September 22nd, 2019
Minoh International Church
Bradley Mawer
Luke 10:25-37 NIV
ルカの福音書 10:25-37 JLB
Now I’m sure we are all familiar with this parable and have probably heard it hundreds of times. So, you must be wondering, Not again! What could you possibly say that we don’t know. In fact, even I don’t know what drew my attention to this particular parable as the theme for the message today in the first place. But then as I began reading I was struck by something I had never thought of before. The introductory section to the parable. I’d like to draw your attention to what was said…..
Expert in the Law:What must I do to inherit eternal life?
Jesus: What is written in the Law?
Expert answers: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. and Love your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus replies: You have answered correctly . Do this and you will live!
Expert in the Law: And who is my neighbor.
26 「モーセの律法には、何と書いてありますか。」
27 「『心を尽くし、たましいを尽くし、力を尽くし、思いを尽くして、あなたの神である主を愛しなさい』(申命6・5)、それに、『自分自身を愛するように、あなたの隣人を愛しなさい』(レビ19・18)とありますが。」
28 「そう、そのとおりにすればいいのです。そうすれば、永遠のいのちを得られます。」
29 しかし律法の専門家は、自分がある人々を愛していないことを正当化しようと、「隣人とはだれのことですか?」
I’d like us to focus on our attention on this section today.
Do this and you will live – Do this and you will live.
In fact in the Gospel of Mark (Ch 12; 28-31) when asked what the most important commandment was, Jesus himself answers,
Friends, how many of you have faced struggles in your daily life. I know I do. All the time. The moment I find a way to deal with one struggle another one pops up. I know that I believe in God, I trust God and I love God. But honestly, if I ask myself the question – Do you love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? I would probably say No.
No, not because I don’t want to but No because most of the time my heart, soul, mind and strength are preoccupied thinking about something else. I guess it is no wonder then that struggles keep popping up. How about you?
Can you honestly say that you love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength? It is something for you to think about. What would it mean to love God in such a way – to love God with all of our being?
For Christians, I think it is something that we need to ask ourselves every day and make a conscious effort to put every aspect of loving God into practice.
But that was just the first part. The second part is in many ways very
interesting – Love your neighbor as yourself. Now, it is very easy to look at this from the one angle of just loving your neighbor. We will look at that in a moment. But first I want to spend some time on the often overlooked section of this statement – as yourself. In other words, as you love yourself.
How many of us actually love ourselves? And I don’t mean the ‘look at yourself in the mirror the whole day love myself?’. How many of us are grateful to God for who we are and we love and appreciate ourselves for who we are. I’d like you to seriously think about it? Do you love yourself? What do you love about yourself? If you could make a list of the things you love about yourself, what would you write down.
Now, I’ll let you in on a little secret – when I was in high school I would often write love letters to my girlfriend telling her about all the things I loved about her. It was a pretty long list. Luckily for me, my girlfriend turned out to be my wife or else I would not be getting any dinner tonight.
But as I think about that I realize I’ve never really thought about myself, what do I love about me. There’s my height, my 18-pack and my lovely hair but beyond that I’d need to think.
Jokes aside if you are not able to love yourself, if you are the type of person that is always looking for flaws in you, then it makes it very difficult for you to love someone else. In fact, we are living in an age where there are so many people falling into depression for various reasons. Right here in Japan the word ‘hikikomori’ is not uncommon. Suicide rates in Japan are still very high! Now, I’m not in any way suggesting that all such cases stem from a lack of love for oneself but I’m quite sure there must be a correlation.
We were created in God’s image. We were created to enjoy the fullness of life. We are not some mistake. Not a single person here in this Church or in this world is a mistake. We are God’s creation. He doesn’t make mistakes.
Knowing that we have been created by God for a purpose should be a good enough reason for us to love ourselves. Friends, this is really important. Do not judge yourself by the standards of this world. Do not let your self-worth be something that the world gets to determine. You are God’s creation. You were made the way the potter wanted you to be made. There is no reason not to love yourself. Being able to do the first part will enable you to do the next which is to love your neighbor.
So, Who is your neighbor? Is it the person you live next door to? Is it the person beside you at work, at school, in church? Who is your neighbor? In the parable of the Good Samaritan, I don’t think the answer is given. We can understand where Jesus is leading us with the story but it doesn’t specify who exactly our neighbor is.
I believe the answer lies in the ambiguity! No one person is our neighbor. Every single person we come in contact with is to be treated as our neighbor. We are to love them, care for them, pray for them and bless them.
Far too often we get caught up in trying to understand who our neighbor is or who our neighbor should be. And when we do that we let opportunities to do good pass by. We’ve got once chance at this life my friends. One Chance!
We are God’s people, we are Christians soldiers, we are his workers, we are his flock, we are the one’s tasked to reach out and save the lost, to heal the sick, to comfort the lonely, to strengthen the weak, to help and not consider the costs, to do all we can to show God’s love to others. If you are still looking for your neighbor then you haven’t been looking at all.
We are here today brothers and sisters from all over the world. Pause for a moment and think of all the possibilities and probabilities that led to you being here. I’m sure it is not just one thing. Many things would have led to you being here.
But the reality is this- You are here because God planned it. You are here because he wants you to be here. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Are we going to sit up and listen to what he has to say?
The Good Samaritan is a great story about helping others. But friends the dialogue that led to that parable has an even greater message. It contains the secrets to a great life here on earth – Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength and Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Let us pray!