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Home » Jephthah: Freedom Fighter<br>エフタ 自由の戦士

Jephthah: Freedom Fighter
エフタ 自由の戦士

June 21st, 2020 – Father’s Day

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Judges 11:1~12:7
士師記 11:1~12:7


“Happy Father’s Day” to all father’s in the house and to those in their homes watching us online today. It’s the day we are given “permission” to be happy because it’s our special day. I don’t know about your experience of fatherhood, but it’s something to celebrate about.

Preparing baby formula, changing soiled diapers, rushing to the pediatrician’s clinic or in the emergency room, are part of the experience. A father has to wonder why he is being called into the principal’s office because of a child’s naughty streak (who is unbelievably like an angel at home) or simply because a conference is necessary to strategize on how that child should religiously do his homework. Or, how about a son or daughter just lazing around on a Sunday and doesn’t want to go to church? These things and more seem daunting enough for a millennial to think about his or her future family life.

Yet, in all of these, every thoughtful and loving father would never miss the privilege of being one. It’s a blessing to be a father (Psalm 127:3~5). It’s costly but it’s a God-appointed destiny. It’s a fulfillment of God’s design for humanity (Genesis 1:28) and a source of joy despite the heavy responsibility.

Today, I would like us to consider a man whose life story is told in the Old Testament. He is not as famous as the other Bible characters often talked about, but he brings added curiosity to an already mysterious record of ancient history. Let’s review the life and times of Jephthah, a freedom fighter and yes, whose single act as a father makes us scratch our head. What can we learn about Jephthah? Who is he and what did he do?

  1. Jephthah’s personal life

Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty warrior. His father was Gilead; his mother was a prostitute. 2 Gilead’s wife also bore him sons, and when they were grown up, they drove Jephthah away. “You are not going to get any inheritance in our family,” they said, “because you are the son of another woman.” 3 So Jephthah fled from his brothers and settled in the land of Tob, where a gang of scoundrels gathered around him and followed him.

Judges 11:1~3

1-2 さて、エフタはギルアデ出身の勇士でしたが、母親は売春婦でした。父ギルアデには、正妻の産んだ数人の息子がいました。息子たちは成長すると、腹違いの兄弟エフタを、ギルアデの地から追い出しました。「売春婦の子に、父の財産などこれっぽっちもやるわけにはいかない」というわけです。 3 エフタは父の家を飛び出し、トブの地に移り住みました。まもなく、そこでならず者たちを従えるようになり、盗みを働いて日々を送っていました。

士師記 11:1-3

Jephthah’s personal history is written in Judges 11:1~12:7. He was a Gileadite, the son of Gilead and a concubine, who happened to be a prostitute. Jephthah was born outside of marriage and grew up in a tough and bitter world.

He was not, legally, entitled to a share of the patrimonial inheritance and his half-brothers expelled him from their house. He then went to Tob (Judges 11:2~3). The precise locality is unknown; but it appears to have been not very far from Gilead.

Ideally, there should be no prejudice against persons on account of their disgraceful origin. They are not responsible for the sins of their parents. When their character and qualities entitle them to respect, all consideration of their parentage shouldn’t be a big deal.

Conversely, I would like to remind the parents not to be too hard on yourself. Whatever the outcome of your child’s decisions and life choices are, we cannot take responsibility for them. Ultimately, they will reap what they sow.

  1. Jephthah’s public life

Jephthah has been described as “a wild, daring, Gilead mountaineer, a sort of warrior Elijah.” It is evident that he had already acquired distinction by his bold character, feats of daring, and love of adventurous enterprise. I imagine him as an alpha male.

