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Practical Christian Living

12 November, 2017

Have you ever been to a concert where the singer spends more time talking about the songs than actually singing the songs? It’s really frustrating. You want to yell “Shut up and get on with it!” You want song, not talk.

Today’s sermon is a bit like that because today’s passage of scripture is the song, it is the sermon, and it requires a lot of listening and meditation, and very little talk.

So today I’m going to slowly read the passage, and then make a couple of short points. Then we’re going to do an activity that will help us to personally apply the passage in our lives. The activity also prepares us for communion which follows.

We have been looking at the book of Romans to help us mature in our faith and live a life that is truly pleasing to God. Chapters 1-11 of Romans explain the gospel of Jesus Christ in detail. From chapter 12, Paul teaches us about practical applications of that faith in our everyday lives.

A couple of weeks ago, we studied these two verses:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1,2


Today we’re looking at chapter 12, verses 9-18, 21 and they are built on these earlier verses from the same chapter. Remember, this passage is the sermon. Who here has ears? Then you’d better listen very carefully:
今日は12章9-18, 21節を見ていきます。この箇所は同じ章から最初の1,2節に基づいています。この箇所が説教であることを忘れないでください。耳のある者はよく聞いてください。

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone… Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:9-18, 21

ローマの信徒への手紙12:9-18, 21

I’m just going to make two quick comments on this before we move into the activity.

  1. You can’t do this alone.

To successfully live like this, you need to be practicing this amidst others who are also modelling their lives on this teaching. I can’t emphasise this enough. Especially for you high school students and university students; if you surround yourself with good, fun, kind people who practice most of this but snip out the bits like “serving the Lord” or modify what it really means to be evil, then you are in trouble. I’ve seen too many people try to live the Christian life apart from other believers and they typically come to ruin. You can’t work and live separately from non-believers. We’re in this world. But because of that, we must associate closely and regularly with those who wholeheartedly believe in and practice this teaching.

  1. You can’t do this alone.

Yes, I know I already said that but this is different. This teaching is not something that we have to try really hard to do. It’s not something that we do in our own strength. Remember what we learned a couple of weeks ago?: “be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is” Romans 12:2 Applying this teaching to our lives is a transforming work of the Spirit in our lives. How can we honestly “never lack zeal” in our own strength? It’s got to be a work of the Spirit. Who can truly be patient in affliction? It’s hard enough being patient in traffic let alone real affliction! Surely this is a work of the Spirit. Who can honestly say they bless those who persecute them? This is not natural! It is a work of the Spirit, and so on with the other teachings here. So to live like this, we must be in regular communion with the living Spirit of Christ through prayer and Bible reading.
前にも言いましたが、これは違います。この教えは私たちが一生懸命がんばってしなければいけないことではありません。私たち自身の力ですることではありません。数週間前に学んだことを覚えていますか?心を新たにすることによって、造りかえられ、何が神の御旨であるか、何が善であって、神に喜ばれ、かつ全きことであるかを、わきまえ知るべきである。ローマの信徒への手紙12:2 この教えを適用することは、私たちを変えることのできる聖霊のはたらきです。私たちの力のうちに“決して熱意に欠けることはない”なんて言えますか?それは聖霊のはたらきによることです。苦悩を我慢できるのは誰ですか?交通渋滞を我慢するのでさえ大変なのに、本当の苦悩ならなおさらのことです。間違いなくこれは聖霊のはたらきです。迫害する者を祝福できると誰が正直に言えますか?自然にできることではありません。それは聖霊のはたらきであり、他の教えについても同じことです。ですからこのように生きるためには、私たちは祈りと聖書を読むことを通してキリストの生きた霊と常に交わっていなければなりません。

Understanding our need to be transformed by the Spirit to live like this, and to surround ourselves with like-minded believers to live like this, let’s prayerfully complete the following activity.

I’m going to hand out some sheets. I want you to complete them slowly and thoughtfully now but only mentally – don’t write on them now. Your answers might involve the person sitting next to you! The writing is your homework which I would like you all to do sometime today, before you sleep tonight. Can I have your promise on that? Please answer the questions on the sheet.

Practical Christian Living – Romans 12:9-21

  1. Is there any evil or sin in your life that you don’t hate? If so, write it here:
    Confess it and repent.
  2. If you could name one person, who do you honour most in this church?
    Give thanks for that person and write one way you can bless them.
    If you could name one person, who do you honour least in this church?
    Pray for them and and write one way you can bless them.
  3. List three ways that you can keep your spiritual fervour to serve the Lord.
  4. Name your greatest hope, your greatest affliction and your greatest prayer at this time.
    Greatest hope:
    Greatest affliction:
    Greatest prayer:
    Labor in prayer, asking God for increased joy, patience and faithfulness in these things.
  5. What practical measures can you take to be hospitable in the near future?
  6. Who bothers you or upsets you the most?
    In what practical way can you bless them? How can you make them happy or show them you care about them?
  7. Who do you know that is rejoicing or going through good times at the moment?
    Who do you know that is mourning or struggling?
    What can you do to share these things with them?
  8. Can you think of any ways that you might have appeared conceited to others? List them here and prayerfully turn from them.
  9. If there are any frictious or tense situations or relationships you are in, what practical steps can you take to bring peace?
  10. Referring to question 1, after confessing an evil or sin in your life, what good thing can you introduce into your life to overcome or replace the sin?

