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Home » Weak is the New Strong 弱さは新しい強さ

Weak is the New Strong 弱さは新しい強さ

I was reading about a middle-aged Christian man who struggled with direction in his life when he suffered a breakdown, became utterly miserable and “angry and upset and fed up with the church.” Shy and poorly spoken, he was, he believed, of no use to anyone. That sad little man was Adrian Plass and he went on to write Christian books that have sold millions around the world and he remains a sought after speaker in England to this day.
彼は自分が恥ずかしがり屋の話下手で、自分は役立たずだと思い込んでいました。そんな哀れで小さな男性とはエイドリアン プラスでした彼はキリスト教の本を書き世界中で何百万も販売され、今日イギリスではスピーカーとして引っ張りだこです。

God has a mischievous sense of humour! He routinely uses the least likely, the most unsuitable, and the weakest people to do his greatest work.

This is consistent with his whole upside-down approach to life. (Of course, it’s we who are upside down, not God, but that’s how it appears to us.)

• You love your enemies 自分の敵を愛する
• You humble yourself to be exalted 高められるためにへりくだる
• To truly live, you have to die 本当に生きるためには死ななければならない
• Jesus died not for good people, but for the worst scum of the earth イエスは良い人たちのために死なれたのではなく、地上の最悪の人間のくずのために死なれた
• To be strong, you have to be weak. 強くなるには、弱くならなければいけない

Of course, that makes no sense. If you’re weak, then you’re not strong, you’re weak! How can that possibly work?

Today we continue our year-long look at discipleship. So far we have seen that to be a disciple of Christ means that
• We are the fifth gospel. We are to be a living incarnation of the four gospels, in harmony with them, revealing them to a world that does not know God.
• 私たちは5番目の福音です。私たちは4つの福音と調和して、神を知らない世に示している福音の生きた生まれ変わりです。
• If Jesus is our leader (Lord), then we follow Him. And if we stop following Him, then He ceases to be our leader (Lord).
• イエスが私たちのリーダー(主)であるなら、従います。イエスに従うことをやめるなら、イエスは私たちのリーダー(主)ではなくなります。
• Presenting Jesus to a Hostile World
• 敵対的な世界にイエスを伝える
• We must die to ourselves if we are to truly live the Christian life. Because it’s only when we die to ourselves that Jesus can truly live in us.
• 本当のクリスチャン人生を送りたいなら、己を捨てなければなりません。なぜなら己を捨てたときに初めてイエスが本当に私たちのうちに住んでくださるからです。
• We must get our lives right if we are to represent Christ faithfully and to impact the world powerfully.
キリストを誠実に表し、世に力強く影響を与えようとするのなら、私たちは人生を正さなければいけません。Building on that ‘getting our lives right’ is this odd teaching today that ‘the weak are strong’.
‘私達の正しい人生を得る’ というのはこの意外な教え弱さは強さというものから築かれます。
God seems to really value weakness in us.

This seems so odd to us at first (very dictatorial), and it’s so important to God, let’s take a good look at what this means with some illustrations along the way.
Rick Warren – has an adrenalin allergy. This makes him most unsuitable for public speaking. It means he has to remain completely calm before speaking or his adrenalin kicks in and he literally loses his sight. Sometimes he cannot see his audience. So he actually has a secret cue: if he wipes his forehead with his arm, it means he needs prayer because he can’t see. Rick Warren speaks and teaches out of weakness.
Weak people show the glory of God much better than strong people.
God loves to pour His strength into weak people. That way, it’s much clearer that God is at work.
From God’s perspective, weakness is not a limitation, it’s a divine opportunity for us to receive from God and to partner with Him in His work.

The sermon on the mount:山での説教
• Blessed are the poor and mournful and meek and hungry. They are the ones who get the riches and comfort and inheritances and filling from God. That’s what God responds to. That’s how God works.
• 心の貧しい者、悲しむ者、柔和な者、義に飢え渇く者は幸いです。彼らは神から満たされ、慰められ、
継承される者です。Our weaknesses and imperfections actually become our witness.

