちの中で働いているからです。神は私たちがどのように忍耐をすればいいのか教えてくれます。そして私たちの信仰を成長させるように導いてくれます。

I know some of you are going through a really hard time at the moment. You’ve shared with me how unbelievably tough things are. The message here is not to bury your head in the sand. It’s not to “just trust God” in the sense that you give up doing anything and just hope that God pulls a rabbit out of the hat. The message is to think of this hardship as pure joy. Not because the hardship itself somehow enjoyable and you’re just missing the fun of it – it’s not, it’s horrible – but because God is using this [hardship] to produce in you a maturity in the faith, an intimacy with God Himself, that you would never otherwise attain.

In dealing with a typhoon, a big part of survival is preparation: water, light, removal of unnecessary things, and information from authorities. Likewise, in the storms of life, a big part of survival is preparation. We prepare in advance by filling our lives with the water of rebirth, the light of His presence in our hearts, removing sin (and unnecessary things) from our lives, and by listening to God, our great Authority.

That sounds poetic but in practice it means we spend time every day taking up our cross and following Jesus. We’re ready for the hard times. We trust Him because we know Him. We understand that God is working in us, He is achieving something wonderful in us as we learn to persevere.

The book of James is interesting structurally because there are parallel passages throughout it. In chapter 1:2-12 he talks about understanding and enduring trials and temptations. In chapter 5:7-11, he comes back and speaks on this:

Be patient [in suffering], then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
James 5:7-11

こういうわけですから、皆さん。主が再び来られる時まで、忍耐していなさい。貴重な秋の収穫を期待する、農夫の忍耐に学びなさい。勇気を出しなさい。主はもうすぐ帰って来られるのですから。 互いに文句を言い合ってはいけません。自分だけは人から非難されない自信でもあるのですか。見なさい。偉大な裁判官である主が、すぐそこまで来ておられます。 どんな苦難の中でもじっと忍耐した預言者たちを見ならいなさい。彼らは地上で非常な苦しみに会いましたが、最後まで忠実に主に従いました。私たちは、そのように忍耐した人たちを、祝福された人と考えています。ヨブは、苦難の中で主を信じ続けた模範です。私たちは、ヨブの生き方から、主のご計画の結末には必ず祝福が伴うことを知ったのです。主は、恵みとあわれみにあふれたお方です。
ヤコブの手紙 5:7-11

Carry this teaching in your hearts as you persevere in hardship. Say, “The Lord is full of compassion and mercy; He is making me complete.”

This is just an overview. If you’re struggling with trials and temptations now, when you go home, meditate and pray over these two passages: Trials and Temptations 1:2-12; Patience in Suffering 5:7-11

James goes on to his second main point to talk about listening and doing in a very popular passage that’s easy for people to relate to.

He writes:

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
James 1:22-24

また聞くだけでなく、それを実行することも忘れてはなりません。みことばを聞くだけは聞いて、自分を偽った行動をとることがありませんように。 聞いただけで実行に移さない人は、鏡に映る自分の顔をながめているようなものです。 鏡から離れると、自分がどんな表情をしていたか、すっかり忘れてしまいます。
ヤコブの手紙 5:22-24

The conventional understanding of this passage is that if we read the Bible, understand it, but then go away and don’t fix up our lives, then we’re just fooling ourselves about being a Christian. And that’s like looking in a mirror, seeing the messy hair, the sleep in the eyes, and the parsley still in the teeth, but not doing anything to fix it. And that understanding is true.

But let’s consider this from another perspective. Let’s consider that when we look in the mirror, we’re not seeing a mess; we’re seeing perfection. We’re seeing ourselves as created in the image of God. And then we go away and forget all about being made in the image of God, and we live like people of the world.

Don’t be deceived. You were created in the image of God. And though that image was ruined by sin, when you gave your life to Christ and received the Holy Spirit you were re-created in the image of God’s Son. So when you look in the mirror, you might see fault and you should respond to that with a repentant heart. But when you look in the mirror, you should also be able to see yourself as God sees you, and you should carry that image with you throughout the day and let it shape your identity, your conversation and your deeds.

And this leads us to the next parallel passage in James which we find in chapter 2 where he talks about faith and deeds. He writes the following, which is a great challenge to protestants who believe in salvation by faith alone:

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead…. You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.
James 2:14-17, 24

愛する皆さん。自分には信仰があると言っても、それを行動で表さなかったら、どうしてその信仰を実証できるでしょう。そのような信仰が、人を救うことができるでしょうか。 あなたがたの仲間に、着る物もなく、その日の食べ物にも事欠いている人がいて、 その人に、「それはお困りですね。でも神様が祝福してくださいますよ。暖かくして、お腹いっぱい食べてください」と言うだけで、必要なものを何もあげないなら、何の役に立つでしょう。このように、信仰に行いが伴わなければ、その信仰は死んだも同然です。24 人は信仰だけでなく、行いによって神に正しいと認められることがわかるでしょう。

Paul teaches – emphasises – in just about every letter of his, that we are saved by grace and that is by faith. We are not saved by deeds (he says), we are saved by faith alone. Now James says very clearly that we are not saved by faith alone, but rather by what we do. What are we to make of this?
パウロは次のように教えています。 私たちが信仰による恵みによって救われているということを全ての手紙の中で強調しています。パウロは、私たちは行いによって救われることはなく、私たちは信仰によってのみ救われると言っています。そして、ヤコブは、わたしたちは信仰のみによって救われるのではなく、むしろ私たちの行いによって救われるということを非常にはっきりと言っています。私たちはこの違いをどう考えたらいいでしょうか?

