Luke 10:25-42
Questions on a Famous Parable
Today we come to one of the most famous stories of the Bible: the parable of the Good Samaritan. It’s unique to Luke. Who can argue against the encouragement to be a Good Samaritan? Even people who want nothing to do with miraculous Christianity, nothing of Jesus as Saviour, will argue that ‘Being a Good Samaritan’ is the pinnacle of his teaching. People in every culture want to say that ‘Love Your Neighbour’ is the essence of Christianity.
But this parable raises questions for me. For a start, how can I preach a familiar story so we hear it afresh? Can we hear it like Jesus’ first hearers? …Believing ‘Good Samaritan’ was a contradiction in terms! And is this parable actually teaching salvation by love? Is Jesus saying loving your neighbour is the heart of Christianity?
Now that might seem like a lot of questions from a pretty easy parable. But questions about the text can be helpful. Because good questions about the meaning of God’s Holy Word provide an opportunity to learn. They push us beyond the predictable. So let’s turn to Luke for some fresh answers.
1. The Parable Itself
The parable itself begins in Luke 10:30. Read. The Jericho road from Jerusalem was 30km long. It involved a descent of 1000m, through some rough country. It was well known for being risky, with thieves hiding in caves before launching their attacks. It wasn’t the safest of routes. I understand it’s a bit like Kamagasaki.
And the man in Jesus’ story is not just robbed, but also bashed. Then as we know from v31-32, the religious leaders ignore him. Read.
Recently, I went down to the shops to buy lunch. A dirty lady asked for two dollars. I offered to buy some food if she was hungry. But she said she needed money for a bus fare. So I said I was sorry, but I wouldn’t hand over cash. It was right outside the liquor shop. Sadly, it’s a well known place alcoholics gather.
And when I came out of the shops with my food, she was still begging. And I didn’t want the problem of being asked again. So I crossed the road. I passed by on the other side. That’s what Jesus emphasises with that phrase. To pass by on the other side is to go out of your way to avoid involvement. Did I do the right thing with the beggar? I was genuinely busy. And I made an effort to buy food!
We can understand the religious leaders’ excuses. Perhaps the Priest and Levite were afraid of becoming ceremonially unclean through contact with a dead body. That was in the Law of Moses, and it would have prevented them doing their religious duties for a time. Maybe they were afraid of another ambush. And maybe they didn’t know first aid!
These are the kind of reasons we have for passing by on the other side too.
The ‘Good’ Samaritan
Then in v33, Jesus gives a twist in the story, with a Samaritan who helps. Read vv33-35. Here’s where one of my questions comes in. Bible publishers provide headings for each section. And they call this is the Parable of the Good Samaritan. And ‘Good Samaritan’ is now an English buzzword for a person who helps.
But the point of Jesus’ story is that his original Jewish hearers could not imagine a Samaritan being good. Maybe it was no surprise that hypocritical religious leaders failed. But a good old ordinary Jewish man; he’ll do the right thing.
Not a Samaritan! John 4:9 records that Jews do not associate with Samaritans. They were ethnic half-breeds: considered rebels against Judah, compromised by mixed marriage with other religions. Samaritans were bad, not good! Luke 9:52-53 just said that a Samaritan village refused to welcome Jesus’ disciples. Typical!
And so to help us feel the shock Jesus’ first hearers would have felt by having a Samaritan hero, I often tell the story in modern terms. If Jesus told it in America or Australia, he might have an Anglican pastor like me, and a Baptist elder crossing the road to avoid helping. And he might picture the hero as a shifty Arab taxi-driver; from a race we suspect of terrorism, and know as infidels. Help is found from the suspect, from the least expected. Maybe for you it would be Japanese mafia!
So here Jesus smashes our natural tendency to racism or prejudice.
2. The Application: Being a Neighbour
But the main application is all about being a neighbour. That’s clear from the parable’s introduction and conclusion. In v29, the religious lawyer wants to justify himself and asks Jesus, “And who is my neighbour?” The lawyer knew the Law of Moses said to love your neighbour. And the rabbis debated exactly whom that meant. It was obviously more than the person next door. But how far did you have to go? For example, Sirach, an ancient Jewish book of wisdom, said not to help a sinner. They don’t deserve it. And most Jews drew the line with foreigners.