  1. From Tob, to the north of Gilead, toward Damascus in Syria, Jephthah became a leader of a renegade group that raided settlements and caravans. Like David’s gang (cf. 1 Samuel 22:2; 27:8~9; 30), they may have offered protection to Israelite villages from marauding tribes, perhaps including the Ammonites – for a fee.
    トブから、ギレアデの北、シリアのダマスカスまで、エフタは集落やキャラバンを襲撃した無法者グループのリーダーでした。(1サムエル記22:2;27:89;30) ダビデのグループと同様に、エフタの無法者グループもイスラエル人たちの集落を他の部族から守っていたかもしれません。恐らくアモン人からも守っていたでしょう。そしてその報酬を受け取っていたと思います。
  2. Jephthah’s name means, “whom God sets free.” His name is prophetic and self-fulfilling. He helped set people free. When the people of his tribe decided to resist the Ammonites, who had oppressed them for eighteen (18) years, Jephthah was the man they asked to be their leader. Judges 10:6~8 gives us the background:

6 Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord. They served the Baals and the Ashtoreths, and the gods of Aram, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the Ammonites and the gods of the Philistines. And because the Israelites forsook the Lord and no longer served him, 7 he became angry with them. He sold them into the hands of the Philistines and the Ammonites, 8 who that year shattered and crushed them. For eighteen years they oppressed all the Israelites on the east side of the Jordan in Gilead, the land of the Amorites.

Judges 10:6-8

6 するとまたも、イスラエルの民は主から離れ、バアルやアシュタロテといった異教の神々を拝み、シリヤ、シドン、モアブ、アモン、ペリシテの神々に仕えるようになりました。そればかりか、真の神を礼拝することなど、きれいさっぱりやめてしまったのです。 7-8 これが主の怒りを引き起こさないはずはなく、主は直ちにペリシテ人とアモン人を動かして、イスラエル人を苦しませることになりました。彼らは、ヨルダン川の東にあるエモリ人の地ギルアデにいたイスラエル人を攻め、

士師記 10:6-8

17 When the Ammonites were called to arms and camped in Gilead, the Israelites assembled and camped at Mizpah. 18 The leaders of the people of Gilead said to each other, “Whoever will take the lead in attacking the Ammonites will be head over all who live in Gilead.”

Judges 10:17~18

17 そのころアモン人の軍がギルアデに集結し、ミツパに陣を敷いたイスラエル軍を攻撃しようとしていました。 18 途方にくれたギルアデの指導者たちは、「いったいだれが、私たちを率いてアモン人と戦ってくれるのか。その役を買って出る者こそ私たちの王だ」と話し合っていました。

士師記 10:17-18

5 the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah from the land of Tob. 6 “Come,” they said, “be our commander, so we can fight the Ammonites.”

Judges 11:5~6

5 ギルアデの要人たちはエフタを呼びにやり、 6 指揮官としてアモン人と戦ってくれるように頼みました。

士師記 11:5-6

9 Jephthah answered, “Suppose you take me back to fight the Ammonites and the Lord gives them to me—will I really be your head?”

Judges 11:9

9 「ほんとうかな。とても信じられないが。」

士師記 11:9

Jephthah accepted only after the tribal elders had agreed to his conditions, which were that after he had defeated the enemy, he would remain their leader and rule them as a civil governor (Judges 11:7~10).

The question which he put to the elders of Gilead may be substantially addressed to all Christians with reference to Christ: “If He deliver you, are you willing that He should be your head?”

  1. Jephthah tried to broker peace with the Ammonites but his overtures were refused or ignored (Judges 11:14~28). War became inevitable.
  2. After defeating the Ammonites (Judges 11:32~33), Jephthah had to fight the Ephraimites too (Judges 12:1~6). He then settled down to the civilian rule that he had wanted. He became a judge of Israel but after only six (6) years rule in 1143~1137 B.C., he died (Judges 12:7).
  1. Jephthah’s spiritual life
  1. The first clue to his spirituality is indicated by his invocation of the name of the LORD (Adonai) in both verses 9 (“the LORD gives them to me”) and 11 (“And he repeated all his words before the LORD in Mizpah”).
  2. Jephthah recounted Jewish history of victory as God-given (Judges 11:21, 23 & 24).
  3. Jephthah acknowledged God as the righteous Judge even among the nations (Judges 11:27).
    エフタは神様が、この世の全てに対して正当な審判であることを認めていました。 (士師記11:27)
  4. Jephthah was supernaturally endowed with wisdom on how to wage war.

29 Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Jephthah. 

