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Home » Jocheved: A Model of Motherhood<br>ヨケベデ:母性の模範

Jocheved: A Model of Motherhood

May 10th, 2020 Mother’s Day

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Exodus 2:1~11
出エジプト記 2:1~11

Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman, 2 and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months.3 But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. 4 His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him.
5 Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it.6 She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said.
7 Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?”
8 “Yes, go,” she answered. So the girl went and got the baby’s mother. 9 Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you.” So the woman took the baby and nursed him. 10 When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.”
11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.

Exodus 2:1~11

1 さて、レビの家のひとりの人が行ってレビの娘をめとった。
2 女はみごもって、男の子を産んだが、その麗しいのを見て、三月のあいだ隠していた。
3 しかし、もう隠しきれなくなったので、パピルスで編んだかごを取り、それにアスファルトと樹脂とを塗って、子をその中に入れ、これをナイル川の岸の葦の中においた。
4 その姉は、彼がどうされるかを知ろうと、遠く離れて立っていた。
5 ときにパロの娘が身を洗おうと、川に降りてきた。侍女たちは川べを歩いていたが、彼女は、葦の中にかごのあるのを見て、つかえめをやり、それを取ってこさせ、
6 あけて見ると子供がいた。見よ、幼な子は泣いていた。彼女はかわいそうに思って言った、「これはヘブルびとの子供です」。
7 そのとき幼な子の姉はパロの娘に言った、「わたしが行ってヘブルの女のうちから、あなたのために、この子に乳を飲ませるうばを呼んでまいりましょうか」。
8 パロの娘が「行ってきてください」と言うと、少女は行ってその子の母を呼んできた。
9 パロの娘は彼女に言った、「この子を連れて行って、わたしに代り、乳を飲ませてください。わたしはその報酬をさしあげます」。女はその子を引き取って、これに乳を与えた。
10 その子が成長したので、彼女はこれをパロの娘のところに連れて行った。そして彼はその子となった。彼女はその名をモーセと名づけて言った、「水の中からわたしが引き出したからです」。
11 モーセが成長して後、ある日のこと、同胞の所に出て行って、そのはげしい労役を見た。彼はひとりのエジプトびとが、同胞のひとりであるヘブルびとを打つのを見たので、

出エジプト記 2:1~11


There’s nothing more important to the future of the Church, and there’s nothing more important to the future of this country than Godly parents doing what God has called them to do. This morning, we see in our Scripture text a model of motherhood. Let me give you the background and set up the story.

The people of Israel have been in Egypt for a long time, and they began to multiply and grow in number. Because of that, the Pharaoh began to feel nervous and threatened. He was afraid that they would become too powerful and overwhelm them. His solution? He enslaved them. He put them into slavery.
イスラエルの民は長い間エジプトにいましたが、エジプトに在留するイスラエル人の数はどんどん増えていきました。そのため、王であるファラオは神経質になり、増えているイスラエル人に脅威を感じるようになりました。ファラオは、イスラエル人達が強大になりすぎて、彼らに圧倒されてしまうことを恐れていました。ファラオの解決策は何だったのでしょうか?増えてくるイスラエル人への、彼の解決策とはイスラエル人を 奴隷にすることでした。

But they were still having babies and growing in number, so he came up with an idea. He gave an order that every boy that was born to the Hebrews was to be thrown into the Nile River. And so… when Moses was born, his mother hid him away for three (3) months. That’s verse 2 from our text, “and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months.”
しかし、イスラエル人達は赤ん坊を産み続け、その人口の数は増え続けていたので、ファラオはある考えを思いつきました。彼はヘブライ人に生まれたすべての男の子をナイル川に投げ込みなさいという命令を下しました。 そしてそんな中…モーセが生まれました。最初は、彼の母親は、生まれたモーゼを三ヶ月間隠しました。それが本文の2節に、「女はみごもって、男の子を産んだが、その麗しいのを見て、三月のあいだ隠していた。」と、書かれています。

There’s something curious here. The verse doesn’t say anything about Moses’ father, Amram, doing this. This was all his mom. I don’t know why Moses’ father wasn’t involved in any of this, but there’s no mention of him. Did he die early? Was he against the idea? Makes you think ….

