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Home » Mary, Did You Know?<br>マリヤ、あなたは知っていましたか?

Mary, Did You Know?

24 December, 2017 (PM)

I remember when each of my children were born. It’s really amazing because one minute there are four people in the room and then suddenly there’s five. A new life has entered the world.

And I remember with each of them, holding them in my arms, looking at their face and wondering what lay ahead for them. Would they grow to be a school teacher or a designer or a bus driver or an entrepreneur? Would they be introverted or extroverted? Would they be funny or serious? Would they be studious or adventurous? Would they grow to love God?

I’m sure Mary and Joseph wondered these things, too, as they cradled their baby Jesus. They knew that He was special. They had both received angelic visitations announcing the birth of this child. They had received testimony from others saying the same thing. And certainly Mary knew that this was not an ordinary birth.

Would all the girls here aged 14-16 please stand?

You’re about the age Mary probably was when she had Jesus. She was a very young woman. She must have been quite scared to be visited by angels, to be ridiculed and mocked for having what appeared to be an illegitimate child, to travel a long way on a donkey while heavily pregnant, to go into labour and be frantically looking for somewhere to have the baby, to give birth amongst cattle, without medical support, to be away from family.

Mary must have wondered what lay ahead for this child. She must have wondered what all the heavenly fuss was about because although the conception was miraculous and celebrated, the birth was hard, and the conditions were awful. But as she cradled the baby Jesus, I wonder what she was thinking. Did she know?

Did she know He would be a healer?

Jesus routinely healed people of their physical, mental and spiritual wounds. Blind people were given back their sight. The deaf could hear. The lame could walk. The insane were restored to a right mind. The spiritually tormented were forgiven. One man, Lazarus, was even raised from the dead.

Did she know that He would be a miracle worker?

Jesus walked on water – literally. He stilled the waves and the storm with His voice. He fed 5000 people with a few loaves of bread and a couple of small fish. That was actually so easy, He did it a second time. When He spoke, nature obeyed.

Did she know that He would be a deliverer?

I love the line in the song we just heard: this child that you’ve delivered will soon deliver you.

Jesus came to forgive people from their sin. This is extraordinary because only God can do that.

When a paraplegic was brought to Jesus, Jesus healed him by saying, “Your sins are forgiven”. The Pharisees were up in arms about this because by saying this, Jesus was making HImself equal to God. Jesus said to them, “What would you prefer I say, ‘Stand up and walk’ or ‘Your sins are forgiven’? It’s all the same to me.”

Jesus came not just to heal our external wounds or even our mental troubles, but to deliver us from our deepest spiritual needs; to forgive us and to bring the presence of God into our lives.

Did she know that He would be a saviour?

Jesus came to teach us, to heal us and to forgive us. But He also came to take away the penalty of our sin.

We stand in the courtroom of God, and we are all guilty of sin. Run through the 10 commandments and ask yourself if you’ve ever lied, or stolen anything no matter how small, or uttered God’s name in vein, or looked upon another person (who is not our spouse) with lust, or coveted what someone else has… We’re all guilty.
私たちは神の法廷に立っており、私たちどの者も全て罪を犯しています。 モーゼの10の戒めを思い返し、あなたが今までに嘘をついたことがあるか、小さなものであっても何かを盗んだり、神の名前を軽々しく呼んだり、配偶者ではない他の人を欲望をもって見たり、他の人が持っているものを羨んだりしたことはありませんか?私たちは皆、罪人です。

The scriptures say,

“There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”
Romans 3:10-12

「義人はいない、ひとりもいない。 悟りのある人はいない、神を求める人はいない。 すべての人は迷い出て、ことごとく無益なものになっている。善を行う者はいない、ひとりもいない。

It’s pretty clear, isn’t it? Jesus makes us righteous before God. He came to make us right with God, by paying the penalty for our sin. Jesus came to save us.

Did she know that He would be the great I AM?

When God appeared before Moses, Moses asked Him who He (God) was. God identified Himself by simply saying, “I AM”. That’s all Moses needed to know of Him.
モ – セの前に神が現れたとき、モーセは彼、神が誰かと尋ねました。神は単に「私である」と言って、自分自身を名乗りました。モーセが神を知るにはそれだけで十分でした。

When God spoke to Isaiah, He revealed Himself as the great “I AM”. “I AM” became the great statement of God’s identity.

So when Jesus identified Himself by saying, “I AM the light of the world. I AM the bread of life. I AM the gate for the sheep. I AM the shepherd. I AM the vine. I AM the resurrection and the life. I AM the way, the truth and the life” it was very clear that Jesus was announcing his deity.

Jesus was God. He was the Ancient of Days. He was the Alpha and Omega. He was the Great I AM.

I don’t know how much of all that Mary knew. But, standing on the other side of history, we can know it all.

We can know exactly who Jesus was and is.

Tonight we remember the birth of Jesus and we celebrate God’s great plan of salvation. But we also worship Jesus as our healer, our miracle worker, our deliverer, our saviour and our God.
