Today we continue with our series addressing this year’s theme ‘Your Kingdom Come’, drawing from Bill Johnson’s book ‘When Heaven Invades Earth’.
今日は私達の今年のテーマ “御国が来ますように” に取り組んでいるシリーズで著者 ビル ジョンソン氏の “ 天が地に侵入するとき” を続行していきましょう。
This is not an easy topic, yet it is well-worth pursuing, so please put your thinking caps on, open your hearts and be zealous for the Word.
The highest priority for any Christian (after loving God with all our hearts) is seeking the Kingdom of God:(心をつくして神を愛することの次に)クリスチャンが最優先にしたいことは、神の御国を求めることです。
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
マタイによる福音書6:33 まず神の国と神の義とを求めなさい。そうすれば、これらのものは、すべて添えて与えられるであろう。
And the model that Jesus gave us to seek the Kingdom of God and realise it’s coming in our world, is the Lord’s Prayer.
We’ve looked at this before but this is the living Word of God and I guarantee you this morning that if you yield your heart to the Spirit of God you will learn something new and fresh about the Lord’s prayer no matter how many times you’ve read it or meditated on it before.
Biblical prayer is always accompanied by radical obedience. God’s response to prayer with obedience always releases the nature of heaven into our impaired world.” And that’s what we want right? The restorative power of God in our broken world.
Understanding the radical obedience that comes with Biblical prayer frees us from cold, rote prayers and frees us into hot, relational, transforming prayers. Obedience following Biblical prayer brings Godly change.
Jesus’ model reveals the only two real priorities of prayer. First, intimacy with God that is expressed in worship – holy is Your name.
And second, to bring His Kingdom to earth, establishing His dominion over the needs of mankind – Your Kingdom come.
1つ目は神との親密関係です。礼拝の中で表現されるー 御名があがめられますように。
2つ目に神の御国を地上にもたらし、神の主権を打ち建てることー 御国がきますようにと言う点です。
“Our Father in Heaven, hallowed by Your name.”
Rob Bell, the controversial and somewhat discredited pastor has famously said that the phrase “personal relationship with Jesus” isn’t in the Bible, suggesting that a personal relationship with God is an overstated concept and a misplaced priority for Christians. Rob Bell couldn’t be more wrong! We are to call God our “Father”, “Abba – Daddy”. He is our Father and we are His children. We are friends of God. Brothers of Jesus. Heirs of the Father. Co-heirs with Christ. How much closer a relationship can you get? And the Lord’s prayer begins by clarifying the very intimacy of the relationship we have with God in Christ when we pray.
世間に議論を引き起こしたロブ ベルとそこそこ信用のある牧師の有名な文言 “ イエスとの個人的な関係は聖書にはない”と言いました神との個人的な関係は大げさに表現している概念であると示唆し、そしてクリスチャンにとっては見当違いの優先順位だと言いました。
ロブ ベルはこれ以上の間違いは出来ません!
私達は神を御霊によって “ アバ、父”と呼びます。彼は私達の父であり、私達彼の子供です。
私達は彼の友達なのです。イエスの兄弟です。 父の後継者。キリストとの共同相続人です。
Prayer with God is personal. It’s intimate. It’s familial.
But this beginning to the Lord’s prayer is more than just a clarification of roles. It is a call to participate in worship. When we pray “hallowed be Your name” we start to worship.
それは礼拝に加わるように呼びかけています。私達が祈る時 “御名が崇められますように”と
Praise and worship are the primary activities of heaven, and so it is to be for the believer here on earth. The more we live as citizens of heaven, the more heaven’s activities infect our lifestyles.
Worship is our number one priority in ministry” regardless of what our area of ministry is. “Everything else we do is to be affected by our devotion to this call. He inhabits our praise.
“Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
This is the primary focus for all prayer. If it exists in heaven it is to be loosed on earth.” (And if it’s not free to exist in heaven then it must be rejected and bound here on earth.)
When the believer prays according to the revealed will of God (in the Bible), faith is specific and focussed. Faith grabs hold of that reality.
And Enduring faith doesn’t let go.”
Pastor Mike shared about this last week. He and Mayu prayed for 20 years for Mayu’s mum to be saved and in the end she was saved.
Enduring faith doesn’t let go.
We have other similar stories here in our congregation but I believe we have many, many more similar stories still to come as we pray for God’s Kingdom to come.
Enduring faith doesn’t let go.
