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Home » Readiness<br>用意ができていること


8 July, 2018

I remember many years ago when I was a young single man working for Kumon, I was invited to attend an enormous formal sit-down dinner attended by about 3000 people. I was looking forward to this as I had been working very hard and I felt I deserved a sumptuous meal away from responsibility.

Unfortunately, things didn’t pan out the way I had imagined. During the proceedings, one of the directors of the company whom I had been working under, took to the stage unannounced and declared that one of the company’s foreign staff were here that evening and that he was now going to explain his work to everyone – oh, and that he also has fabulous Japanese.

There was rapturous applause. I was wondering who he was talking about. He then called my name. I took to the stage completely unprepared and had a microphone shoved in my face.

I was really taken aback but did the only thing I could do at the time: I winged it. I just made it all up and three minutes later I left the stage to more rapturous applause and a line of middle aged women waiting to introduce me to their daughters.

Sometimes in life, you’ve just got to wing it. And sometimes you can even get away with it. But the point of this story is that while you might be able to get away with winging it in front of people, you can’t get away with winging it before God. This is because people look at the outward appearance, and God only looks at the heart. People might listen to the words, but God listens to the cries of the heart. People can be fooled. God can’t be fooled.

Today I want to talk about readiness with God. I want to talk about it because it’s such an important topic and because it’s something that you just can’t fake.

It’s said that there are three experiences in life that ready [verb] a person to meet with and to walk more deeply with God: times of trial, times of transition, and times of trauma. Scripture testifies to this (see Romans 5:3-5) and experience proves it to be true. People often come to Christ during these times and more people typically deepen their faith at these times, too.

One of the scariest things Jesus ever said is found in Matthew 7:22-23:
イエスが言ったことの中で恐ろしいことの一つが、マタイの福音書 7:22-23にあります。

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Matthew 7:22-23

最後の審判の時、多くの人が弁解するでしょう。『主よ、主よ。私たちは熱心に伝道しました。あなたのお名前を使って悪霊を追い出し、すばらしい奇跡を何度も行ったではありませんか。』 しかし、わたしはこう宣告します。『あなたがたのことは知らない。ここから出て行きなさい。あなたがたがしたのは悪いことばかりではありませんか。』
マタイの福音書 7:22-23

Despite appearances, you can’t fake readiness with God. If you’re not ready, then you’re not known by God. If you’re not known, you’re out.

So today I want to talk about readiness with God.

  1. Readiness to listen

It starts with listening. We must be ready to humbly listen to God. I confess I can be a poor listener. Sometimes Toy is talking to me and I’m listening but I’m not really listening because what I’m reading in the paper is also pretty interesting and there are lots of bright colours flashing from the TV, too. I’m easily distracted.

So Toy kindly reminds me that I need to put the paper down, turn off the TV and make eye contact to give her my full attention.

It’s only more so with God. We have to go into the room, close the door, turn off all screens, turn off all sounds and draw near to God with a listening heart.

In the Psalms it says, “Be still and know that I am God”. During the time of Jesus’
transfiguration, God said, “This is my Son… Listen to him!” Matthew 17:5
詩編にはこう書いてあります。 わたしこそ神であることを、よくよく知りなさい。(詩篇 46:10)イエスの御姿が変わった時、神はこう言いました。「これこそ、わたしの愛する子。。。彼の言うことを聞きなさい」マタイの福音書 17:5

Be ready to listen to God through His Word (primarily), through prayer, through creation and through the teachings of the church.

  1. Readiness to speak

It says in 2 Timothy 4:2:
テモテへの手紙Ⅱ 4:2にはこう書いてあります。

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season to correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.

2 Timothy 4:2

テモテへの手紙Ⅱ 4:2

It’s interesting, I find there is an evangelism paradox. If I’m feeling out of season, but I’m still prepared to share the gospel if the opportunity arises, I find that evangelism is the very thing that brings me back into season again. So there’s no problem sharing the gospel ‘out of season’.

There are a number of us who are in a season of transition. Some of the university students will sadly be leaving us soon and as time goes on others will move on as well. It’s the nature of an international church. It’s not lost on me that I only have another nine months left to serve here.
But for those who are soon to leave, don’t fade out in your faith walk. Don’t stop seeking vision. Don’t just start cruising. There’s no cruise control with God. You’re either living by faith or you’re living by unbelief, and there’s no neutral ground.

