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Nahum ナホム書

Today we’re going to talk about Nahum.

Nahum is ナホムとは
The name of the new Nissan hybrid  新しい日産ハイブリッド車の名前
A city in Syria that is currently under siege 今、包囲されているシリアの町
A flavour of ice cream at Baskin Robbins サーティーワンアイスクリームの味
The name of one of the books of the Old Testament 旧約聖書の本の名前

The answer is ‘d’. Nahum is one of the books of the Old Testament yet few people know about it and even fewer have actually read it.
It’s the 7th book [image] of the 12 minor prophets which makes it the 5th last book of the Old Testament.

Remember, as we work our way through the books of the Bible, after the reigns of Kings David and Solomon, the Jewish people had continually rebelled against God, ignored His law and done evil in His sight.
Despite warning after warning, they continued to do evil, so God punished them by taking the Promised land away from them and sending them into exile.

The book of Nahum, named after the prophet who wrote it, is an unusual book. The entire book of Nahum is a prophecy against the city of Nineveh.
Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire.
[map] At the time Nahum was writing (about 620B.C.), Assyria had already destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel and was poised to destroy Judah in the south as well.

The Jews had some history with Nineveh.
Remember, not too long before, Jonah had been sent to Nineveh to tell the people to repent. ジョナがニネベに遣わされ、ニネベの人々に悔い改めるようにと告げたことを少し前に学びました。
And to his surprise they did repent!
Yet their repentance seemed to be short-lived because they soon returned to their extremely wicked, brutal and proud ways.
They conducted their wars with shocking ferocity.
The leaders of conquered cities were tortured and horribly mutilated before being executed.
Whole populations were uprooted and deported.
Nineveh/the Assyrians were universally feared.
It’s against this horrible background that Nahum, a relatively unknown prophet, gives his prophecy against Nineveh.
It’s a real David to Goliath sort of word.
Little frail Judah says to mighty Assyria, “you’re done”.
まるで、かよわいユダが力強いアッシリアに向かって、“おまえはもう終わりだ”と言うのです。It would have been such a ridiculous word had it not been the Word of the holy and Almighty God! In the last verse of the book of Nahum, God says,

“Nothing can heal you; your wound is fatal. All who hear the news about you clap their hands at your fall, for who has not felt your endless cruelty?” Nahum 3:19

It seemed so absurd saying this to a power that was devastating the whole world – not just that they would be defeated but that their wound would be fatal and that Nineveh would never rise again.

But that is exactly what happened.
Probably within a decade of the prophecy, the Babylonians came and so totally destroyed the Assyrians that Nineveh was never rebuilt.
And, as though God were being especially emphatic with his prophetic Word, within a few centuries Nineveh was completely covered in windblown sand, never to rise again, just as God had said through the prophet Nahum.

Now that is amazing stuff.
It’s fantastic to have the advantage of hindsight to see how God was working and how His prophecies and His plans always came through.
But it didn’t happen overnight.
God’s people had to suffer for a very long period.
Sometimes that suffering was a direct result of their sin.
But often it wasn’t and they had to cry out to God day after day, month after month and even year after year.

Prolonged suffering is something that has been common to many Christian communities over the centuries and it remains a challenge for many Christians today.
長期にわたる苦しみは何世紀にもわたって多くのクリスチャン社会によくあったことで、今でも多くのクリスチャンに起こっています 。

Christians here in Japan have also known extreme hardship and persecution.
Shusaku Endo wrote a famous book called ‘Silence’ which has very recently been made into a movie and is showing at cinemas now.
The book and the movie convey the terrible suffering and persecution of the Japanese Christians and the missionaries who carried the faith here.
And for year after year, decade after decade, the Japanese Christians called out to God to rescue them but God seemed to only respond with silence, hence the title of the book and movie.

Let’s pause and have a look at the trailer.

Silence is a beautiful, harrowing, terrible, thought-provoking, hard and wonderful story.
I recommend it if you have a strong stomach and you would like to engage in discussion with Japanese people about the Christian faith.
But if you think it might be a bit too much, don’t feel obliged to watch it.

Springboarding off from the book of Nahum, I would like to look at three questions that persecuted Christians, and especially the Japanese of the Portuguese missionaries’ time, as well as today, often ask.

1. Why is God often silent in the face of suffering?

This is a hard question and one that the Psalmists sometimes asked.
It’s a hard question because neat, academic answers mean little to those who are suffering.
But let me lay out a few principles.

