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Unmasking Temptation

February 16th, 2020

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Genesis 3:1-7
創世記 3:1-7


I know a man who came to Japan for work. Sensing the call of God, he returned to the Philippines to study in the seminary to prepare himself for ministry. He did well and graduated with honors. His personality suits well with young people and is full of vitality and enthusiasm. He served in two churches at different times and even led souls to Christ.

The next thing I learned, he did something he couldn’t hide anymore, he fathered a child with a divorced woman, who has two other children from previous relationships.

When I saw him and knew what had happened, I found myself struggling with all kinds of questions and emotions. What happens in a person’s life who does that? What was he thinking? What is it that causes someone to gamble his ministry to pay the costly price of sin? What is it that lures us to ruin?

Temptation litters our path with landmines and endangers us at every turn. Some questions we must ask ourselves are, “How does the Tempter do his work? How does he come to us? How does he destroy us?” Here, we have one of the recurring themes that is woven throughout the Scripture, the theme of sin and its destructive power.

Genesis 3 records the fall of man. The Tempter targeted Eve. Seeing the way the Tempter approaches Eve, we know that while this story happened in ancient times, it’s as fresh as the temptation you may be facing today – in your workplace, in your school, in your home, in your relationship, in your life. The scene has changed, but the strategy hasn’t.

  1. Disguise

Did you notice that when the Tempter comes, he comes to us in disguise? Today’s text tells us that “the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made” (v.1a). When the serpent came, he did not come as an ugly creature. There is no indication of an approaching danger. There’s nothing here that would make the woman feel alarmed.

When the devil comes to you, he does not come as to raise suspicion. He tries to hide his true intention. He does not come waving a red flag. He just slides into your life. The Bible says that he comes as an angel of light. Sometimes as a minister of righteousness. One point that’s quite clear is that when the Enemy comes to attack you, he comes in disguise.

Not only is the devil disguised in his person, he is disguised in his purposes. He does not come to say to Eve, “Hey, I have come to tempt you.” What he does is to come to have a religious discussion. He wants to talk theology; he doesn’t want to talk sin. He begins his temptation by saying, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (v.1b).

Satan comes and says, “Look, I just want to be sure of the idea God was trying to communicate. Did he really say you can’t eat of any of the trees of the garden?” You see, he is a religious devil. You don’t expect him to say, “I demand that you give me your soul. I’d like to damn you and destroy you.” No, all he wants to do is talk a bit of the Bible.

Another thing that Satan does in this discussion about God, is direct Eve’s attention on that one tree in the middle of the garden. He says, “It seems unthinkable to me that God wouldn’t let you have any of these trees.”

Eve comes to God’s aid. She’s a witness for God. She says, “No, we can eat of all of the trees of the garden except that one tree—that tree there in the middle—we can’t eat from that, we can’t touch that tree.” God didn’t say that. He didn’t say anything about touching it. But one of the things that people do in defending God is to sound more righteous than God, become stricter than God. Actually, what Satan has done, of course, is to focus her mind on that single, forbidden tree.

Sometimes you wonder how people could turn their backs on all the good things, all the blessings, that God has given them. How dare they throw all that away for that single sin in their lives? And the answer is, they don’t see the blessings.

The devil alters our focus and there is that one thing you want so desperately you’ll do anything to get it. It becomes the all-consuming motivation in life, and everything else God does, you forget. So, Satan comes in disguise. He conceals who he is. He conceals what he wants to do.

  1. Distortion

The second thing we see is that in his attack Satan distorts God’s Word. Eve responds, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die'” (verses 2-3).

Then, the devil with condescending laughter says, “Surely you don’t believe that, do you? That you will surely die? Oh, come on. A bit of fruit? Surely die? You’re too sophisticated. You’re too aware to believe that God who gave you this marvelous garden, and all these trees, and that bountiful fruit, is going to kill you … You don’t believe that, do you? God doesn’t mean that. God certainly doesn’t mean that.”

How easily we fall into that. For thousands of years, Satan has repeated that approach. It’s the theme of modern movies in which the characters live a life of rebellion against God but live happily ever after.

