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Home » Titus<br>テトスへの手紙


19 August, 2018

We are continuing our walk through the books of the Bible. Today we come to the book of Titus which is the last letter of Paul’s in the Bible. Paul wrote the letter to Titus, who was one of Paul’s converts and a considerable help to Paul. He worked with Paul in [map] Jerusalem, Ephesus, Corinth, Crete, Nicopolis (Greece), and Dalmatia (Yugoslavia).

Clearly Paul thought very highly of Titus and entrusted him with very important responsibilities.

In some ways, when I read this book and I learn about the sort of upstanding and trustworthy person that Titus was, and how much of a support he was to Paul, I see Bradley.

It’s wonderful that Pastor Mike and I can both be away at the same time (like last week) and know that the church is in steady, trustworthy hands. I thank Bradley for his faithfulness, and I praise God for His goodness in providing for our needs as a church, and I encourage each of you to do the same.

The purpose of Paul’s letter to Titus is to

  • organize the converts Paul and Titus left on Crete,
  • confront opposition to the faith,
  • give instructions on Christian living, and to
  • warn about false teachings and teachers.

I’d like to share with you three key teachings/passages from this letter. But before I do, I have an exercise for you. This is one of those exercises that seems pretty simple, but is actually harder than you might expect.

I’d like you to pair up with the person beside you and explain in a nutshell what the gospel is. Explain this as simply, briefly and thoroughly as you can.

Do your best with this because it’s also practice for more. Soon after I’m going to call people out the front to explain in a nutshell what the gospel is!

Paul’s letter to Titus has two of the best concise explanations of the gospel in the Bible. Everyone knows John 3:16. That’s the most concise. It’s the easiest to remember. These two in Titus are worth committing to memory, too.

The first explanation has to do with how the gospel saves and transforms us morally. It provides the doctrinal basis for our moral renewal, according to the teachings in the Bible.

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
Titus 2:11-14

というのも、永遠の救いという神からの一方的な恵みは、だれにでも提供されているからです。 12 しかも、この恵みをいただくと同時に、神が私たちに望んでおられることも実現するのです。それは、神を認めない生き方と罪にまみれた快楽とを捨て去って、日々神を敬う正しい生活を送ることであり、 13 偉大な神と救い主イエス・キリストとの栄光が現れる日を待ち望むようになることです。 14 キリストは、私たちの罪のためにご自分をささげ、神のさばきを受けて死んでくださいました。それは、罪のどろ沼にはまり込んでいた私たちを助け出してご自分の民とし、心のきよい、熱心な、善意の人と変えてくださるためでした。
テトスへの手紙 2:11-14

Without the doctrine of the gospel, morality is all relative. Without doctrine, morality basically becomes whatever you want it to be, and if enough people agree, then morality becomes whatever society wants it to be.

In the light of the gospel, morality is absolute because it’s based on the absolute truth of salvation in Jesus who died to save us from all wickedness (and its consequences), and to purify us so that we can live absolutely good lives.

The second passage gives us the mechanics of how the gospel transforms us spiritually. We might say the first passage is an ‘outside look’ at what the gospel looks like while the second is an ‘inside look’ at what the gospel looks like. This second passage, I believe, is the greatest explanation of the gospel you will ever find.

At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
Titus 3:3-7

以前の私たちも、分別の足りない不従順な者であり、人に迷わされ、さまざまな快楽や欲望のとりこになっていました。心は悪意とねたみの固まりで、憎んだり憎まれたりしながら生活していました。 4 しかし、救い主である神が、恵みと愛を示してくださる時がついに来たのです。 5 神は、私たちの罪のよごれを洗い落とし、心に聖霊を遣わして、新しい喜びで満たし、以前の悲惨な生活から救い出してくださいました。それは、私たちに救われる資格があったからではなく、ただ、神のあわれみによるのです。 6 神は、私たちの心にこの聖霊を豊かに注いでくださいました。これは、救い主イエス・キリストが成し遂げてくださった救いがあるからこそ実現したのです。 7 こうして神は、私たちを、ご自分の目にかなった正しい者と宣言してくださったのです。これは、神の恵み以外の何ものでもありません。私たちは今、永遠のいのちを受け継ぐことを認められ、実際にそれをいただく日を、心から待ち望んでいるのです。

I encourage you to familiarise yourself very intimately with this short passage. Print it out and stick it on your bedroom wall. Have it as the wallpaper on your computer or smartphone. Pin it up in the kitchen so you can see it when you’re cooking or washing up. Know your gospel.

The third passage I’d like to look at this morning has to do with elders of the church and I’d like to focus on it because I believe each one of us should be aiming to be elders in the church. It should be our goal, our priority, to become mature in the faith and worthy of the position of being an elder in the church.

I’ve been really encouraged by the spiritual growth of our church over the last couple of years. I see the potential in all of you to become elders – and sooner rather than later. Let’s have a look at the character and maturity required to be a church elder:

An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Titus 1:6-9

牧師として選ぶ人は、正しい生活を送っていて、評判の良い人でなければなりません。すなわち、一人の妻の夫であり、子どもも、主を愛するクリスチャンでなければなりません。子どもが親に反抗的だとか、乱暴者だとか、悪いうわさのある人は避けなさい。 牧師は神に仕える者ですから、だれからも非難されない人であるべきです。高慢な人、短気な人、大酒飲み、けんか好き、金銭欲の強い人に、その資格はありません。 心から客をもてなし、善意にあふれ、慎み深く、だれにでも公平で、良識ある、きよらかな心の持ち主でなければならないのです。 また、教えられたみことばの真理をしっかり守っている人であることも大切な条件です。なぜなら、彼らの使命は人々に真理を教え、反対する者に、その誤りをはっきり指摘することにあるからです。

Let’s put this into a checklist, so that we have a sort of ‘to do’ list with regards to character development and spiritual maturity. I’ve done this in the form of a Japanese elementary school report card.

  Need to improve
Getting there
Doing well
Am I faithful to my spouse?
Are my children believers?
Are my children well-behaved and obedient?
Do I have a tendency to be overbearing?
Do I have anger issues?
Do I struggle with alcohol?
Do I have violent tendencies?
Am I honest in my workplace and with my finances?
Am I hospitable?
Do I love goodness?
Am I self-controlled?
Am I Christlike in my manner and ways?
Do I know the Word?
Am I able to encourage others in the faith?
Am I able to address false teaching?

I’m going to hand these out for you to do carefully and prayerfully at home for homework.

There’s more to this with regards to training for eldership and Minoh International Church. I’ll be speaking more on this next month, but just to to give a heads up, I want to introduce a more structured and effective discipleship program in our church. I believe this is the next step for us, and I encourage you to prayerfully and enthusiastically get on board with it once it’s introduced.

For now, let’s continue working toward knowing the gospel so well that it’s easy for us to explain it to others.

And let’s continue working toward growing in maturity in the faith so that we can encourage others, and as budding elders in the church, take it [the church] from strength to strength.
