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Home » Mayumi B.

Mayumi B.

1.Why I became a Christian (なぜ私がクリスチャンになったのか)
I think it is not an exaggeration to say that me becoming a Christian was pretty big news for the church this year.


I was never against Christianity and thought that my husband and daughter going to church every Sunday was a good thing, but I resisted his invitations to come to church.


I was not interested in going to church with them because I grew up in a Buddhist home and I am Japanese. I thought that there were many gods from many different religions, not just the Christian God. I also had the image that Christianity was a foreign religion and not for Japanese.

それは、私は日本人だから仏教の教えで育ってきたし、いろんな神様があって、神様はキリスト様だけはではないと思っていましたし、クリスチャン= 外国人の宗教だとうイメージもありました。

Therefore, over the past 10 years, I felt I only had to go to church for potlucks to show support for my family.


I must be honest in saying that pastor’s sermons and other members’ testimonies put me to sleep like a lullaby. I had no interest in going to church until the beginning of this year.


In January of this year, I made a new year’s resolution that I would try to better take care of my family and show my love more strongly. Although I shared this with my family, I did not know how I would do it at that time.


In March, my husband invited me to go to church to see a couple from America preach about Christianity in the family.


I normally would have easily refused his invitation, but because of the resolution I had made in January, I felt I should go.


Once there, I listened to their teaching carefully, and without sleeping this time!


After the service, they came up to me. I felt relief while talking with them because my stubborn thoughts of not wanting to belong to a religion had gone.

そして、その後、彼らが私の所へやって来て 彼らと話をしている内に、私の心の中にある、宗教に属したくないという頑な思いのような物がふと軽くなりました。

They asked me if I would pray with them and told me to repeat after them if I agreed with what they were saying. I agreed to try. Strangely to me, tears spilled out of my eyes like rain when I repeated, what I found out later, was the sinner’s prayer. I could not stop the tears. I also couldn’t figure out why I was crying. I didn’t know whether I was afraid, sad, or happy. It was a strange moment; one that I had never felt before.

悲しいのか、怖いのか? 私が今までに感じた事のない不思議な瞬間でした。後で分かった事ですが、それは、罪人の祈りでした。

This also was the moment my prejudices against Christianity vanished.


From that day, I thought that I should go to church to learn more about Jesus and God.


I thought there must definitely be something important in the Bible that my family and people from all over the world have been learning about for thousands of years.


I had never read the Bible before, so I thought now was the time to read it. I also realized that this might fulfill my new year’s resolution.


Another big reason for learning about Christianity, was that my daughter was going to be baptized that June, so I thought that as a parent, I should better understand it.


As I read the Bible and attended baptism classes under the guidance of Pastor, I finally understood why my husband and my daughter wanted to go to church every Sunday. It also made me realize that I should hurry up and become a Christian.


I am so glad that I was able to get baptized with my daughter. A very special bond was made between us, and this is a day I will never forget. I also now know that it was not by chance. It was the work of God.

2.What my life is like as a Christian(私の人生はクリスチャンとしてどのようなものなのか)
Since becoming a Christian, I realized that a lot of kindness had been given to me from people who were around me. I especially learned this from my husband. I saw lots of kindness and his warm heart in the way he took care of those around him and also by his attitude.

People around me who gave their kindness or warm heart was a gift from God. God wanted to show me that I was missing one of the most important things in life; God’s love. I confessed this to Him and now greatly appreciate His amazing love.


I have figured out that God has a purpose for all of our lives, and we can only discover that purpose by reading the Bible and by learning from other Christians.


The timing for this revelation is different for each of us and can happen at any age.


I came to realize that my husband and daughter had been praying for many years that I would come to know Christ.


I have learned that God is always watching over us and I believe He gives us good things in His timing.


I pray in the name of Jesus, blessings for all of you.
Thank you for listening.


Mayumi B.