So the lawyer wanted to neatly define his moral duties to manageable levels. He wanted a ‘limited-liability’ love! But by his parable, Jesus refuses to set any limits to the obligation to love. He draws his conclusion in vv36-37. Read.
The lawyer won’t actually mention the Samaritan’s race. But he can’t deny the good example. So Jesus makes the lawyer see that a religiously suspect, half-blood might know more of God’s love than a devoted Jew clever at debating religious rules.
Jesus is saying the lawyer asked the wrong question. It’s not about who is my neighbour. It’s all about to whom I can be a neighbour! An old Bible scholar said, “It is attitude, not geography, that makes a neighbour.” Neighbours are people who roll up their sleeves to meet a need! Wherever they see it. Even if it’s risky. Even when it costs them. And the application is clear. Go and be a neighbour.
What about the beggar? There are real questions about how best to help the homeless or drug addicted where I live in Wollongong. But is your basic reaction to reach out? Or to try and avoid them? To throw a bit of money at them and escape as quick as possible? Or even just to feel it’s all too-hard, and do nothing.
But it’s not just the obviously injured. What about the refugees in our region? What about lonely international students or foreign workers in our community? Will you go out of your way to meet their needs? Helping them with language practice, or transport? How far have you gone to welcome them, to offer hospitality, to take them into your homes? That is what Christians should do.
And the same goes for the socially awkward at church. Or what about the proud or greedy work colleague who is unpleasant but so lonely? Are you a neighbour to them? There are thousands who need a friend. I think it’s just as bad to avoid the materialistic and spiritually apathetic neighbour, as to refuse to buy a beggar a meal! Don’t be the religious person who passes by on the other side.
But unlike the Good Samaritan
But here’s my problem. I am so unlike the Good Samaritan! I’m not nearly so good.
This man undertook an extraordinary list of actions for the victim. He risked going to help. He bandaged his wounds. He provided medicine. He transported the man to safety. He didn’t just drop him off in the ER ward. He took care of him personally. When he had to leave, he paid two silver coins. That’s enough for several weeks’ further care. And he promises to underwrite any further rehab costs.
この人は被害者のために数々の驚くべき行動を取りました。助けに出るという危険を冒しました。傷を手当しました。薬を与えました。安全なところに連れて行きました。 緊急治療室に下ろしただけではありません。自ら介抱してあげました。帰りがけには、銀貨2枚を払いました。それは数週間分の介抱の費用にあたります。費用が足りなければ、また払うと約束しています。
I just want to buy the beggar a meal and get out away with minimum conversation. But the Samaritan did not just throw a few dollars at the problem. This is no cheap effort that costs nothing more than your credit card details for a tax-deductible donation to your favourite charity. This is costly, time-consuming, inconvenient, self-sacrificing love.
For most of church history, Christian commentators made this parable into an allegory. An allegory matches every feature in a story with a spiritual equivalent. The man going down is human nature. The robber is the devil. His wounds are the impact of his sins. The Priest and Levite represent the failure of Old Testament Law. But the Good Samaritan represents Christ. Perhaps the oil is grace and the wine is Christ’s blood. The donkey is his body. The inn is the church. And the Samaritan’s return is the return of Christ!!!
From Reformation times on, most modern experts have rejected such efforts to spiritualise each feature of the passage. And rightly so, especially when the connections are so stretched and arbitrary!
But without returning to allegory, I wonder if they were right to see Jesus in the Good Samaritan. I see some connections, which are often missed!
The first connection is that – by implication – Jesus’ parables tend to point back to himself. So in the parable of the soils, the farmer who sowed the seed points especially to Jesus who preached the Word. And in the parable of the tenants, the owner of the vineyard was God. And the owner’s Son, whom they kill, points to Jesus. Surely the hero of this parable could also by implication point back to Jesus?
