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Treasure the Word of God

July 26th, 2020

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
1 Peter 1:1~2 NIV
ペテロの手紙Ⅰ 1:1 – 2 JLB

1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 
2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

1 Peter 1:1 – 2

1 イエス・キリストの使徒ペテロから、エルサレムを追われて、ポント、ガラテヤ、カパドキヤ、アジヤ、ビテニヤの各地方に散らされたユダヤ人クリスチャンの皆さんへ。
2 父なる神は、ずっと昔からあなたがたを選び、ご自分の子どもにしようと決めておられました。そして、聖霊が働いて、あなたがたの心はイエス・キリストの血によってきよめられ、神に喜ばれる者へと変わったのです。どうか、神があなたがたを祝福し、すべての不安と恐れから解放してくださいますように。

ペテロの手紙 I 1:1 – 2


Back in the 14th century, a copy of the Bible cost the equivalent of $2000 [21万円] in modern currency. The Gutenberg Bible printed in the year 1455 cost $500 [6万円]. In the 17th century a Bible cost $100 [1万円]; by 1925 the cost of a Bible was down to $3 [400円]. Nowadays, you can even get it for free, either as an app or from Bible distribution ministries, such as the Gideons.

Does this mean that the Bible has become cheap? Of course, NOT! It’s still very precious, but now a lot more accessible. I pray that it will be treasured by many more people.

Let me give you at least two (2) reasons why we need to treasure God’s Word.

  1. Treasure the Bible because it comes from God

Peter is the human author of this epistle, but he is writing as “an apostle of Jesus Christ.”

Let’s consider the role of an apostle:

  1. An apostle was personally commissioned by Christ to be His ambassador, His spokesman, and one through whom Christ Himself speaks.

The Lord Jesus, talking to His chosen apostles, says:

16 “I tell you the truth, a servant is not greater than his master; neither is a messenger [literally, an apostle] greater than the one who sent him…
20 I tell you the truth, whoever receives anyone whom I send is receiving me; and whoever receives me is receiving the one who sent me.”

John 13:16 & 20

16 使用人はその主人にまさらず、遣わした人より使者のほうがまさるということもありません。
20 よく言っておきます。わたしが遣わす者を心から受け入れる人はだれでも、わたしを受け入れるのです。そして、わたしを心から受け入れることは、わたしをお遣わしになった父を受け入れることなのです。」

ヨハネの福音書 13:16 & 20

The Apostle Paul claims, “We have been speaking in the sight of God as those in Christ” (2 Cor. 12:19) and then passionately declares, “Christ is speaking through me” (2 Corinthians 13:3).
3 あなたがたは、キリストがほんとうに私を通して語っておられるかどうか知りたいのでしょうから、その証拠を示します。キリストは、あなたがたに弱い態度をとられるのではなく、あなたがたの内部で強大な力を発揮なさいます。
コリント人への手紙2 13:3

  1. The apostles were anointed with the Holy Spirit to communicate the Word of God.

Just prior to His arrest and passion, the Lord Jesus made this promise to His disciples, whom He designated to be His apostles:

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

John 14:26

26 しかし、父がわたしの代わりに助け手(聖霊)を送ってくださる時には、その方があなたがたにすべてのことを教え、わたしが話しておいたことを、みな思い出させてくださるのです。

ヨハネの福音書 14:26

Following His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples/apostles and bestowed upon them the Holy Spirit:

21 “Again Jesus said to them, ‘Peace be with you. Just as the Father has sent me, so now I am sending you.’
22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.'”

John 20:21 – 22

21 イエスはもう一度言われました。「平安があるように。父がわたしをお遣わしになったように、わたしもあなたがたを遣わします。」 22 そして一同に息を吹きかけ、また言われました。「聖霊を受けなさい。」

ヨハネの福音書 20:21 – 22

  1. The New Testament (NT) apostles are identified with the Old Testament (OT) prophets as being God’s spokesmen through whom He communicates His Word.

Take for example, the writings of the NT apostles are placed alongside of those of the OT prophets, together forming sacred Scripture. Peter’s testimony concerning the writings of his fellow apostle, Paul, is relevant here.