Judges 11:29

29 その時、主の霊がエフタに下りました。エフタは兵を率いてギルアデとマナセの地を通り、ギルアデのミツパからアモン軍を攻撃しました。

士師記 11:29

This was the sanctification of Jephthah for his office of judge and savior of God’s people Israel. The same is true for Gideon (Judges 6:34) and Samson (Judges 13:25). Jephthah had sufficient faith to believe that God would give Israel victory. He even made it to the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.

32 And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets,33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.

Hebrews 11:32~34

32 これ以上、何をつけ加える必要があるでしょう。ギデオン、バラク、サムソン、エフタ、またダビデ、サムエル、そのほか多くの預言者の信仰について話し始めたら、いくら時間があっても足りません。 33 彼らは信仰によって、戦いに勝ち、国々を征服し、正義を行い、神が約束されたものを受け取ることができました。ライオンの穴に投げ込まれても危害を受けず、 34 燃えさかる炉に投げ込まれても、やけど一つしませんでした。ある者は、危うく切り殺されるところを救われました。ある者は病弱の身であったのに、健康な体に変えられました。ある者は戦いでめざましい力を与えられ、攻め寄せる敵の軍隊をことごとく退け、大勝利を収めました。

へブル人への手紙 11:32-34

  1. Jephthah’s family life

We know that Jephthah has a daughter, an only child (Judges 11:34). Nothing is mentioned about his wife or other relatives after he left his father’s house.

Before engaging in war he vowed that if successful he would offer as a “burnt-offering” whatever would come out of the door of his house first to meet him on his return.

The defeat of the Ammonites was complete. ” 33 He devastated twenty (20) towns from Aroer to the vicinity of Minnith, as far as Abel Keramim. Thus Israel subdued Ammon”

Judges 11:33

33 そして、アロエルからミニテにかけての二十の町と、アベル・ケラミムに至るまで徹底的にアモン人を打ちました。こうして、ついにアモン人はイスラエルに屈服したのです。

士師記 11:33

Jephthah’s daughter, an only child, welcomed his return with music and dancing. He was devastated by this occurrence (v.35); but his daughter cheerfully consented to the fulfillment of his vow. It took place at the end of two (2) months – the time she asked her father to allow her to “roam the hills” and “weep with her friends because she will never marry” (Judges 11:37).

To become a wife and a mother was the goal of existence to an Israelite maiden. The premature death of Jephthah’s daughter was about to frustrate this end.

Whether Jephthah actually offered up his daughter as a burnt-offering is a question that continues to be debated. I won’t discuss it today for lack of time.


Phillips Brooks (1835- 1893), an American Episcopal clergyman and author, is best remembered as lyricist of the Christmas hymn, “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” He wrote: “No man in this world attains to freedom from any slavery except by entrance into some higher servitude. There is no such thing as an entirely free man conceivable.” 
アメリカ人の聖職者であり作家でもあったフィリップ・ブルクス氏は、クリスチャンの賛美歌である「O Little Town of Bethlehem」の作詞家として有名ですが、彼は次の様に述べています。「誰一人服従から解放されません。解放されたとしても、また別のものに服従されます。完璧に自由で解放されている人間などはいません。」

Jephthah was a freedom fighter.

  • He freed himself from the scorn of his own flesh and blood — his half-brothers – and the stigma of his own birth (born out of wedlock and whose mother, a prostitute).
  • He fought his way to survive and to follow his destiny.
  • He fought the Ammonites to free his people from their oppression. He also fought and won against the Ephraimites when they threatened the Gileadites.
  • Finally, Jephthah couldn’t deny the fact that he was still under the higher authority of God and had to fulfill his vow to Him. Whatever happened to his daughter, Jephthah found himself in a higher servitude.

How about you? What are you battles? Whether it is trying to have a clean break from the past, a struggle against super clingy temptation and sin in the present, or striving to achieve something for the future, keep fighting like Jephthah under the authority of God.

For fathers, in particular, don’t throw away your confidence. Lead by example. Provide for your family, but nurture your members spiritually. Let us keep fighting for the soul of our children, of the next generation. Love with discipline. Live by the truth of God’s word. Lead as we ourselves are led by the Holy Spirit. Amen.