The second connection is the statement at the end of v33 that the Samaritan “took pity” on him. The word used here is the ‘compassion’ word. It refers to being deeply moved inside. And it’s fascinating where this word is used in other parables. It is used of the Master who cancelled a massive debt. And of the Waiting Father when his Prodigal Son returns. In other words, it is used of the God-like figure. And the only real-life person described by this word in the Gospels is Jesus! No other human is ever described by it. So in showing gut-wrenching pity, the Samaritan does in the parable, what only Jesus does in real life.
And the final connection is the sheer extent to which the Good Samaritan went. He is so much better than you or I. His self-sacrificial compassion is far more like the huge length Jesus went to heal our spiritual wounds. Jesus became a man, as we celebrate at Christmas. But he didn’t just teach us the truth about God. In dying for us, dying even on a criminal’s cross, he bore our sins.
And so yes, Jesus tells us to be like the Samaritan. But read it from this side of the cross, where he died for you and me! I suspect it’s also telling us to be humbled by the enormous lengths Jesus went to heal our spiritual wounds. He is truly Good!
3. Justification by love of Jesus?
This also feeds into the question of the parable’s purpose. Is it just to set an example? Certainly the parable tells us to be a neighbour to anyone who needs our help. So is loving your neighbour is the essence of Christianity? Is it salvation by good deeds, justification by love?
The setting is the question in v25 of “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The emphasis of the lawyer’s original question is on our deeds – what we do. And in vv26-27, Jesus points to what the man already knows: the two great commands. Love God, and love your neighbour. And Jesus says, v28, “You have answered correctly. Do this and you will live.” He teaches that if we truly lived up to this standard we would be justified by love, saved by our good deeds of love.
But I suspect Luke mentions Mary and Martha directly after this story to make it clear Jesus is not just teaching us to DO. Because Martha is busy with doing. Martha is busy with being practical and serving others. But Jesus commends the example not of Martha, but Mary. And Mary was not doing. V39, she was simply sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening to what he said. Slacking, in Martha’s eyes. But in v42, Jesus says only one thing was needed. And it’s Mary who has chosen what is better. Sinners like us cannot justify ourselves by what we do!
This removes the chance for the humanist to say all we need to do is serve humanity. Jesus is not just teaching us to be a good neighbour. He’s saying we must also love God with all we have. And that means sitting at the feet of Jesus, God’s Son. That’s the position of submission and dependence. We must listen to his word. And then depend on all he is, and all he says, and all does for you.
So let’s not be like the Lawyer who tries to justify himself. For he wants a limit on neighbourliness because he knows he can’t really do it properly. He falls short of the standard set by the Good Samaritan. And even as Jesus challenges us to do likewise, if we are honest, we also fall short as well.
Bishop J.C Ryle says, “Let us not forget …to apply the high standard of duty …to our own hearts… Do we love God with all our heart, and soul, and strength, and mind? Do we love our neighbours as ourselves? …Where is the person that could say with perfect truth, ‘I do’? …[Truly] we are all guilty in this matter! The best of us, however holy we may be, come far short of perfection. Passages like this should teach us our need of Christ’s blood and righteousness. To Him we must go, if we would ever stand with boldness at the bar of love. From Him we must seek for grace, that the love of God and man may become ruling principles of our lives.”
J.C Ryle司教はこう言いました。“私たちの心にすべきことの高い基準を適用することを忘れないようにしましょう。心を尽くし、思いを尽くし、力を尽くし、知性を尽くして神を愛しているだろうか?隣人を自分自身のように愛しているだろうか?‘愛しています’と正真正銘言える人はどこにいますか?私たちみんなそれができないのです。どんなに聖なる者であったとしても完璧からはほど遠いのです。ここから私たちにはキリストの血と義が必要なことがわかるのです。神の愛の基準の前に大胆に立つのなら、キリストのもとに行かなければいけません。神と人の愛が私たちの人生を支配する道義となるように、キリストから恵みを求めなければなりません。”