Continue to passionately seek first the Kingdom of God and it’s righteousness, believing that God can and will use you right up to your last day if you ready yourself to speak for Him.

  1. Readiness to act

One of my favourite things in the whole world is going to Kurazushi. I love it and my favourite sushi is ebi-avocado. But the thing I like best about kurazushi is that you can win a little gatcha-gatcha from the machine there. And what I like about this is that I then get to do a random act of kindness and give the gatcha-gatcha to some unsuspecting kid and watch their face light up.

Random acts of kindness are such fun. And random acts of kindness, as well as planned acts of kindness, are consistent with Christian living. But when I talk about readiness to act, I’m talking about much more than random (or planned) acts of kindness.

Today is Anna’s baby shower. As Anna and Raffy – and Shweta and Bradley – prepare for their coming babies, there’s lots for them to do to get ready. They need to get clothes for the baby, toys for the baby, equipment for the baby and so on.

But Raffy and Anna (and Bradley and Shweta) must be ready to not just ‘have a baby’ but to raise this child to know Christ and to lead it into the Kingdom of God. There is no greater thing for them to do as parents. This is the action that they must be ready for.

Whether you are doing a small random act of kindness, a sizeable act of grace, or raising a child, I want to encourage you to be ready to act for God, ready to bring the Kingdom of God into the kingdom of men by living generously, graciously and faithfully. Be ready to step out of your regular routine and into the sudden and the unusual.

  1. Readiness to commit/submit

In the parable of the hidden treasure (Matthew 13:44), a man was willing to sell everything he had to buy a field with the hidden treasure because he knew that that field contained more valuables than he could ever have imagined. He was willing to put everything on the line to get that treasure.

Jesus is our treasure. We need to be willing to forego anything and everything to receive His salvation and secure His blessing in our lives.

If you believe in Jesus but you haven’t yet been ready to give your life to Him, you haven’t yet been ready to turn from your sin, receive the Holy Spirit, make a commitment to follow Jesus, I urge you to do that today. Please come and talk to me after the service.

Likewise, if you’ve made that commitment to receive Jesus and to follow Him but you haven’t yet been ready to fully submit – fully submit your finances so that you can tithe, fully submit your time so that you can faithfully minister, fully submit your goals and desires so that you can truly worship, then I urge you to do that today. Please come and talk to me after the service.

In the parable of the ten bridesmaids, do you know why the bridesmaids were shut out of the wedding banquet? They believed in the groom, they believed that he would be returning, they turned up at the banquet hall. So why were they shut out in the end? What was their sin? They simply weren’t ready. They missed the bridegroom. They never met Him.

Don’t be caught not ready. Don’t be fooled into thinking there will be a better time or more time later. Commit and fully submit your life to Jesus today.

Listen to what Jesus said in Luke 12:35-40
イエスがルカの福音書 12:35-40で言っていることを聞いてください。

Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
Luke 12:35-40

きちんと身じたくを整え、あかりをともしていなさい。 主人が婚礼から戻るのを待っている人のように。こうしていれば、主人がノックすると同時に、戸を開けて迎えることができます。そのように忠実な姿を見られる人は幸いです。主人は感心して、食卓で、反対に自分のほうから給仕してくれるでしょう。主人の帰りは夜の九時になるか、真夜中になるかわかりません。しかし、いつ帰って来てもいいように準備のできている人は幸いです。どろぼうがいつ入るかわかっていれば、家人は、てぐすね引いて待ちかまえているでしょう。同様に、主人の帰りが何時ごろかはっきりわかっていれば、準備をして待つのはあたりまえです。だから、いつでも用意していなさい。メシヤのわたしは、思いがけない時に来るのです。
ルカの福音書 12:35-40

  • Be ready to commit your life to Christ and to fully submit to Him, trusting that He really is the greatest and only treasure in your life.
  • Be ready to listen to God through His Word.
  • Be ready to speak the gospel of Christ in season and out of season.
  • Be ready to act for God because the Kingdom of God is not merely a matter of words but of demonstrable power.
