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Home » Jesus Enters Jerusalem<br>キリストのエルサレムへの入場

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

April 5th, 2020 Palm Sunday パームサンデー・シュロの日曜日

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Luke 19:28-43
ルカによる福音書 19:28-43

28 After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. 29 As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, 30 “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.'”
32 Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. 33 As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?”
34 They replied, “The Lord needs it.”
35 They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it. 36 As he went along, people spread their cloaks on the road.
37 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:
38 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
40 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
41 As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it 42 and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. 43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.”

Luke 19:28-43

28 イエスはこれらのことを言ったのち、先頭に立ち、エルサレムへ上って行かれた。29 そしてオリブという山に沿ったベテパゲとベタニヤに近づかれたとき、ふたりの弟子をつかわして言われた、30 「向こうの村へ行きなさい。そこにはいったら、まだだれも乗ったことのないろばの子がつないであるのを見るであろう。それを解いて、引いてきなさい。31 もしだれかが『なぜ解くのか』と問うたら、『主がお入り用なのです』と、そう言いなさい」。
32 そこで、つかわされた者たちが行って見ると、果して、言われたとおりであった。33 彼らが、そのろばの子を解いていると、その持ち主たちが、「なぜろばの子を解くのか」と言ったので、34 「主がお入り用なのです」と答えた。
35 そしてそれをイエスのところに引いてきて、その子ろばの上に自分たちの上着をかけてイエスをお乗せした。36 そして進んで行かれると、人々は自分たちの上着を道に敷いた。37 いよいよオリブ山の下り道あたりに近づかれると、大ぜいの弟子たちはみな喜んで、彼らが見たすべての力あるみわざについて、声高らかに神をさんびして言いはじめた、38 「主の御名によってきたる王に、祝福あれ。天には平和、いと高きところには栄光あれ」。39 ところが、群衆の中にいたあるパリサイ人たちがイエスに言った、「先生、あなたの弟子たちをおしかり下さい」。40 答えて言われた、「あなたがたに言うが、もしこの人たちが黙れば、石が叫ぶであろう」。41 いよいよ都の近くにきて、それが見えたとき、そのために泣いて言われた、42 「もしおまえも、この日に、平和をもたらす道を知ってさえいたら…しかし、それは今おまえの目に隠されている。43 いつかは、敵が周囲に塁を築き、おまえを取りかこんで、四方から押し迫り、

ルカによる福音書 19:28-43


As we examine the life of our Lord Jesus Christ based on the four (4) Gospels, we discover that 1/3 of the record focuses on the last week of His life. The Gospel writers imply that the most important part of the revelation of who He was, and who He is, is revealed in the final week of His life.

The words that describe the events of the week are a roller-coaster of emotions. We hear the shout of blessedness, the angry confrontation, betrayal, denial, trial, scourging, crucifixion, tomb. Then the most amazing pronouncement from an angel — “He is not here! He is risen!”

A week that started with shouts of praise. A week that exposed both denial and betrayal — the cowardice of Peter and the curse of Judas.

It all began on Palm Sunday, a day of applause. Someone said that Palm Sunday is at best, “a day of temporary triumph.” Otherwise, it is an illustration of the “fickle nature of the voice of the people.”

On that day, Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time. He had carefully, up until that moment, avoided public attention. It was nearing the Day of Passover. The city was full of pilgrims from all over the world. Then, He entered Jerusalem in the most conspicuous way – riding on a donkey.

This description of our Lord’s “Triumphal Entry” may have surprised St. Mark’s Roman readers, who were accustomed to the elaborate display of the “Roman Triumph.”

In their minds, this was like a parody of the official welcoming parade given to a victorious general whose armies killed at least 5,000 enemy soldiers, gained new territory for Rome, and brought home rich trophies and important prisoners.

The victor rode in a golden chariot, surrounded by his officers. Also, the Roman priests would be there, offering incense to their gods.

But our Lord’s ride into Jerusalem involved a donkey, some garments and branches thrown on the ground, and the praises of some ordinary pilgrims. It was the only time Jesus permitted a public demonstration on His behalf, and it instigated the Jewish religious leaders to plot His death (Matthew 26:3-5).

The joyfulness that greeted Him was tremendous. The disciples were jubilant to such a degree that the Pharisees rebuked them and said to Jesus, “Teacher, get your disciples under control!” (v.39, MSG)

What else can we say about Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem on this first day of the Holy Week?

  1. Jesus’ entry was welcomed with JOY

Jesus had been attracting huge crowds for some time. The people were eager to listen to Him. It’s possible that He met throngs of people wherever He went, just like a celebrity.

His words spoke to the heart and sounded true, as they do today. The authority of His presence was impressive. The things that He did were amazing, such as recovery of sight for the blind and strength for the lame to walk. Those who were discouraged found hope. And, sinners were forgiven.