15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

2 Peter 3:15 – 16

15-16 なぜ主が、こんなにも長く待っておられるのか考えてみなさい。主は、私たちが救いを伝える時間を与えておられるのです。学識の深い、愛する兄弟パウロも、多くの手紙の中で同じことを書いています。しかし彼の手紙はむずかしいところがあるので、中には的はずれの解釈をする者がいます。彼らは、聖書のほかの箇所もそうですが、パウロが言おうとしていることとは全く別の意味を引き出し、自分で滅びを招いているのです。

ペテロの手紙II 3:15 – 16

Or, listen to the testimony of the Apostle Paul himself:

And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.

1 Thessalonians 2:13

13 私たちは、神に感謝せずにはいられません。私たちが伝道した時、あなたがたはそのことばを人間の口から出たものと見ず、神のことばとして聞いてくれたからです。事実、この神のことばは、信じる者の生活を一変させるものです。

テサロニケ人への手紙Ⅰ 2:13

Let us value the Bible, because it comes from God:

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16 – 17

16 神の霊感によって書かれた聖書は、何が真理であり、何が悪であるかをよく教えてくれます。また、私たちの生活をまっすぐにし、正しいことを行う力を与えてくれます。 17 こうして神は、私たちをあらゆる点で整え、どんな良い働きをも行う力を、十分に与えてくださるのです。

テモテへの手紙2 3:16 – 17

  1. Treasure the Bible because it is addressed to us
  1. As a Christian, you are identified as one of those “who have been chosen [by God]” (v.2).

When a nation has an election, they choose someone to serve in public office; that person does not merely claim the office on his own initiative, he is given that position by those who have elected him.

Likewise, the Scriptures teach that God redeems those whom He has sovereignly chosen to save out of the fallen race of humanity. Those whom He has elected He brings to Christ. In the matter of salvation, as in everything else, it is God who has the first and the last word. The Apostle Paul presents this truth to the Thessalonian Christians:

But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14He called you to this through our gospel, so that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 – 14

13 しかし、主に愛されている皆さん。あなたがたのことを考えると、神に感謝せずにはいられません。なぜなら、神は初めから、あなたがたを救おうとしてお選びになり、聖霊の働きと、真理に対するあなたがたの信仰によって、きよめてくださったからです。 14 神は、私たちの語った福音(イエス・キリストによる救いの知らせ)によってあなたがたを選び分かち、主イエス・キリストの栄光に招いてくださったのです。

テサロニケ人への手紙2 2:13 – 14

  1. As a Christian, you have been chosen “in accordance with the foreknowledge of God the Father” (v.2).

When a candidate runs for public office, he puts his name up for election; he tells the voters of his qualifications, he spends much money, time, and effort in campaigning, seeking to convince the public to vote for him.

But in a night and day contrast to a political election, our spiritual election as a child of God is NOT because of any personal qualifications, but solely because of the grace of God.

We weren’t chosen because we were good.

10 as it is written, ‘There is none righteous, no, not one’ …
23 for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.

Romans 3:10 & 23

10 聖書に、次のように書いてあるとおりです。「正しい人は一人もいない。罪のない人は世界中に一人もいない。
23 すべての人は罪を犯したので、神の標準にはほど遠い存在です。
ローマ人への手紙 3:10 & 23

We weren’t chosen because we had potential. By nature, we were spiritually dead.

“[He raised] you also, when you were dead in your transgressions and sins.”

Ephesians 2:1

1 以前のあなたがたは、罪のために永遠に滅びる定めにありました。

エペソ人への手紙 2:1

We weren’t chosen because we would exercise faith for saving faith itself is God’s gift.

“And as the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of God: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.”

Acts 13:48

48 これを聞いた外国人たちは歓喜し、パウロの話に耳を傾けました。そして永遠のいのちを求める人はみな、信仰に入りました。

使徒の働き 13:48

Did you see that the text does not say, “as many as believed were ordained to eternal life.” Faith itself is a gift of God.

