(This sermon is based on the website: http://bible.org/seriespage/overview-book-genesis)
Nearly the entire Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, and Genesis is no exception. The original Hebrew title of Genesis means “in the beginning” (see 1:1a). This is an appropriate title, for the book of beginnings.
The Hebrew Old Testament was eventually translated into Greek (about 250 years before the time of Christ). The Greek translators then gave their own title, “Genesis” to the first book of their Old Testament text. The Greek word geneseos means “origin, source, generation, or beginning.” Geneseos is a translation of the Hebrew word toledot (“generations,” 2:4). This title is broader but also quite appropriate because Genesis is indeed a history of origins, births, genealogies, and generations.タイトルは“起源、源、発生、始まり”を意味します。
Although Genesis does not directly name its author; Jesus and the writers of Scripture clearly believed that Moses was the author of the Pentateuch. モーセが著者です。
Genesis spans more time than any other book in the Bible (except Revelation which covers eternity!). In fact, it covers more than all the other 65 books of the Bible put together (approximately 2400 years). The total duration is from the time of creation to the time when the Israelites arrived in Egypt and grew into a nation (about 1800 B.C.). The date of Genesis is sometime after the Exodus during the 15th century B.C. 創世記は創造からイスラエル人がエジプトに着き、国となる(約1800年BC)時代に及んでいます。
The setting of Genesis divides neatly into three geographical areas: (1) The Fertile Crescent, 1-11; (2) Israel, 12-36; and (3) Egypt, 37-50. (See maps) The setting of the first eleven chapters changes rapidly and it spans more than 2000 years and 1500 miles. The middle section of Genesis spans about 200 years and moves from the Fertile Crescent to the land of Canaan. The final setting in Genesis is found in Egypt.
Nutshell Outline 概要
• 1. The Origin of the Universe: Four Great Events (Genesis 1-11)
A. Creation (Genesis 1-2) 創造
B. Fall (Genesis 3-5) 堕落
C. Flood (Genesis 6-9) 洪水
D. Confusion of Tongues/Scattering of people (Genesis 10-11) 言語の混乱/人々の散乱
• 2. The Origin of the Hebrew Nation: Four Great Men (Genesis 12-50)
A. Abraham (Genesis 12-24) – Miracle birth, giving up son アブラハム
B. Isaac (Genesis 25-26) – twin boys イサク
C. Jacob (Genesis 27-36) – gets Esau’s blessing, wrestles God ヤコブ
D. Joseph (Genesis 37-50) – sold into slavery, leader of Egypt, embraces Israel ヨセフ
Kids match the person to the event.
Purpose 目的
To reveal how the sin of man is met by the intervention and redemption of God. 人の罪がどのように神の介入と購いによって対処されるかを示すため
Theme テーマ
God’s choice of a nation through whom He would bless all nations.すべての国を祝福する神の選んだ国
Key Words: キーワード
beginning(s) and blessing(s). 始まりと祝福
Key Phrase キーフレーズ
“…and in you all the nations of the earth be blessed” (six times).
Key Verses 重要な聖句
Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Genesis 3:15: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.”
Genesis 12:1-3: “Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’”
Key Note
Genesis is quoted from over 200 times in the New Testament. In fact chapters 1-11 is quoted more than 100 times in the New Testament. It’s not just mentioned but you’ll find it being quoted word for word over 165 in the New Testament.
Christ In Genesis
Genesis moves from general to specific in its Messianic prophecies: Christ is the Seed of woman (3:15), from the line of Seth (4:25), the son of Shem (9:27), the descendant of Abraham (12:3), of Isaac (21:12), of Jacob (25:23), and of the tribe of Judah (49:10).
Christ is also seen in people and events that serve as types (a “type” is a historical fact that illustrates a spiritual truth). 創世記はメシヤの預言において全体から細部へと話が進んでいきます。
Adam is “a type of Him who is to come” (Rom 5:14). Both entered the world through a special act of God as sinless men. Adam is the head of the old creation; Christ is the Head of the new creation. アダムは古い創造のかしらで、キリストは新しい創造のかしらです。
Abel’s acceptable offering of a blood sacrifice points to Christ as the ultimate acceptable sacrifice offering, and there is also a parallel in his murder by Cain, as Christ was killed by the people. アベルの血をともなう受け入れられたささげものはキリストが最終的な受け入れられるささげものであることを指します。
Melchizedek (“righteous king”) who was “made like the Son of God” (Heb 7:3). He was the King of Salem (“peace”) who brought forth bread and wine and was the priest of the Most High God. In Melchizedek, we see one who is so much a foreshadowing of Christ that some theologians believe he was a pre-incarnate Christ.
Joseph was also a type of Christ. Joseph and Christ are both objects of special love by their Fathers, both are hated by their brethren, both are rejected as rulers over their brethren, both are conspired against and sold for silver, both are condemned though innocent, and both are raised from humiliation to glory by the power of God.ヨセフもキリストの典型でした。
Key Lesson 重要な教訓
God created us to receive blessings and chose us to be a blessing to the world.