Next, in verse 3, when the mother couldn’t hide him any longer, she made a little basket and floated him down the river. And people say, “Why in the world would she do such a thing.”
次に3節を読みましょう。 母親は、大きく育っていくモーセを隠し通すことができなくなったので、小さな籠を作って川に流しました。「いったいなぜ彼女はそんなことをしたのだろうか?」と人々は思うでしょう。

Now, you’ve got to realize that she’s Hebrew. She’s been taught from the day she was born about how God saved Noah in an ark. So what does she do? She builds a small ark (actually, a papyrus basket) and trusts God to save her son. Let’s see what else we can learn from her experience of being a mother.
それには、ヨケベデがヘブライ人だということを 理解しなければなりません。 彼女は生まれた時から、神がノアを箱舟で救ったことを教えられています。そのことを念頭におけば、次に彼女が何をしたのかがわかるでしょう。彼女は小さな箱舟、と言っても実際にはパピルスのバスケットですが、箱舟を作り、神が息子を救ってくれると信じました。ヨケベデの母親としての経験を通して、私たちが他に何を学ぶことができるのか見ていきましょう。

  1. Motherhood reshapes the future

It’s interesting to me that we don’t even know the name of Moses’ mother, until we get to Exodus 6:20. Her name was Jochebed — and she’s only mentioned by name twice in the entire Bible. The other verse is in the book of Numbers 26:59.

I think, Jochebed’s obscurity, is God’s way of saying to us that motherhood isn’t some high profile occupation where your face is always plastered on TV and your day is filled with signing autographs. Rather, it’s more like this.
私が思うに 、ヨケベデが無名で、世に知られていないということを通して、神は私たちに、母性とはテレビで注目されるスターのような 目立つ役割ではないということを むしろ言っているのだと思います。

A teacher gave her class of second graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does. The next day in a written test, she included this question: “My full name has six letters. The first one is M. I pick up things. What am I?” When the test papers were turned in, the teacher was astonished to find that almost 50 percent of the students answered the question with the word Mother.

But don’t let that cause you to think it’s not an important role.

Society has a way of exalting the non-important and diminishing the most important. Think about it. What’s more important to our society: Teachers or movie stars? Teachers! Right?! Out of those two, who gets paid the most? Who’s always asked their opinion on things?
社会は、重要でないものを大切に思わせ、最も重要なものを失くそうとします。考えてみてください。私たちの社会にとって、何がより重要なのか。大切なのは、教師ですか?それとも映画スターですか?そうです。社会に大切なのは教師です。しかし、その二つの職業のうち、 一番お給料が高いのはどっちでしょう?私たちは、教師か、映画スターのどちらの意見に、いつも注目するでしょうか?

Who’s more important, the police or the professional athlete? But who makes the money? Who do we always see on the news or being made much of? Don’t let your lack of celebrity status ever lead you to believe that mother’s aren’t important. I find it difficult to think of something more important than the role of shaping the next generation. And moms have more impact on that than anyone!

  1. Motherhood requires trust in God

Take note of something else here. Jochebed builds an ark for her son, puts him in, and she trusts God. Mothers, sometimes things are going to come, and you’ve got to just trust God. Things are going to come that are completely out of your control. And so you’ve got to do the best you can, do whatever you can, but ultimately you’ve got to trust God.
ここで次のことに注意してください。ヨケベデは息子のために箱舟を作り 、息子をその箱舟に入れました。そして、 彼女は神を信じました。母親である皆さん、問題が起こる時もありますが、 神を信じてください。あなたの手に負えないような出来事が起こることもあります。そして、そんな時でも、出来る限りのことをしなければならない。しかし、最終的には神を信頼しなければならないのです。

There’s a survey of mothers and in this survey it said that something like 73% of all mothers feel totally unequipped and inadequate. That’s so true. It’s true for parents. None of us have a perfect contingency plan for every single issue that’s going to come up in the lives of our families.

Just when we think we do, something pops up. BAM! Something serious happens. And we have to learn to be thankful in these situations because they teach us to rely upon God. They force us to stop thinking we’re the ones in control of our own universe. These situations drive us to our knees which is exactly where we need to be.

So let this story encourage everyone this morning. You might be going through something. Your family might be facing a serious crisis, but God is bigger than that. Pharaoh’s plan was to kill Moses, remember? But God had a bigger plan! And Jocheved, she had no way of knowing what God was going to do, but she trusted Him. She knew her God and His word, and she trusted Him.

