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Stop your doubting, and believe!

24 December, 2017 (AM)

Why do you like Christmas? [Open Question]

I like Christmas because it’s a great time with family. I can’t lie – I also like the presents and the food and the rest from work. But that’s not the real reason I like Christmas.
私はクリスマスが好きです。家族と一緒に時間を過ごせる楽しい時だからです。正直に言いましょう。 実は私はプレゼントやクリスマスのご馳走も好きですし、仕事を休めるのもいいなと思います。しかし、それが私がクリスマスを好きな本当の理由ではありません。実は私がクリスマスを好きな理由は、神に対するある疑念を払拭してくれるからです。

I like Christmas because it ends any doubt I may have had about God.

Christmas reveals God to me.

Christmas realises the great hope that the prophets of long ago spoke about.

Christmas assures me of the hope of my own eternal destiny.

Christmas is the reason I live the life I live.

That’s why I like Christmas.

In our Advent reading this morning, we heard Jesus say to His good friend Thomas,

“Put your finger here, and look at my hands; then reach out your hand and put it in my side. Stop your doubting, and believe!”
John 20:27


  1. Jesus was born so that we would stop our doubting and believe.

The writer of Hebrews put it very succinctly:

Jesus reflects the brightness of God’s glory and is the exact likeness of God’s own being.
Hebrews 1:3


So, because of the birth of Jesus, we can stop doubting God’s existence. We can stop doubting God’s ultimate control in our world and, most of all, We can stop doubting God’s desire to be intimately involved in our lives.
ですから、イエスがこの世に誕生したので、私たちは神の存在を疑わなくてもよくなります。 私たちは、私たちのこの世で神が全てをコントロール、支配しているということを疑わなくてもよくなります。 私たちは、私たちの生活に密接に関わってこられる神の願望を疑わなくてもよくなります。

If you want to know what God looks like, what God is like and what God likes, just look at Jesus, because He is the exact image of God the Father.

This is not just theology. It’s personal. Just as Jesus gave Thomas a personal invitation to intimacy with Him, so He gives us an invitation for intimacy with Him.

He says,

“Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if any hear my voice and open the door, I will come into their house and eat with them, and they will eat with me.”
Revelation 3:20


It’s personal.

Jesus was born so that we would stop doubting and believe. But being born was just the beginning.
イエス・キリストは生まれました。このことはまぎれも無い事実です。 しかし、イエスが生まれたことは始まりに過ぎませんでした。

  1. Jesus resurrected so that we would stop our doubting and believe.

That was the whole point of Jesus conversation with Thomas. He told Thomas to test what he was seeing, to touch and experience Jesus for himself. Jesus wanted Thomas to be certain of His (Jesus’) resurrection.

Jesus wants us to be certain, too. We’re invited to experience God for ourselves through Christ. The Psalmist wrote, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”主の恵みふかきことを味わい知れ、 Jesus said that we are to come to Him, to receive Him and to walk with Him. He also assured us that He would be with us until the end of the age.

Jesus resurrected so that we would stop our doubting and believe.

Could there have been a more dramatic and impressive demonstration of power and love, a more dramatic and impressive act to dispel any doubt and to encourage belief?

And if that weren’t enough,

  1. Jesus gave us His holy Spirit so that we would stop our doubting and believe.

At Christmas time, we celebrate what we call the incarnation, that is, the birth of God in human form (Jesus’ birth).

At Easter time, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from death.

At Pentecost, we celebrate the impartation, that is, the outpouring – the giving – of the Holy Spirit to all people who call on the name of Jesus and put their faith in Him.
降臨節で、私たちは、イエスの名を呼び、信仰を置くすべての人々に聖霊が捧げられたこと、つまり、恵みが与えられたことを祝福します。 (神が人となられたこと 復活 聖霊の注ぎ)

These three events form the ‘big three’ of the Christian celebrations – Christmas, Easter and Pentecost – and each of these are emphatic statements of God’s goodness, mercy, grace, power and love.

In all of these events, we see the glory of God manifested in and through His Son, Jesus. Paul wrote,

“Christ is the visible likeness of the invisible God. He is the first-born Son, superior to all created things.
Colossians 1:15


It’s through these events that we hear the voice of Jesus ringing out to us over and over, “Stop your doubting and believe!”

Today, I want to encourage you to act on this call. Wherever you currently stand with God, whether it’s doubt in His existence, doubt about your salvation, doubt that He cares intimately about the details of your life, or doubt that He will demonstrate His love and power through you, come out the front and join me, and let’s kneel before the cross, turn from doubt and make a fresh confession of belief.