Simply, we are saved by faith alone but not by faith that is alone.

Martin Luther said, “Faith alone justifies but a justified person with faith alone would be a monstrosity which never exists in the kingdom of grace.”
マーティン ルターは次のように言いました。「信仰だけが義と認めますが、信仰をもっているだけで義と認められた人は醜く、恵みの御国には存在しない人となるでしょう。」

Philip Yancey talks about the absurdity of faith without deeds in his book “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” He talks about how some Christians seem to live by a ‘grace loophole’, what Yancey calls, “grace abuse”. That is, Christians believing and living, however subtly, that it really doesn’t matter if they sin because they’re covered by grace anyway. It really doesn’t matter what you see in the mirror and what you do about it because you’re covered by grace anyway.
フィリップ・ヤンシーは「What’s So Amazing About Grace? 「恵みはどれほどすごいのか」と言う彼の著書の中で信仰の不条理について語っています。彼は「恵という抜け穴」を使い、「恵の無駄使い」をしているクリスチャンについて語っています。非常に巧みに表現されていますが、つまりクリスチャンは神を信じて生きているが、恵みで守られているために罪を犯しても問題にはならないと思っているというのです。とにかくあなたが恵という恩寵を受けているので、あなたが鏡で何か汚れを見つけても、あなたがそれを綺麗にするかしないかは重要ではないと言っているのです。

This is the sort of faith that Luther describes as “a monstrosity which can never exist in the Kingdom of grace”. Whether we are talking about sins of commission – that is, bad things that we do – or sins of omission – that is, good things that we don’t do – both Paul and James agree that saving faith must produce kingdom deeds, and very gladly, too.

This is just an overview. If you’re struggling to produce Christian deeds in your life, when you go home, meditate and pray over these two passages: Listening and Doing 1:19-26 Faith and Deeds 2:14-24

The third main point (and final for us today) that James teaches involves our words. He writes:

the tongue is a small part of the body yet it carries great power! Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze. And the tongue is a fire! It can be compared to the sum total of wickedness and is the most dangerous part of our human body. It corrupts the entire body and is a hellish flame! It releases a fire that can burn throughout the course of human existence.
James 3:5-6 (TPT)

同様に舌もちっぽけなものですが、使い方を誤ると、途方もなく大きな害を生じます。小さな火が大きな森林を焼き尽くします。 舌は火と同じように、悪の炎で体全体を毒し、私たちの人生を滅びと災いの炎で焼き尽くすのです。

Strong words! Pay heed!

Speech is a communicative attribute of God. That is, it’s a part of God that he shares with us. As we just read, words are powerful. Now when God speaks, amazing things happen. When God speaks, creation appears, sins are forgiven, lives are changed, people are healed. When God speaks, He reveals Himself and we are left in awe. Jesus tells us the reason for this: It’s because the mouth speaks the overflow of the heart. At the heart of God is holiness, love and justice.

And speech is a divine attribute that we have. What happens when we speak? Are our words ‘human’ and therefore corrupting? Or are our words godly and healing?

Because speech is an attribute of God, it means that any speech of ours that is not godly, is corrupt: it steals from the soul, destroys the soul, and if left unchecked, kills the soul. Words are important. With words we can praise God or we can curse God. Which will it be? With words we can edify others, or we can tear others down. Which will it be?

Again, we have a parallel passage. We find it in chapter 5, where James talks about the power of words in any prayer of faith. He writes:

Are there any believers in your fellowship suffering great hardship and distress? Encourage them to pray! Are there happy, cheerful ones among you? Encourage them to sing out their praises! Confess and acknowledge how you have offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed, for tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer!
James 5:13,16 TPT

あなたがたの中に、悩んでいる人がいますか。その人は、神に祈り続けなさい。また喜んでいる人がいるなら、昼も夜も主を賛美しなさい。 16 ですから、互いに罪を告白し、祈り合いなさい。正しい人の祈りは大きな力があり、驚くほどの効果があります。

Words have the power to lift others up and the power to pull them down. That’s just in conversation. But words of prayer, words spoken from a heart of faith to a God HImself – there’s real power in that. That’s the promise of God, and that’s to be the way that God lives and works – produced deeds – in us.

This is just an overview. If you’re struggling to produce Christian deeds in your life, when you go home, meditate and pray over these two passages: Taming the Tongue 3:1-12, The Prayer of Faith 5:13-20

  • Consider it pure joy when you go through trials and temptations because God is bringing you to maturity in the faith.
  • Commit to a true faith in Christ which naturally and gladly produces good deeds.
  • Converse and pray in such a way as to bring God’s goodness and power into the lives of others.
