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You Are Valuable!

June 2nd, 2019

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso


A graduation was held at a school that’s for a lot of kids who have some either special needs or emotional needs or learning needs or whatever like that. There was a kid who knew he was different. He was mad at God and he was mad at the world and he was just angry all the time. It’s hard to be loving towards somebody who is angry all the time. He had an anger management problem.

He had so changed in that junior high graduation he was chosen to give the graduation speech. He got up and he started it this way. It’s pretty insightful for being a junior high student. He said, “My life was like a campfire, out of control, and the fire was sending sparks everywhere and my anger was burning everybody.”

Then he tells about how his parents, who are Christians and his life group support, and his teachers and everybody affirmed him and accepted him, affirmed him and accepted him. He ends his speech saying, “I’m still a campfire, but now I warm everybody and they’re attracted to the fire and they’re making s’mores over me.”

That’s pretty insightful!

The transformation of a person through acceptance and through affirmation. It is amazing the power that it has in our lives.

Now, why are you so valuable and why is everyone else so valuable? Three reasons. Write these down. Number one, first the reason why you’re valuable and why everyone else is valuable is because:

  1. God custom made you.

You’re not an assembly line, you’re not pre-packaged. When God made you He broke the mold. There will never be anybody like you in the past or in the future in human history. You are one of a kind. You’re one in billions. God custom made you. That shows your value.

Now, look up here on the screen. The Bible says this in Psalm 139:13-14.

You made my whole being. You, God, formed me in my mother’s body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful.
Psalm 139:13-14

神は、精巧に私の体のすべての器官を造り、母の胎内で組み立ててくださいました。 こんなにも複雑かつ緻密に仕上げてくださったことを感謝します。 想像することもできないくらい、すばらしいことです。 あなたのわざは驚くべきもので、私にはとうてい、理解することはできません。

詩篇 139:13-14 JLB

You were made by God. If you were to go into an art gallery and you see a picture and it’s created by Picasso and then the next picture you see is created by Rembrandt, and the third one is a picture, a stick figure created by Pastor Joseph, they’re not of equal value.

The fact that you’re created by the King of the universe, who custom designed you, shows your value. Your Father in Heaven created you.

Second reason why you’re valuable, infinitely valuable:

  1. Jesus died for you

You want to know how much you’re worth? Look at the cross. You’re worth dying for. You’re worth God saying, “I’m going to go and die on the cross for that person, because I want him or her in heaven.” Jesus paid for all of your sins.

He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless lamb of God.
1 Peter 1:19

ペテロの手紙Ⅰ 1:19 JLB

Notice, God made, and then God paid. Both of these show value. You know how much something is worth? I’ll tell you. It’s worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for it and no more.

You have a car at home and you think it’s worth so much. It may be true or it may not be. I’ll tell you how much your car is worth. It’s worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for it. How much are you worth? Look at the cross. Jesus paid for you. God made you and His Son paid for you.

Here’s the third reason why you’re infinitely valuable:

  1. God’s spirit, his Holy Spirit lives in you

God’s spirit lives in you. He indwells you. You’re the house for His spirit.

“Do you not know”, Paul says, “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, and in whom you have received from God?”
1 Corinthians 6:19

コリント人への手紙Ⅰ 6:19 JLB

Now if you were to go up to Kyoto and say, “I want to buy a home”, well if you found a home that looked nice but nobody famous had lived in it, it’s not going to be nearly as expensive as if you find a home and say, “who lived here?” and the realtor says “Well Dr. Yamanaka (Nobel Prize winner) lived here. Before that a famous kimono maker lived here. Before that a feudal lord lived here.” That jacks up the price a lot, who has lived in it. Who lives in you? The Holy Spirit of God. All right?

Now the trinity shows your value. The Father created you. The Son died for you. The Spirit lives in you. That’s how valuable you are. That’s how valuable people are. When they open their lives to Christ and He puts His Spirit in their life, they are infinitely of value.

How do we do this? How can you affirm the value of one another? Well, there are three ways. You might write these down. The first way is attention specifically:

  1. Visual attention

In other words, the way you look at your kids [others] reveals how much you value them. You know the look that withers and you know the look that affirms. Visual attention, when you pay attention to something it means you value it. You don’t pay attention to things you don’t value, and you don’t pay attention to people you don’t value.

Your eyes are actually a tool of expressing love.

The Bible says it like this in Matthew 10:30 (MSG), “Your Father in Heaven, pays great attention”, circle that.
マタイの福音書 10:30 Japanese Living Bible (JLB)30 あなたがたの髪の毛さえ一本残らず数えられています。

Your Father in Heaven, “Your Father in Heaven pays great attention to you, down to the last detail, even numbering the hairs on your head.” You don’t even know how many hairs you have. God knows how many hairs are on your head. He knows the original color, and He knows how many fell out in the sink this morning. That’s how much God pays attention to you. Nobody is ever going to love you more than God does.

