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Service As Devotion (Romans 12:1-8)


We often define “devotion” as “loyalty”, “commitment”, and even “worship” if we’re talking specifically about our relationship with God.

In fact, the dictionary defines “devotion” as: Ardent, often selfless affection and dedication, as to a person or principle.

And in our Christian faith context, we may further define it as “an act of religious observance”, i.e. praying, singing praise music, reading and hearing the Word of God, etc.
そして、わたしたちクリスチャンの信仰的な意味で言うと、 信仰心を表す行動を考察するというように、意味深く考えられすぎています。たとえば、お祈りすること、賛美歌を歌い賛美すること、神様の言葉に関する書物を読んだり、聞いたりすること。などです。
But to link “devotion” with “service,” as today’s sermon title states, may initially seem like a stretch.
しかし、 少しこじつけになるかもしれませんが、今日は、信心と奉仕を関係つけて話していきたいと思います。

Not so. The NIV Bible Dictionary defines “service” in our faith context as: Active devotion to God, as through good works.
奉仕という言葉はNIBの聖書の中では、 神への信心を良い行いで表すこと、と説明されています。

We also regularly refer to a worship event as a “service,” because it was historically understood that a worship event involved the service of the priests.

Thus, in our Christian faith context, “service,” “devotion,” and “worship” are interchangeable terms. ですから、クリスチャン信仰においては、“奉仕”、“献身”、“礼拝”は互いに置き替えられる言葉です。

And today’s Bible passage further sheds light on the connection between these three words.
そして、今日の聖書の箇所はから、次の三つの言葉の関係を みていきましょう。

TEXT READING (Romans 12:1-8)

1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. 3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.



The NIV Study Bible commentary reads, “The word ‘worship’ is understood as ‘obedient service,’ not merely ritual activity, but the involvement of heart, mind, and will.”

Furthermore, in some Bible translations like the KJV, the actual word used is “service” instead of “worship.”

But the most compelling reason may be that the word in its original Greek can be translated as both “service” and “divine worship.”

Thus, service is worship unto God. Or maybe it’s better to understand that service is a type of worship, an act of devotion to God. 

SERVICE IS A SPIRITUAL ACT (vv.1-3) 奉仕は霊的な行為

Now, let’s look at the mention that service is a spiritual act of worship.

Service should not be seen as some aimless busy work, some meaningless task that needs to get done.

Nor should it be considered a mere objective, a checklist, or worse, a burden.
Service is a spiritual act, done unto God so that He might see it as holy and pleasing. 

When we serve in the context of the church, we should serve with God in mind.

We may not mind service when it’s directed toward God.
私たちが神に気持ちを向けている時は、奉仕をしているということなどは気にしていないかもしれません 。
In fact, in certain respects, it may seem easy to serve God, to be involved in service that seems to go directly to his appeal.

But what about serving people?
People tend to be ungrateful, so serving them could become difficult.
Be assured that service to people is also a spiritual act of worship and devotion to God.

Jesus teaches in Matthew 25:40 that whatever service we do unto people, we do unto him.
Honestly speaking, serving others is not an easy thing.
But God’s encouragement comes in verses 2 and 3 in a timely and appropriate manner, encouraging us to serve with humility.

To not do as the world does by conceitedly placing undue value upon ourselves.
Instead we are to humble ourselves and consider others better than ourselves as it says in Philippians 2:3. 

If we can place others above ourselves, then we should have no objections about serving them. 

When we can live with that proper understanding, we can truly honor God in our spiritual act of service to others. 


Not only is service a spiritual act, it is also a sacrificial act as it says in verse 1.
We are to present ourselves wholly and entirely in service to God and others.
私たちは神の喜びが満たされるように、 一致を保ち、心を合わせ、志を一つにして神様と他の人々に奉仕するために存在します。

When we serve, we serve with the understanding that it will indeed cost us our precious resources like time, energy, money, and pretty much our life. 

It’s easier understood when we realize that our service is a sacrifice, an offering, unto the Lord.

And if we are to offer up service as an act of worship and devotion to God, that service ought to be deserving of Almighty God. 

Something costly and meaningful, not cheap, convenient, and thoughtless.
In 2 Samuel 24, we see the story of King David who understood this principle in refusing to offer up sacrificial offering that cost him nothing.

In his sacrificial act of service, worship, and devotion, he wanted it to be something that was costly and meaningful.

SERVICE HAS MANY FORMS 奉仕にはいろんなはたらきがある

In reading verses 4-8, we find that service has many forms.
This is one of several places in the New Testament where the church is likened to a body with many different parts and organs, each one useful and important. 新約聖書のなかで書かれているうちのひとつには、こうあります。教会はたくさんの異なった部分や器官からなる一つの体のようであり、その一つ一つは役立ち、重要なのです。

In writing this, the Apostle Paul is intentional in pointing out the importance of each part and its function.

This should be an encouragement to each and every one of us in this room.

It’s a calling and a commissioning to serve.
Whatever gift you have been given, whatever talent you possess, whatever you like to do, whatever you’re passionate about, take that and use it to serve God and others. That is our spiritual act of worship. 

And know that whatever we do, wherever we serve, each member fulfills an important role.

You don’t have to look too far or too long to find these roles to take on.
We have a pretty good working model at our church in the form of our various ministries.
And there are many roles yet to be filled.
そして、これからも、他にまだなされていない たくさんの役目/役割があります。
Most of our ministries could use more people and more help right now, ministries like the Sunday School, Youth, and Cleaning really need more willing servants right now.
宣教活動には、もっとたくさんの人々や助けが今現在必要ですし、例えば、日曜学校、ユースグループや一般的な掃除など、よろこんで助けてくれる、もっと たくさんの人々を、私たちの教会は求めています。

It’s important to serve in the capacity of ability and passion, so that God’s gifts and talents to his people could be used properly.
But it’s also important to be willing to serve in order to meet pressing needs of the church. 

For example, your ability and passion may lie in basket weaving, but we don’t have a need for a basket weaving ministry at the moment at MIC.
But we could definitely use more people helping in Sunday School as it gets bigger and the needs of the ministry grows.
Does that mean that you, the basket weaver, sit idly by, while the needs in Sunday School go unfilled?
このことは、なにか意味をなしていますでしょうか?かご作りの好きな人に聞きたいと思います。なんとなく かごをつくることと、日曜学校が成長し、もっと助けが必要なときに、思いつくことはありませんか?

We have to understand that there’s something greater than just the individual, something greater than our own personal likes and dislikes that our flesh tries so desperately to create, organize, and preserve.
We’re talking about the church body here, a single functioning unit. We are to function as one group.
And we should be striving to play our role, side by side with others and their roles, to contribute together toward the common good.
What is that common good, you may ask?
It’s the health and vitality of God’s church here at MIC and to propagate the vision and the plan that God has given to our church.
それは、ここ箕面国際教会が神様の教会である為の健全な活動源/活動力をもつことです。そして、将来の展望を開き 、神様がこの教会に与えてくださる計画を作っていくことです。
Our service plays a crucial role, the service of each and every individual.

My prayer is for each and every person in this room to grow in love and devotion to God.
私の祈りは、この部屋の中にいる各人、一人一人が愛を育み成長し、 神様に献身的に信仰を深めることです。
One of the ways that’s going to happen is if we, as individuals coming together as one body, commit to serving God and others as an act of worship and devotion.