We live in a broken, sinful world.
We don’t live in heaven (yet).
The kingdom of the world and the kingdom of heaven are two very different and diametrically opposed kingdoms.
We should not be surprised that God appears silent at times in this world.
‘Appears’ is a key word here.
Just because God appears inactive doesn’t mean He is being inactive.
神が何もしていないかのように見えるから、神が何もしていないということではありません。 Just because God appears distant to us doesn’t mean that He is distant.
On the contrary, God promises that He will never leave us and He will never forsake us, no matter what trouble comes our way.

It’s sobering to think that most of the time it’s us who are being silent and God longs for us to come to Him in prayer.
沈黙しているのは私たちであることが多く、神は、私たちが祈りをもって神のもとにく   ることを願っておられるのだと思うと、はっとさせられます。
We are not alone in feeling distant from God.
We are in very good company.
Many of the prophets and even Jesus Himself experienced the feeling of distance.
It was He who uttered from the cross the words, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” “わが神、わが神、どうしてわたしをお見捨てになったのですか”と十字架の上で言ったのはイエスです。
God understands this feeling and doesn’t condemn us for it.
God considers those who suffer for the faith His heroes.
They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. Hebrews 11:37-40
あるいは、石で打たれ、さいなまれ、のこぎりで引かれ、つるぎで切り殺され、羊の皮や、やぎの皮を着て歩きまわり、無一物になり、悩まされ、苦しめられ、 (この世は彼らの住む所ではなかった)、荒野と山の中と岩の穴と土の穴とを、さまよい続けた。 さて、これらの人々はみな、信仰によってあかしされたが、約束のものは受けなかった。 神はわたしたちのために、さらに良いものをあらかじめ備えて下さっているので、わたしたちをほかにしては彼らが全うされることはない。
God does intervene in this world.
He has intervened countless times throughout history, most significantly in sending His Son Jesus.
John 3:16 tells us this in the plainest terms.
And God continues to intervene today, even if we struggle to understand His timing or His plans.

2. What’s the point/purpose of suffering?

Suffering without purpose is pathetic.
And I’m convinced that we cannot truly make sense of suffering without having an eternal perspective.

If our perspective on suffering is limited to this world and to a human agenda then it’s all loss.

Let me illustrate this by looking at the rescue of Peter from prison in Acts 12.
Peter was arrested and locked up facing trial and most likely the death sentence.
The whole church was earnestly praying for him.
Then an angel came and set him free from prison and saves his life.
The whole church rejoices of course. But earlier in the chapter, the apostle James is put to death by the sword. What is God thinking?
Why was Peter rescued but James killed? We cannot make sense of this without having an eternal perspective: James went to be with the Father.
The Japanese Christians who were killed for their faith – and more so, the Japanese Christians who had to endure the torture of other people because of their faith – couldn’t make any sense of this without an eternal perspective.
We have to know that ultimately God is in control.

3. Is the Christian faith irrelevant/unsuitable to the Japanese?

This is one of the questions that comes out of the book ‘Silence’ and is one of the views that some of the characters hold:
(They say) ‘The Japanese people are different. They are unique. Christianity has no appeal for the Japanese and they have no need for Christianity.’
Many of us might have heard this if not experienced something of this for ourselves.

What we need to remember is that regardless of ethnicity, cultural resistance or historical background, all people of the earth were created by God, all people have been separated from God by sin and all people need to get right with God.
The Bible is very clear that.
God loves all people (John 3:16)
all people have sinned and stand condemned before a holy God (Romans 3:23)
the wages of sin for all people is death (Romans 6:23)
the only means of attaining the forgiveness of sins and getting right with God is through faith in God’s only Son Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12)
罪の赦しを得、神と正しい関係をもつ唯一の手段は神のたった一人の御子であるイエ   ス・キリストを信じることです。(使徒4:12)

These are universal spiritual truths and they apply to all people.
The Christian faith is not a faith just for middle eastern people (where it started) or for western people (where it spread) or for African people (where it is growing now).

Salvation through Christ is for all people of the world.
There is no other name under heaven by which people can be saved. (Acts 4:12)
この人、キリストによる以外に救はない。わたしたちを救いうる名は、これを別にしては、天下のだれにも与えられていないからである」。 使徒行伝  4章12節
And this message is for our Japanese brothers and sisters as much as it is for anyone else.

Prayer time for Japan and the Japanese people.