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Home » Philippians


20 May, 2018

This morning we are continuing our walk through the Word of God, a seven year overview of the Bible looking at each book in order.

We are currently in the letters of Paul and today we are looking at the last letter that Paul wrote – one that he wrote quite recently actually – his letter to the people of the Philippines. Lloyd, Imee, JL etc take note. This is for you…

(Oh, Philippians?! Got it.)

Paul’s letter to the Philippians was not his last. Written in about AD61 it comes somewhere in the middle of his letter writing. He wrote it from prison. It is basically a missionary thank you letter to the Philippian church, to whom he reports on the progress of his work.

This morning I’d like to look at three remarkable passages from the letter which highlight:

  1. The attitude and goal of Christ
  2. Our goal in Christ
  3. Our attitude in Christ
  1. The attitude and goal of Christ

Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross. For this reason God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow—of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth—and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:5-11

私たちに対するキリスト・イエスの態度を見ならいなさい。 キリストは神であられるのに、神としての権利を要求したり、それに執着したりはなさいませんでした。 かえって、その偉大な力と栄光を捨てて奴隷の姿をとり、人間と同じになられました。 そればかりか、さらに自分を低くし、犯罪人と同じようになって十字架上で死なれたのです。 しかし、それゆえに、神はキリストを高く天に引き上げ、最高の名をお与えになりました。 それは、その御名のもとに、すべてのものが天でも地でもひざまずき、 すべての口が「イエス・キリストは主です」と告白して、父なる神がほめたたえられるためです。

This passage teaches us some vital truths.

It tells us, as John 1:1 does, that before Jesus was born a man, He was with God and He was God.

It tells us that Jesus was willing to be obedient to God the Father. When he emptied Himself, He didn’t stop being God but he relinquished his rights as God. He was willing to give up His position as king to become a servant (or slave) to people.

This tells us not only of the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made in leaving heaven, but of the [demonstrated] extraordinary love and humility he demonstrated on earth. This is the attitude that we are to share. Whatever position or talents or gifting we have in life, we need to be using them in service to God and others, just as Jesus did.

This passage tells us that Jesus is a risen Lord and has been exalted to a position of unimaginable glory. It tells us that everyone – everyone – willingly or otherwise – will one day acknowledge Jesus as Lord – “every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord! To God be the glory!” And we know that it is much better to do that willingly and with a heart of adoration now, than unwillingly later.

The richness of this passage has been celebrated throughout the centuries and continues to inspire generations to worship Jesus as Lord and King. But there’s one more thing about this passage that I find extraordinary, and it’s not in the words. It’s in the authorship.

What I mean is, it’s widely regarded that this passage was an early Christian hymn which Paul borrowed and used in his letter. So as beautiful and as insightful as it is, Paul didn’t write it. Isaiah didn’t write it. King David didn’t write it. We don’t know who wrote it. But it was likely written just by ‘some guy’ who was a songwriter in the early church.

I’m really encouraged at the thought of this. We tend to think that only the big shots – the kings, the prophets, the apostles – were the ones who got to make the serious contributions to the Kingdom of God. The rest of us just fall into place and do the little stuff.

Not true! Christian history is filled with small, obscure people, empowered by the Holy Spirit, doing big works which have an eternal impact. This is what we celebrate at Pentecost! And this is what we see here in this passage. Some unknown man or woman, sitting under a fig tree somewhere in Judea wearing a toga (or whatever they wore), was spending time enjoying God, jotted down these thoughts that the Holy Spirit whispered, and the rest really is history.

Don’t ever think you’re just a little guy who can have minimal impact for God’s Kingdom in this world. Later on in this very letter Paul declares,

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13


Again, this is the message of Pentecost. So write your songs, jot down your poems, write mails of encouragement to one another, exercise your gifting – not for fame or fortune as the world does – but to let the life-changing work of God flow through you. We’re too late to get an entry into the Bible, but we can still make an entry in the book of life. We can still change lives for God. So be encouraged to do this!

  1. Our goal in Christ

In some ways we Christians live in the twilight zone. Having received Christ we are no longer in the dark and have come into the light, but we don’t yet enjoy the full brightness of the light as we will in heaven.