Parents brought their children to Him so He could bless them. No doubt about it, He was greeted with joy as He entered the city.

  1. Jesus’ entry was before His BETRAYAL

The triumphal entry on Palm Sunday marked the end of the spontaneous public approval for Jesus of Nazareth. As the week unfolds, we will see that it’s downhill from there, all the way to Good Friday.

An unholy alliance of the religious order, the Roman government, and Judas’s betrayal led to His death. Of course, the challenge that Jesus issued during the week prompted many to abandon His cause and to forsake Him.

He had asked the disciples when He noticed that some were leaving Him, “Will you also go away?” Peter spoke in behalf of the Twelve assuring Him that though all should abandon Him, “We will not go away.” But they didn’t keep the promise.

While He sweated blood in Gethsemane, His disciples dozed off soundly. The inner circle: Peter, James, and John took naps while He was praying. They made all kinds of promises to Jesus by night, but by day they were all gone.

When Jesus was on Via Dolorosa (the way of suffering), carrying the weight of His cross, with His back ripped from scourging and a crown of thorns on His head, He stumbled. He needed someone to lift that cross. You would think that one of His disciples would come to His aid. But NO, a stranger, Simon of Cyrene, had to be “volunteered” by the command of a Roman soldier.

Where were those enthusiastic disciples who had proclaimed: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

They were nowhere to be found. They greeted Him with joy. But, here’s a reality check: The applause always ends.

We talk about the voice of the people and we know that the voice of the people is fickle. It cannot be relied upon; it’s changeable. Today’s hero is tomorrow’s villain. Crowds have a short memory.

In 1986, the Philippines experienced a political upheaval. Through a series of nonviolent demonstrations, the 21-year dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos was toppled. Fast forward to today, though Marcos himself died in exile, his family is now back in power and his cronies continue to enjoy the privileges they once had under his regime. Filipinos have a short memory.

But for our Lord Jesus, those who cheered Him on Palm Sunday cried, “Crucify Him and give us Barabbas” five days later. They greeted Him with joy, but the applause ended.

  1. Jesus’ entry came with TEARS

There are two instances in the New Testament when Jesus wept. The 1st was when He heard of the death of His friend Lazarus. He wept (John 11:35), but He raised him up later on.

The 2nd was when Jesus wept over Jerusalem (this story) because He saw it as a place of lost opportunity. He wept because He knew the condition of the people and their need. He knew the destruction that was coming in A.D. 70.

Jesus had come to change their hearts, not their government. He explained His mission over and over, but they never got the message. Even His close circle of followers, His disciples, were clueless. Each with his own agenda, his own ambitions, jockeying for position, one would deny Him, another would betray Him, and all would flee the city except for John.
イエスはエルサレムの統治体制を変えるためではなく、人々の心を変えるために来ました。イエスは自分の使命を何度も説明しましたが、人々は理解しようとはしませんでした。 イエスの弟子たちでさえ、理解できませんでした。弟子たちは、それぞれが自分のするべき事、自分の野心、地位争いに走っていました。1人はイエスを否定し、もう1人はイエスを裏切り、そしてヨハネを除いてすべての弟子達が町から逃げてしまいました。

It was enough to make anybody weep! He came with tears.


Jesus’ entry requires our RESPONSE.

The question that challenges us as this holy week begins is this: Do we have anything that we are willing to share with Him, to give to Him? Our own colt or donkey? A cloak, maybe?


Look at the inventory of time, talent and treasure that you’ve been given. What can you give to the One who has given us everything? We should all be asking this question: “Where can I give my gifts to His glory?”

It brings pleasure to the heart of God when we give to Him. Have you ever heard the story of Eric Liddell? His life was immortalized in the movie Chariots of Fire. He had felt the call of God to go to China as a missionary with his sister. This was long before the Wuhan virus infected the world.

The most touching scene in the movie, was when Eric told his sister that he was going to delay going to the mission field so that he could continue training for the 1924 Olympics.

She was visibly disappointed. He tried to help her to understand by saying, “Jenny, Jenny. I know God created me for His service, but He also made me fast! When I run, I feel God’s pleasure!”
妹はとてもがっかりしました。 しかし、エリックは懸命に妹に伝えようとします。「ジェニー、ジェニー、聞いてくれ。神に仕えるために神が私を造られたのは知っている。しかし、神は私を速く走れるようにしてくれたんだ!走ると神様の喜びを感じるんだ!」

When we give to God the gifts of heart and hand, He takes pleasure, and so do we. What’s the rest of Eric Liddell’s story? He participated in the Olympics, he refused to run on a Sunday, and his subsequent winning of a gold medal turned out to be a witness for Christ to the whole world.

The Lord has need of you. What will you say? You begin by saying, “I give Him my heart.” That’s why He came.