How do you feel about these warnings about disobedience that fill the Bible? Does God mean it when he says that they who live after the flesh shall die? Does God really mean it when he says, “If you sow to your flesh, you will reap corruption?” Does God mean it when he says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)? Does God mean it when he says he shall judge his people?
聖書に書かれている不従順に対する警告についてあなたはどう思いますか。「自分の欲望のままに生きている人はやがて滅びるしかありません」「自分の欲望を満足させるために種をまく者は、その結果、霊的な滅びと死とを刈り取るはめになります」「思い違いをしてはいけません。神をあざけ笑うことなどできません。人は種をまけば必ずその刈り取りもすることになるのです」(ガラテヤ人への手紙 6:8)この様に神様が仰るのはなぜでしょうか。

God is serious about sin because God is serious about you. God is livid about sin because God loves you and He knows the destruction that sin can have in your life, in your relationships, in your character. God is stern about sin as a loving parent is stern about fire and warns a child about it, knowing that it can maim that child for life, destroy the home he lives in, and do untold damage. But how do you feel about it? Does God mean it when he says those things?

  1. Destroys

Our Lord Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” (John 10:10a). The devil is not satisfied by simply attacking God’s Word. He goes deeper and attacks God’s character too, which lies behind his Word. He said to the woman, in verse 5, “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

What Satan is doing is attacking and destroying God’s goodness. What he is saying is, “You know why God gave you that command? He gave you that command because He wants to spoil your fun. He wants to keep you on a tight leash. He doesn’t want you to be free. He wants to deny your pleasures. He wants to show you He is in control. He knows that when you eat it you’ll be like Him and you’ll know good and evil. You’ll have experiences you can have in no other way. God’s got an ulterior motive, a hidden agenda, and it’s an evil one.”

Once you poison the well, all the water is poisoned. When you come to the place where you doubt God’s Word because you really doubt God’s goodness, then Satan has done his work. How easily we do that.

We adopt a wrong view that even when good things happen to us, we doubt God’s goodness. Something wonderful comes into your life, something unexpected, and you’re happy. Then, all at once there is that shadow that comes to your mind that before long it will be taken away. When you doubt God’s goodness, you’ll doubt His Word and you will see God restricting you and holding you back. The work of temptation is done.

And so the writer tells us that at that moment, in verse 6, ” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.” It now becomes pleasing to the eye. It becomes desirable because now she has listened to the lie of the Tempter and her senses take control.

When you get God out of your life, when you come to question God’s Word and God’s goodness, then suddenly your senses come alive to what is evil and what was once out of bounds to you becomes the thing you desire and often the thing that will destroy you.

“Piece of fruit?” someone might say. “You’re not going to tell me that Eve sinned with a piece of fruit in a fruit orchard. You’re not going to tell me that’s why Adam sinned and that’s why murder came into their family. You’re not going to tell me a piece of fruit damned the race.”

No, not a piece of fruit. A disobedience to God’s Word, a distrust of God’s character. The fruit is out at the periphery; the sin is at the center. Whenever you come to deny or doubt the goodness of God, then at the point in which you struggle in your soul you’ll come to deny his Word.


If Satan had come to Eve and said, “Look, just put your PIN here. Then, press Confirm that you are done with God,” she would never have done it. When Satan approaches he never comes dragging the chains that will restrain us. He comes bringing a crown that will flatter us. He comes recommending us pleasure, money, popularity, autonomy, pride. In fact, he never really talks about any consequences at all, just what will gratify our hearts. That’s where the trap is. The temptations that break us aim for the heart of God, at God’s integrity and God’s goodness. When we negate His goodness, we reject His Word. When we reject his Word, we do so at our own risk.

Brothers and sisters, our faith is not mere morality. It’s not about toeing the line and keeping the rules. Christianity is a relationship with a God who loves you so much that He gave you His one and only Son. God loves you so much that He has accepted you as His child. He is the same God whose every gift is good and perfect. But we sin and fall when we doubt his goodness and thus disobey his Word.