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Home » A Thankful Heart 感謝の心 (Luke 17:11-19)

A Thankful Heart 感謝の心 (Luke 17:11-19)

(play “The Thankfulness Song” by Asparagus girl)

As you can tell from the opening video, our message today is on the topic of “thankfulness.” Overwhelming thankfulness has been on our hearts lately, as Mayu and I witness our daughter Hannah’s transition into college life. We’re simply amazed at how God is leading, guiding, and providing for her in every way. We are so thankful.


“Thankfulness” is a major theme of the Christian faith. Recently, we’ve also been covering other major themes like “forgiveness” in Pastor Andrew’s sermon two weeks ago and “preparedness” in our Bible studies. “Thankfulness,” “forgiveness,” and “preparedness.” These are vital to our spiritual health. Put them into practice, and you will most certainly experience God’s joy, peace, and presence in your life. But ignore them, and you will experience discontentment, bitterness, and restlessness.
“感謝すること”、“赦すこと”、“準備すること” これらは私たちの霊的健康には欠かせないことです。これらを実行すれば、神の喜び、平安、臨在を間違いなく経験するでしょう。しかし無視をすれば、不満、苦味、不穏を経験するでしょう。

“Thankfulness” is a big one! “Every child of God should cultivate the grace of gratitude. It not only opens the heart to further blessings but glorifies and pleases God. However, an unthankful heart is fertile soil for all kinds of sins.” –Wiersbe Bible Commentary

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” 14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. 15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. 17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has saved you.” –Luke 17:11-19

11イエスはエルサレムへ行かれる時、サマリヤとガリラヤとの間を通られた。12そして、ある村に入られると、十人のらい病人に出会われたが、彼らは遠くの方で立ちとどまり、13声を張り上げて、「イエス様、私達をあわれんで下さい」と言った。14イエスは彼らをごらんになって、「祭司達の所に行って、体を見せなさい」と言われた。そして、行く途中で彼らは清められた。15そのうちの一人は、自分が癒された事を知り、大声で神を褒め称えながら帰って来て、16イエスの足もとにひれ伏して感謝した。これはサマリヤ人であった。17イエスは彼にむかって言われた、「清められたのは、十人ではなかったか。他の九人は、何処にいるのか。18神を褒め称える為に帰って来た者は、この他国人の他にはいないのか」。19それから、その人に言われた、「立って行きなさい。あなたの信仰があなたを救ったのだ」。 −ルカの福音書17:11−19

Jesus used this event to teach a lesson about “thankfulness” to God. By learning a little bit more about what leprosy was considered in this time and culture, we can gain a better understanding of just how thankful these ten men would have been.

Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is an infectious disease that causes severe, disfiguring skin sores and nerve damage. It is this nerve damage and the subsequent inability to feel pain that result in the notorious loss of body parts. But more than the physical ailment, the social stigma that came with leprosy was particularly damaging.

Lepers were basically ostracized by society. They were separated from their families and put into isolation colonies because of the disease’s contagiousness. They were reviled by the public for their diseased and disfigured appearance. And they were ostracized by the church for their “uncleanliness.”


But then, they met Jesus, and their lives were changed! The ten lepers were healed! The thought of being reunited with their family, the thought of being free from public ridicule and spite, and the thought of attending church like any other normal person must have filled them with so much relief and excitement as they ran to go show themselves to the priests to get that official stamp of approval—CLEAN! Because after that official recognition by the church, their new life would begin. I’m sure they couldn’t wait! I’m sure they ran as fast as they could to the church!

But there was one man who did the commendable thing. Before running to the church, before showing himself to the priests, before getting that official declaration of being clean, and before starting his new life, one Samaritan was so overcome with “thankfulness” that he, as the Scriptures say, “came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.”


To this one Samaritan, the first priority was to praise and thank God. The “gift” could wait. It was more important to acknowledge the “Giver” first. The “blessings” were to be enjoyed, but not before honoring the “Blessor.” Remember the earlier quote about “thankfulness?” “Thankfulness glorifies and pleases God.”

Anyone would have expected all ten men to run back to Jesus and thank him. After all, this was a life-changing event for these ten men. For them, this event marked a new start in life. This was BIG, and definitely something to be very thankful for. But only one person came back. So, why did only one man return? Why didn’t the other nine also return? The difference was their degree of “thankfulness.”


(play “I’m So Blue” by Madame Blueberry)

Before we judge these nine men too harshly, how often do we take our blessings for granted and fail to thank God, just like Madame Blueberry? How often do we complain about what we don’t have? How often do we compare with others who have nicer things or more than us? How often are we content just to enjoy the blessings, but we forget where those blessings came from? How often are we quick to pray but slow to praise?

Sadly and realistically, we are all sometimes like Madame Blueberry, aren’t we? We forget to count our blessings, and instead spend more time and energy complaining about what we don’t have. Sadly and realistically, we are all sometimes like the nine who didn’t come back to praise God, aren’t we? We get so excited and caught up about the new toy, the new boyfriend or girlfriend, the new dog, the new horse, or the new car, that we forget to say “thank you” to God.


And so, our degree of thankfulness can sometimes be very low, and that can very easily lead to discontentment, bitterness, and restlessness. Is anyone feeling discontent, bitter, or restless? Chances are, your degree of thankfulness could be low. I’m sure no one likes to feel discontent, bitter, and restless. So, we all need to cultivate a more thankful heart. “How do we do that?” you may ask.


If it helps, do what Mayu does. She’s been keeping a daily journal, and in it, she’s been starting her journal entries each morning by writing down all of the things that she’s thankful for, as the Holy Spirit impresses on her heart for that day. It’s a tangible reminder for her to be thankful to God every day, and it’s a daily resolve for her to choose thankfulness over complaining.


If you really want to see change, don’t just passively wait for your feelings to change. Don’t base your resolve on a whim or emotions. Instead, pray that the Holy Spirit would help you recognize and count your blessings, big and small. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give you a thankful heart. And pray that the Holy Spirit would help you keep this attitude in your heart.

But how about the times when it’s difficult to see even one small blessing? How about the times when we’re experiencing one horrible event after another? How about the times when it feels like God has forgotten about us? Or worse yet, how about the times when it feels like God is punishing us? How can we be thankful during those times?


Pray that the Holy Spirit would give you proper perspective. And by this, I’m not saying to be an optimist. That’s just a useless, worldly mindset. What I’m talking about here is founded on faith and trust in God who has revealed himself to be good and loving.


When something goes bad or wrong, our flesh may react with, “Why is God doing this to me?” But a proper spiritual perspective would ask, “What is God trying to say to me?” This makes all the difference in the world.


The question “Why is God doing this to me?” makes one of us the bad guy. The conclusion is either a) God is not as good as he said he was, or b) we messed up and God hates me. Both are absolute lies, because the Bible says that God is good and that God loves us.


But the question “What is God trying to say to me?” affirms both truths, that a) God is good, and he’s trying to lead me in the right direction, and b) God loves me, and he’s trying to teach me something valuable.


So, regarding “thankfulness” during difficult times, it all boils down to proper perspective. During difficult times, don’t fall prey to the enemy’s lies and attacks. Instead, pray for protection over your mind and heart, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you keep the proper spiritual perspective, that God is good and loving. When you know and believe that truth, your heart will be full of “thankfulness.”


I believe that he has given each and every one of us many reasons to be thankful, during both good times and bad times. My prayer is that we would cultivate a heart of thankfulness, so that it would not only open our hearts to further blessing but glorify and please God.

(play “The Thankfulness Song” by everyone)