What we see now, Paul says to the Corinthians, is a “poor reflection” (1 Corinthians 13:12). We receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, yet we remain imperfect in our faith. Paul explains this dichotomy, and how we are to live as a result, in Philippians 3:12-14

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection…

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:12-14

なにも、自分が完全な人間だと主張するつもりはありません。学ぶべきことも、まだたくさん残っています。ただ、キリストが何のために私を救ってくださったかを知り、自分に与えられている目標に到達する日を目指して、努力しているのです。 愛する皆さん。私は、まだその目標に達してはいません。ただこの一事に全力を注いでいます。すなわち、過去に執着せず、前にあるものを望み見、 ゴールに到達して神の栄冠を得るために、一生懸命努力しているのです。この栄冠を与えようと、神は私たちを天へと召しておられます。それは、キリスト・イエスが成し遂げてくださった救いによるのです。

At Pentecost when we focus on the work of the Holy Spirit, it’s easy to forget that we have work to do, too; not apart from the Spirit, but we are called to work the fields in the Spirit.

Having received the Spirit of God in our lives, there is a call upon us to self-discipline, to focussed worship, to discipleship, to mercy ministries, to evangelism – all of this requires time, effort and diligence on our part, just as it requires submission to God and the use of the gifts and fruits that He grows in our lives.

There’s one aspect of this ‘striving for the goal’ that I want to focus on. Pauls says, “One thing I do (it’s really important): I forget what is behind” (v13). What exactly does he mean by this? It can be a bit confusing because many other times in the Bible we’re told to remember what is behind.

Simply put, we remember the good things of God, and we forget about the bad things in our past.

In Deuteronomy the Israelites were told to remember the deliverance of the Lord. In the Psalms we are encouraged to remember the Lord and His law. In Joshua the Israelites set up a memorial to God so that they would never forget what God had done.

Here in our own church, we should remind each other often of the way God has won each of our hearts, and provided for us. We should remember our baptisms and dedications and encouragements and healings and VBS programs and so on.

But our sinful past, our hurts, our negative experiences – we forget them. This needs to be clarified. It doesn’t mean that we lose memory of them. It means we leave them behind as over and done. We don’t think about them any more because we’re focussed on God and HIs blessings.

Gideon provides a good example for us here. The angel of the Lord told Gideon to go and save Israel because ‘God would be with him’. Gideon says, ‘You must be joking. If God is with us, then why has all this bad stuff happened?’ But the angel simply tells Gideon to “go in the strength you have” and to put everything else behind him. Gideon obeys and Israel is saved.

Dealing with the past is a big deal for many people. If we’re going to “press on toward the goal to win the prize “, we can’t do it while holding onto the hurts of the past. We have to leave them behind. If you need help with this, then get it. But don’t drag the sorry past into the future. Paul says in this Philippians passage that we “strain toward what is ahead”. There is effort required in leaving the past behind and moving forward. But we must do this “to win the prize for which God has called [us] heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

  1. Our attitude in Christ

In Philippians 4:4-9, Paul gives us some very good advice on how to go about pressing on toward the goal. I have nothing to add to what Paul writes here, so I’m going to let this serve as the conclusion to the message. Listen to it very carefully. Be hungry for it. Meditate on it. Pray through it. Devote yourself to it. Let it change you.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:4-9

いつも主にあって喜びなさい。もう一度言います。喜びなさい。 自己中心にならず、あなたがたが思いやりにあふれていることを、だれもが知る者になりなさい。主がもうすぐ来られると、いつも意識していなさい。 何事も心配しないで、どんな時でも神に祈りなさい。そして、祈りに答えてくださる神に感謝しましょう。 そうすれば、人間の理解をはるかに超えた、すばらしい神の平安を経験します。キリスト・イエスにあって、その平安はあなたがたの心と思いを静め、安らかにしてくれるのです。 さて皆さん。筆を置く前に、もう一つ申し上げたいことがあります。真実なこと、良いこと、正しいことに注目しなさい。きよいこと、愛すべきことについて思いめぐらし、他の人の長所に目をとめなさい。神を喜び、賛美することばかりを考えなさい。 私から学んだこと、その行動から教えられたことがあれば、実行しなさい。そうすれば、平和の神が共にいてくださいます。