And following on from Pastor Mike’s sermon last week, I would like to see all of us together regularly praying, caring and sharing for/with three people that we committed to last week with an enduring faith that doesn’t let go. Let’s see God’s Kingdom come in the lives of these people and others.
“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Is anyone starving in heaven? Of course not.” Is anyone in need in heaven? Of course not.
天には飢えている人がいるでしょうか?勿論いるわけがありません” 天には必用なものがいりますか? 勿論いるわけがありません。
In heaven there is abundant supply and it’s God’s will that we should be supplied abundantly with all we need and more here on earth, just as it is in heaven.
I want to be clear, this is not prosperity teaching! I don’t believe God’s primary concern or reward is to make us materially wealthy here on earth and even if He does it’s only so we can be exceedingly generous with it.
No, this is about having an abundant supply of all we need in material, relational and spiritual terms, just as it is in heaven. And where there is lack here, we should prayer for provision because it’s God’s good pleasure to provide it.
Phil 4:19 My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.
There is a distinctly heavenly context to this verse, not an earthly one. God will supply all our needs but they will be met according to His riches and His glory. Understanding this should guide our prayers for daily bread.
“And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.”
Is there any unforgiveness in heaven? No! Once again, heaven is our model for our relationships here on earth.
‘And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.’ These verse make it quite clear that our model is Jesus Christ…the one whose Kingdom seek. Once again this prayer illustrates a practical way to pray for heaven’s reality to bring an effect on earth.”
天には赦せない思いは存在するでしょうか? もちろん存在しません、天は私達の地上における人間関係の模範を現しています。
“お互いに親切にし、心の優しい人となり、神がキリストにおいてあなたがたを赦してくださったように、互いに赦し合いなさい。ですから愛されている子供らしく、神のならう者となりなさい” これらの御言葉は私達の模範がイエスキリストであり御国を探し求めることを私達に非常に明確にさせています。
“And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”
There is no temptation or sin in heaven. Neither is there any evil. Keeping separate from evil (as determined by God, not us!) is a practical evidence of our coming under the King’s rule. So our behaviour reflects our nearness to God. This prayer does not imply that God wants to tempt us. James 1:13 makes it clear that God would never do that. This kind of praying is important because it reminds us to face our need for grace. It helps us to align our heart with heaven – one of absolute dependency on God. God’s Kingdom gives us a model for the issues of the heart. This prayer is actually a request for God to not promote us beyond what our character can handle. Sometimes our desire to serve God is bigger than what our character can handle.
天には試みや罪はありません。また悪も存在しません。悪からは離れていることは(神によっての判断、私達の意志ではない)私達が王の主権の下にいることの実際的証拠です。ですから私達の行動は、神への近さを現しています。“この祈りは、神は私達を誘惑したいと願っておられません” イザヤ書1:13にあるように神は私達が罪を犯すように誘惑なさる事は決してありません。“この種の祈りはとても重要ですというのも私達に恵みの必要性を再確認させるからです。私達の心が天と一致する、つまり完全に神に拠り頼むことの助けとなります。神の御国は私達の心のあり方の模範です。この祈りは実際には私達の性質が制御できる限界を超えるようなことはさせないで下さいと頼んでいるのです。時には神に仕えるための私達の欲望が、私達の性質が制御出来るよりも大きいことがあります。(私達の気持ちだけが先に一人歩きし始めてしまうことがあります)
This prayer for deliverance from evil is a prayer for success in spiritual warfare. It’s a prayer which should be applied to cultural influences which derive from other faiths. It should be applied to our choice of media and entertainment. It should be applied to cultural ‘norms’ with regards to sexual behaviour, choice of language, choice of friendships, and an unselfish approach to our precious free time.
“For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
The Lord’s prayer begins and ends in praise and worship. It’s two primary objectives are 1) to draw near to God from within a personal intimate relationship, and 2) to bring the reality of His Kingdom to earth.
Let’s consider the Lord’s prayer in outline form:
Praise and worship 賛美と礼拝
Praying for heaven on earth この地に天をもたらす祈り
a. Heaven’s effect on material needs 物質界に天をもたらす
b. Heaven’s effect on personal relationships 個人的な関係に天をもたらす
c. Heaven’s effect on our relationship to evil 悪との関係に天をもたらす
3. Praise and worship. 賛美と礼拝
Truly understanding and applying this prayer helps us to realise the intended goal of all prayer – that the Lordship of Jesus would be seen in all circumstances of life.