  1. Motherhood is a God-given calling

Moving on in verses 4~10 we see God’s plan in action. Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses, and God ends up having Moses raised in that very house, right under Pharaoh’s nose. And not only that, God had Moses’ own mother nursed him!

We don’t know how long that went on, or how long Jocheved was with her son Moses. But verse 11 tells us something very important. It tells us that when Moses was grown, he went out and looked upon HIS people. Let’s read Acts 7:20~23.

20 “At that time Moses was born, and he was no ordinary child. For three months he was cared for by his family. 21 When he was placed outside, Pharaoh’s daughter took him and brought him up as her own son. 22 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.
23 “When Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his own people, the Israelites.”

Acts 7:20~23


使徒行伝 7:20~23

The Bible never specifically tells us how Moses learned he was Jewish or when he learned, but it does give us some pretty good clues as to how that happened. Just think about it, when he was three (3) months old he was taken in by an Egyptian princess.

Jewish history and faith in God weren’t taught in the palace. But, Moses’ mother was called in to nurse him. Then, at age 40 he sides with his people. Hebrews 11:24~ 25 says, “By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.”

How did Moses know he was one of the Hebrews? Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing.” How did he hear in order to have the faith to do these amazing things he ended up doing? His mother, of course!
モーセは自分がヘブライ人の一人であることを どうやって知ったのでしょうか?ローマ人への手紙10章17節には 「信仰は聞くことによるのであり」と書かれています。モーセはどのようにして、これらの驚くべきことを成し遂げるだけの信仰を持っていたのでしょうか?それはもちろん彼の母親によるものです。

As parents, none of us know how long we’re going to have with our kids. It seems like yesterday that ours were in diapers. Now Joyce (our youngest and whose real name is Jocheved) is about to turn 18, she’s making plans for college and careers. Obviously, we can’t slow time down. But Moses’ mom obviously knew how to redeem the time. Like I said, we don’t know how long exactly she had with her son, but she obviously used it very well.
私たちの末っ子のジョイスの本名はヨケベデです。ジョイスは今年18歳になろうとしていますが、彼女は今、どんな大学に行こうか、どんな職業につこうかと計画を立てています。当然、私たちは時間を遅らせることはできません。しかし モーセの母親が時間を取り戻す方法を知っていたのは明らかです。 先ほど言ったように ヨケベデが息子とどのくらいの時間を過ごしていたのかは正確にはわかりませんが、彼女が子供と一緒にいる時間をとても上手く使っていたことは明らかです。

Mothers, teach your children. Teach them right from wrong, good from bad, teach them how to make decisions that will glorify and honor God. They are your very own little disciples. And so most importantly; teach them about God, and His son Jesus who came to die for our sins. Teach them, not just by saying words, but by living out your life in light of the faith you have.
母親の皆さん。 子供たちに教えてあげてください。 間違っていることから正しいことへ向かうこと、悪いことから良いことへ向かうことを子供たちに教えてあげてください。神を称え尊敬するような決断ができるように教えてあげてください。子供たちはあなた自身の小さな弟子です。そして最も重要なことは、神様と、私たちの罪のために亡くなられたイエス様について、子供たちに教えてあげることです。言葉だけで教えるのではなく、あなたが信仰を持って人生を生きていくことによって、彼らに神様のことを教えてあげてください。

This is your calling, and it’s your ministry, and it’s one of the greatest in the world.


A four-year-old and a six-year-old presented their Mom with a house plant. They had used their own money and she was thrilled. The older of them said with a sad face, “There was a bouquet that we wanted to give you at the flower shop. It was real pretty, but it was too expensive. It had a ribbon on it that said, ‘Rest In Peace,’ and we thought it would be just perfect since you are always asking for a little peace so that you can rest.”

I understand that many parents in our congregation are going through tough times due to the prolonged state of emergency. The kids are home and can’t go to school. Outings even in nearby parks or playgrounds are generally being discouraged. You naturally desire some rest and some peace.

Certainly, it’s also an opportune time to re-evaluate your call as a parent and how you’re going to continue to trust God in your situation. Remember that you have a big role to play in shaping the trajectory of the next generation.

For children, honor your mother (and father) with loving obedience. Listen to them and enjoy the blessing of belonging to a godly family. You don’t know until when you’ll be with them. Treat them with respect for they gave you a name, a heritage of faith and values you will also need to pass on to your children when the time comes.