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 

Ephesians 2:8 – 9

8 あなたがたは、恵みにより、キリストを信じることによって救われたのです。しかも、そのキリストを信じることすらも、あなたがたから自発的に出たことではありません。それもまた、神からの賜物(贈り物)です。
9 救いは、私たちの良い行いに対する報酬ではありません。ですから、だれ一人、それを誇ることはできません。

エペソ人への手紙 2:8 – 9

The truth is, you were chosen “in accordance with the foreknowledge of God the Father” (v.2). “Foreknowledge” is not only referring to God’s infinite knowledge as to whom He intended to redeem, it is also referring to the fatherly love that moved Him to redeem us:

4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—

Ephesians 1:4 – 5

4 神はこの世界をお造りになる前から、私たちを、ご自分のものとして選んでくださいました。そして、神は私たちを、ご自分の目から見て、何一つ欠点のない、きよい者にしようとお定めになりました。
5 神の御心は、イエス・キリストを遣わし、その死によって、私たちを神の家族の一員として迎えることでした。

エペソ人への手紙 1:4 – 5

God the Father loved us long before there was anything loveable about us.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8

8 しかし、私たちがまだ罪人であった時、神はキリストを遣わしてくださいました。そのキリストが私たちのために死なれたことにより、神は私たちに大きな愛を示してくださったのです。

ローマ人への手紙 5:8

  1. As a Christian, we are further identified as “exiles” (in this present world).

The original word translated “exiles” carries the idea of being “a refugee or a temporary resident.”

Please take note that Peter is writing to Jewish and Gentile believers who were residents of what is present day Turkey. Many of them were no doubt born there — yet he identifies them as “exiles,” “spiritual sojourners,” “temporary residents.”

In what sense do you consider yourself as a “spiritual refugee” in this present world?

The Apostle Paul identifies the Christian in this way.

“Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Philippians 3:20

20 しかし、私たちのほんとうのふるさとは天にあるのです。そこには救い主である主イエス・キリストがおられます。私たちは、キリストがそこから迎えに帰って来られるのを、ひたすら待ち望んでいるのです。

ピリピ人への手紙 3:20

We tend to develop deep ties to this present world, especially to the place of our birth or longtime residence. But Peter is reminding us that as Christians we need to develop a different perspective: we must view ourselves as sojourners and even as “spiritual refugees” in this present world.

1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things;
3 for you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Colossians 3:1 – 4

1 キリストが死からよみがえられた時、あなたがたも共によみがえったのですから、天にある無尽蔵の富と喜びに目を向けなさい。そこでは、キリストが栄誉と力とを帯びて、神の右の座についておられます。
2 地上のことをあれこれ気に病まず、天上のことで心を満たされていなさい。
3 一度死んだわけですから、あなたがたの真のいのちは、キリストと共に天の神のもとにあるのです。
4 真のいのちであるキリストが再び戻って来られる時、あなたがたも彼と共に輝き、そのすべての栄光にあずかるのです。

コロサイ人への手紙 3:1 – 4

Even if you were born and raised in the community where you presently live, view yourself as a sojourner, one whose primary citizenship is in heaven, one who is only temporarily residing in this earthly community. Consider the impact of this new and corrected perspective have on your daily life and decisions.

Let us treasure the word of God, because it is especially addressed to us as Christians — addressed to us as beloved children of God who find ourselves living as “spiritual exiles” in this present world.

The Lord desires the word of the gospel to be preached to all men so that they may hear of the way of salvation and receive the Savior. But in a special way, the Bible is addressed to the believers and is for our benefit. The word of the heavenly Father addressed to His beloved children in Christ Jesus whom He has redeemed for holy fellowship
with Himself.


It is said that when the famous missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa he had 73 books in 3 packs, weighing 180 pounds. After his group had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying his baggage. As he continued on his journey his library grew less and less, until he had but one book left–his Bible. 

Over the course of the centuries the Bible has become far less expensive, far more affordable. But may the Bible never become cheap – may it never be viewed as something that is insignificant or of little value to us! May we receive it and cherish it as a precious letter from God. Let us treasure God’s Word, because through it the Lord communicates His loving concern for us.

May we increasingly treasure the Bible for what it is: the very Word of God being communicated to us, His children in Christ, for our assurance and exhortation.

May we increasingly cherish the Bible by reading it, meditating on it, listening to it, memorizing it, singing it, sharing it, obeying it and living it.