Some guys told me before, “I don’t know what my kids and my wife want. I give them everything they need. I buy them everything they need. What more could they want?” They want you. They want your attention. That’s the most priceless gift you could give a person, because your attention is your time, and your time is your life. When you give your time to somebody, you’re never getting that back. I can give you money, but I can always get more money, but I can’t get more time. I’ve got a certain amount of time in my life. When I give you my attention I’m giving you my life. I’m giving you a part of my time I’m never getting back. I give it to you because I’m saying, “You’re worth it. You matter to me. My attention is on you because you matter.”

One of the ways you affirm others is just paying attention to them, looking at them. Jesus, everywhere He went, gave a look, a word, a touch. A look, a word, a touch, a look, a word, a touch.

Number two, second way to affirm value, first visual attention, second:

  1. Physical affection

The way you affirm people’s value is by physical affection. [I’m aware that culture may play a part here, but …]

God does this with us. God says this talking about you,

I drew them near to me with affection and love.
Hosea 11:4

ホセア書 11:4 JLB

Any parent knows what he’s talking about. “I drew my children near to me with affection and with love.” I drew them near. I picked them up, and every parent has picked up a child, thousands and thousands of times. “I picked them up and I held them to my cheek.” Can you feel the tenderness in God saying this is how much I love you?

Do you know that God made you with your skin, your skin is made to be touched. You actually need touch to thrive. I’m not talking about sexual touch. I’m just talking about tender touch. Did you know that babies, if they’re not touched enough as infants they get what’s called failure to thrive syndrome. Their brains actually don’t develop. It’s why premature babies who can’t go home immediately and are in incubators, several times a day NICU nurses and neonatal nurses will go in and they will massage, they will touch the babies, because if they don’t touch their skin their brains don’t develop.

A pastor said: I have seen a tragedy around the world in orphanages all around the world of little babies who cried and cried and cried, but now they’re silent because they realize that cries don’t work anymore and so the whole orphanage is silent. I’ve seen babies who are much older, but are stunted in their growth and in their intelligence because nobody touched them. They just laid there in that orphanage and nobody is touching them.

Your kids need touch. Some of you dads say, “Well, I’m just not a touchy-feely guy.” Well, get over it. Okay? You can learn anything. If you love, you can learn that. You can learn that.

Physical affection, visual attention, and then here’s the third way you can show value to people:

  1. Verbal appreciation


You’ve got attention, affection, and appreciation.

Verbal appreciation means you tell people how valuable they are.

God says

You are precious to me.
Isaiah 43:4

イザヤ書 43:4 JLB


Notice he says it. Are you telling your kids, “You’re precious?” Guys, are you telling your wife, “You are precious to me?” Are you telling your husband, “You are precious to me?” Are you telling the members of your family, “You are precious to me?” “I treat you with honor,” God says about his children, and “I love you.” Verbal appreciation.

Now, if you have ever bought a property and held onto it for at least four or five years, you know the meaning of the word appreciation. Your house appreciated. Appreciation means to raise in value. If you’ve ever bought a brand-new car and the moment you drove it off the lot you know the meaning of depreciation. It’s worth thousands of yen less the moment you drive it off that lot. Appreciation raises in value. Depreciation lowers in value.


How do you relate with others? Are you raising their value through appreciation, or are you lowering their value through depreciation, putdowns? Every time I appreciate my wife I raise her value, her value to me and her value to the world and everybody else. Every time I appreciate my kids, I raise their value. This is what you do to affirm their value.
あなたは子供たちに、何をしていますか。感謝や真価を伝えることで,その価値を高めていますか。子供たちを悪く言い,おとしめることで,彼らの価値を下げていませんか。妻に感謝を伝えるとき,彼女の価値は高められます。それはわたしにとっての価値であり,他の人にとっての価値でもあり,この世の中における彼女の価値でもあります。子供に対して感謝を述べるときもまた同じです。こうやってわたしたちは,周りの人の価値を認め,伝えることができるのです。「箴言 知恵の泉12:25」に次のようにあります。「どんなに沈んでいる人も,励ましの一言で心が軽くなります」。

A word of encouragement does wonders.
Proverbs 12:25

箴言 知恵の泉 12:25 JLB

Everybody agree with that?

The Duke of Wellington, the British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was not an easy man to serve under. He was brilliant, demanding, and not one to shower his subordinates with compliments. Yet even Wellington realized that his methods left something to be desired. In his old age a young lady asked him what, if anything, he would do differently if he had his life to live over again. Wellington thought for a moment, then replied. “I’d give more praise,” he said.   [Bits & Pieces, March 31, 1994, p. 24.]
William Arthur Ward said, “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.”  
Let’s continue to value one another as the Lord has shown us in His word. Finally, I would like to leave with you these words from the Epistle to the Hebrews:

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT