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Home » Jesus’ Baptism and Your Baptism イエスの洗礼とあなたの洗礼

Jesus’ Baptism and Your Baptism イエスの洗礼とあなたの洗礼

Mike taught on baptism a few weeks ago when Philip was baptised.
Quick review:
Key verse: 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has gone; behold, the new has come! –2 Corinthians 5:17 だれでもキリストにあるならば、その人は新しく造られた者である。古いものは過ぎ去った、見よ、すべてが新しくなったのである。 コリントの信徒への手紙二5:17

1. Baptism doesn’t save you, but baptism is your personal, public testimony to, and the inward assurance of, your passage from the old life to the new life.

2. Baptism is a declaration of one’s faith in Jesus Christ. 洗礼はイエス・キリストを信じていることの宣言です。
3. Baptism testifies to the Spirit’s washing our sin away 洗礼は聖霊が私たちの罪を洗い流してくださることを証言します。
Baptism scene:

Key verse: We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Romans 6:4

John ‘s baptism was for the repentance of sins.
Jesus had no sin, so why was he baptised? イエスは罪を犯さなかったのになぜ洗礼を受けたのか?
i. He was identifying with sinful humanity. 罪深い人間と同一であると見なしていた。
Just as Jesus didn’t have to be baptised for His own sins, neither did He have to die for His own sins. Both Jesus’ baptism and death were necessary for our benefit, not His.
ii. He was setting an example for us to follow. 私たちが従うように手本を示していた。

We need to be baptised because Jesus demonstrated it. イエスが実際に示してくださったので、洗礼を受ける必要がある。
We need to be baptised because Jesus commanded it. イエスが命じたので、洗礼を受ける必要がある。
We need to be baptised as a declaration of our commitment to Christ. (Mike’s message)

Baptism is your declaration that you belong to Christ. 洗礼はあなたがキリストに属していることの宣言です。
Baptism is a symbol of belonging.

“I am not ashamed” – chorus and song.

I’d like to go a little further into baptism and what it means.
I’d like to highlight the difference between John’s baptism and ours.
More specifically, the difference between the baptism John gave then, and the baptism Jesus gives today.

John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance, in water. Jesus’ baptism is a baptism of the Spirit. ヨハネの洗礼は水の悔い改めの洗礼でした。イエスの洗礼は霊の洗礼です。
(And so it is that when we are born again we are “born of water and the Spirit”. John 3:5)

Key verse: 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:18,19

This baptism that Jesus commands is more than a baptism of repentance, though it includes repentance.
We are baptised in the name of the Father who gave us His Son and to whom we turn to for new life. 私たちに御子を与え、新しい命を与えてくださるお方である父なる神の名によって洗礼を受けます。
We are baptised in the name of the Son who secures our forgiveness and salvation.
We are baptised into the Holy Spirit who lives in us and who fills us, equips us, comforts us, teaches us, guides us and binds us together. 私たちの内に住んでくださり、私たちを満たしてくださり、私たちに備えてくださり、私たちを慰め、教え、導き、結びつけてくださる聖霊のうちに洗礼を受けます。

11 “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Matthew 3:11

This is key and scripture is clear, Jesus baptises us with His Holy Spirit.

When we are baptised in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Jesus Himself baptises us with His Holy Spirit. This is key to living a full life in Christ.

I know there is a lot of talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and what that means – there’s a lot of spiritual baggage that goes with it – Pentecostal teaching, traditional Protestant teaching – and I don’t want to get into that today. The focus is on the fact that Jesus baptises us with the Holy Spirit and we are to seek an ever greater filling of His Spirit for our lives.

Jim Cymbala nails this:

“I am well aware that Christians disagree today on whether the infilling (baptism, empowerment) of the Spirit is part of the salvation ‘package’ or a separate, subsequent experience. Long and intense discussions go on about that. Whatever you or I believe, let us admit that this passage [Acts 2, and also Acts 8, 10, 18 and others] shows bona fide Christians experiencing a fresh infilling. The apostles didn’t claim they already had everything they needed. Now that they were under attack, they received fresh power, fresh courage, fresh fire from the Holy Spirit.” この使途行伝2は正真正銘のクリスチャンが新たに聖霊の満たしを経験していることを示しているが分かります。

This is what I want us to be seeking individually and as a church of baptised believers. We have been baptised into the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We need to live by the love of the Father, the grace of the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit.

I would like us to diligently, passionately, desperately seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit for the work that God calls us to do and for our greater enjoyment of God. Let’s start today and continue in our own quiet times and in our small groups though the coming weeks and months.

Let’s pray.