A young man grew up in a very poor family in the 1800s. As a young man he had countless job rejections and ended up working in his uncle’s shoe store. Surprising many, he became a Christian but his application for church membership was originally denied because, as his teacher said ‘he was one of the most spiritually dark people he’d ever met, wishy-washy in the faith, semi-literate and useless for public works’. But by “the infinite grace of God”, this man, D.L. Moody, became one of the greatest evangelists in modern history.
しかし、” 神の無限の恵み” によって、この男性、D.L. Moodyは近代史の偉大な伝道師のひとりとなりました。
God is not limited by our weakness. He is limited by our lack of faith. (Mark 6:5)マルコの福音書
And here’s the great paradox: the weaker we become, the greater God’s power is released in our lives.
そしてここに偉大な逆説として:私たちが弱くなればなるほど、神の力がより大きく私たちのうちに現れるのです。The more we humble ourselves, the more God works in us.
私達がより謙遜すれば神は私達の内により働きかけてくださるのです。Another man was appointed the vicar to a church. He accepted the appointment but almost every week without fail, year after year, when he was preparing his sermon, he would despair and ask God if there wasn’t someone better to do the job. Despite a growing church and a supportive congregation, it seemed almost comical to him that God would keep using him and not bring in someone better, bigger, stronger. The only real confidence he had was in the Word, and that was enough. (Me)
Paul said that we are clay jars with this treasure inside of us. The jars – our bodies, our beings – are very ordinary. They are not always attractive and they are easily broken. Easily hurt.
There’s nothing particularly special or extraordinary about our natural selves. It’s the gospel inside us that is the treasure and our hope, and that makes us valuable.
So it really doesn’t matter what your limits or weaknesses are.
We’ve looked at some modern examples of this. The older ones are even more dramatic.

There is a characteristic common to many of the superheroes of the faith: They were seriously flawed.
– Abraham (and Sarah) were well past their ‘use by date’アブラハム(とサラ)は時間が経ち過ぎた問題。  
– Moses was a stutterer, had no confidence and little trust モーゼはどもりで自信がなく、信仰も薄かった。
– David was an adulterer and a liar ダビデは浮気者で嘘つき。
– Jonah was a coward ヨナは臆病者
– Peter was an uneducated, redneck fisherman who was impulsive and a denier of Christ.
I could go on. I will! There’s more. (2 Cor. 12 v 7 – 10)
Super-apostle Paul had a “thorn in his flesh”.
We don’t know what it was. But here we have a dramatically-saved, spirit-filled, church leader and apostle with a really big weakness in his life. And God refused to take away.
優れた使徒パウロは“肉体に1つのとげ”をもっていました。それが何だったのか分かりません。しかし、ここに私達は劇的に救われ、聖霊に満たされました。彼の人生は大きな弱さと共に教会のリーダーや使徒として仕えました。神はそのとげをパウロから取り去りませんでした。(私の恵みはあなたに十分であると神は言われた)This isn’t good news. It’s sensational news!
It reaffirms again and again that God uses the weak to achieve great things.
“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1 Cor 1 v 27
So if you think you are unsatisfactory, unusable, unsuitable, unappealing, unable, unworthy, unlikely, unfit, unlearned, unnecessary, unrighteous, unholy, unsophisticated, unstable, unstrung, inadequate, insufficient, ineffective, inept, inarticulate, incoherent, incompetent, incomplete, ineligible, inessential, inexperienced, inferior, inhibited, insecure, insignificant, insipid, limited, deficient, of little faith, bad-breathed or lacking in any other quality (in case I missed some) – I’ve got good news!:
だからあなたが不十分で、使えない、似合わない、魅力の無い、出来ない、値しない、そぐわない、不適当、無教育、不必要、不義、不信心、洗練されていない、不安定、酷く神経質、妥当でない、不足している、無能,下手、口がきけない、支離滅裂、不適格、中途半端、選ばれる資格のない、不必要、未熟、劣っている、おどおどした、危なっかしい、つまらない、おもしろみのない、限られた、欠陥、少しの信仰、悪口臭 やその他にも欠けている者だと思うなら、私は良い知らせをもっています。
God gives grace to the humble (Prov 3 v 34) and strength to the weak.
He says, “My power is made perfect in weakness”. 2 Corinthians 12:9
This is good news.
It’s also ‘bad science’. In the sciences and the social sciences, only the strong survive. The weak do not survive and they certainly don’t thrive. Any other society would crumble if it were weak. Any other community would choose the biggest and strongest to lead. But God’s ways are not man’s ways. By normal reasoning, Israel should never have survived (Abraham, Jacob, Moses). By normal reasoning, Christianity should never have taken off. (12 uneducated disciples left to change the world). By normal reasoning, Jesus should have stayed dead. But he is alive.
God takes the small, the weak, the impossible, and shows His grace and might through them so that we would have no doubt: this is God’s doing.
Let’s finish by focussing on how God might use you.
You might have physical weaknesses あなたには身体的な弱さがあるかもしれません。
– health problems, a stutter, a deformity, or a weird Australian/Californian/? accent.
You might have intellectual weakness. あなたには知的な弱さがあるかもしれません。
Maybe you don’t do well in school. Maybe you’re dyslexic or you’ve got some other condition, or you just never got much of a formal education.
Let me tell you about another guy. He was a meathead. In all of high school he only ever read one book. He cheated the rest of the time. He sat for tests to join the marines but failed four times. They finally decided to let him in anyway and then he failed the physical test. He was hopeless! Then he met Jesus, went through seminary and became a pastor and the author of the book ‘The Fifth Gospel’ which this sermon series is based on.
Let me tell you, there is a difference between academic excellence and wisdom; and there is a difference between between academic weakness and foolishness. 学力的に優秀であるのと知恵とには違いがあります。学力的に弱いのと愚かなのには違いがあります。
There are academic giants who are believers and there are academic giants who are atheists. There are simple people who are believers and there are simple people who are atheists. Intellect matters little.
God says, “We have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16
“What counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:6
You might have emotional weakness. あなたには感情的な弱さがあるかもしれません
But as we submit our emotions before God, His changes in us become powerful testimony.
Emotions must follow our actions, not lead them. 感情は私たちの行動に続くべきで、感情が行動を導いてはいけません。 As we submit our lives to Christ, our emotions start to fall into place, and what was once a weakness can become a strength.
You might have relational weakness. あなたには人間関係において弱さがあるかもしれません。
You might be painfully shy.
あなたはもものすごく恥ずかしがり屋さんかもしれません。You might find mixing with others incredibly stressful. You might simply be what is often referred to as ‘socially awkward’. Rick Warren refers to such people as ‘EGRs’ – Extra Grace Required.
You can be relationally weak and still used by God.
I suspect John the Baptist might have been an EGR – poor fashion, abrasive, in your face. Yet Jesus said there has been no greater man than him.
Finally, you might have spiritual weakness. 最後にあなたには霊的な弱さがあるかもしれません 
You might be new to the faith, you might be old and crusty in your faith, you might have small faith.
Apparently, you only need faith the size of a mustard seed [image] to not only be used by God but to mighty in Him.神にあって強くなるには、からし種の大きさほどの信仰があればいいのです。
Today, I want to encourage you to bring whatever weaknesses you feel you have, and lay them at
今日は私はあなたがたを励ましたいです自分が持っていると思う弱さをたずさえ、十字架の前にさしだすthe cross. I want you to pray about the weaknesses in your life that you feel make you ineffective for Christ.
I’m reminded of the sermon Neville gave here last year. Before the feeding of the 5000, the disciples told Jesus to send the people away. Jesus told the disciples to feed them all. The disciples said that would be impossible because they only had five loaves and two fish and there were 5000 people. Then Jesus uttered the only words that really mattered in the whole episode: “bring them to me”. Jesus took their pitiful offering and fed 5000 people with it.
その時イエスはその状況に関わらず、ただ” 私にそれらを持って来なさい” と発しました。
Today I want to encourage you to bring whatever you’ve got to Jesus. It doesn’t matter how small, feeble or ugly.
If you are weak, you can be a powerful and effective minister for Christ. あなたが弱ければ、キリストのために大いに力があり、効果のある者となれるのです。
